May Day March Meeting

May Day March

Young Socialists call on all YS Members to join:

May Day March

Monday, 1st May

  • Make May 1st start of General Strike!
  • TUC must act to support striking nurses and junior doctors!
  • Trade unions must strike to support Palestine & boycott Israel!
  • Kick out Tories now!
  • For world socialist revolution!


12 noon, Clerkenwell Green, EC1R ODU


1pm through Central London to Meeting at 2pm Hercules Pillars Pub, 18 Great Queen Street, WC2B 5DG.


  • Frank Sweeny, WRP General Secretary
  • Aabhinav Tyagi. YS Editor
  • Kye Gbangbola, Truth About Zane Campaign
  • Sadia Kokni Free Julian Assange Campaign
  • Doug Holton, Equity Campaigns Officer
  • Plus other speakers

May Day Poster