Trump threatens to destroy North Korea and warns Iran, Cuba and Venezuela!


PRESIDENT TRUMP began his speech at the UN by immediately patting himself on the back, stating that ‘Fortunately, the United States has done very well since Election Day last November 8th. The stock market is at an all-time high – a record. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before … And it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defence.’

All is well, despite appearances, in the USA – now for the world, says Trump. There it is a different story where ‘each day also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything we cherish and value. Terrorists and extremists have gathered strength and spread to every region of the planet.

‘Rogue regimes represented in this body not only support terrorists but threaten other nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity.’ Trump lauded the post-war Marshall Plan and then outlined the ‘Trump Plan’. He grandly declared: ‘In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch.’ He modestly declared: ‘In America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign. I was elected not to take power, but to give power to the American people, where it belongs.’

He added ‘In foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty. Our government’s first duty is to its people, to our citizens – to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their rights, and to defend their values.’

It turns out that the second duty of the US government is to see to it that the rest of the world does what the USA tells it to do. However, it turns out that the free sovereign people of the world have been taking advantage of the USA.

Trump declared: ‘But we can no longer be taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return.’ The world had better not get in the way of the US ruling class! In fact it should understand just what the USA intends to do to states that do not serve the US government.

He stated: ‘The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based.’ Trump declared that ‘If the righteous many (ie the USA) do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.’

He spelt out that the godly USA, ‘if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea …’ He continued to warn that not only Iran but its people shared the same fate.

‘Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. Will they continue down the path of poverty, bloodshed, and terror? Or will the Iranian people return to the nation’s proud roots as a centre of civilisation, culture, and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again?’

Once again, it is either bend the knee or face nuclear annihilation! Trump then heaped praise on Saudi Arabia, which backs terrorism, saying that, ‘In Saudi Arabia early last year, I was greatly honoured to address the leaders of more than 50 Arab and Muslim nations. We agreed that all responsible nations must work together to confront terrorists and the Islamist extremism that inspires them.’

He also made it clear that the godly USA did not want more refugees, saying that ‘For the cost of resettling one refugee in the United States, we can assist more than 10 in their home region. Out of the goodness of our hearts, we offer financial assistance to hosting countries in the region, and we support recent agreements of the G20 nations that will seek to host refugees as close to their home countries as possible.’

He then verbally dealt with Venezuela and Cuba … and socialism. ‘The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure.’

The professional anti-communist plutocrat concluded: ‘History is asking us whether we are up to the task … We need to defeat the enemies of humanity and unlock the potential of life itself.’ The reality is that the capitalist world is on the brink of another huge banking collapse, and that in every country, including the USA, the working class is on the march, to put an end to capitalism and to go forward to socialism by completing the world socialist revolution that began in Russia in October 1917. Trump’s UN speech constitutes just a minor walk-on part in the death agony of capitalism.