The ‘hard truth’ is that the only way out of the capitalist crisis is through a socialist revolution!


VARIOUS Tory idealogues are in extreme disarray as the capitalist crisis develops rapidly, with the western imperialist powers willing to gamble on a nuclear war with Russia to try to prevent a socialist revolution at home, with policies that involve egging on the Ukraine to attack the Crimea, bringing with it a huge worldwide energy and food price inflation that has reintroduced the people of the most advanced capitalist states to the ‘novelty’ of a starvation diet.

As Janet Daley says in the Sunday Telegraph: ‘Anybody that tells you that there is a readily available solution to the imminent economic crisis is either lying or delusional.’

She continues: ‘But let’s assume that the most dire speculation is accurate and that the immediate future – set to begin in just a few, few months – will bring life threatening fuel poverty, unaffordable increases in food prices, and a collapse in economic growth.’

Daley adds: ‘Much more critical is Russian near monopoly on energy supplies which is an entirely self inflicted weakness for western European countries, a mistake of judgement so apocalyptic that future historians will be at a loss to explain it.’

The good lady declares: ‘There will be a fight to the death between free market dynamism and state socialism the likes of which we have not seen since the end of the cold war.’

She concludes: ‘Help and support will rightly be in need but the end goal must be an economy – and a country – that can rise up from its bed and walk.’

It is to be a country for the most rapacious employers to make their fortunes while the poor and needy are kicked into the gutter.

Don’t say that you have not been warned.

It is now crystal clear that the ruling class in the UK sees a ferocious assault on the working class, to drive it back to the wages and conditions of the 19th century, as the only way to provide the British capitalists with a future.

It is also crystal clear that the working class and its youth cannot simply wait for the ruling class axe to fall on its head. There must be action by the working class to secure its future and a future for the youth and the middle class.

That means that the full strength of the working class must be mobilised, and the TUC must be forced at its September 12th conference to call a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers’ government that will expropriate the bosses and the bankers and bring in a socialist nationalised and planned economy whose function will be to bring in a society whose motto will be: ‘From each according to their ability to each according to their need.’

This is the way forward to complete the world socialist revolution that began in 1917 with the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and then continued in China in 1949 and then Vietnam.

Capitalism is an out-of-date system whose booms always lead to even greater slumps and whose wars of oppression and conquest are its only way to regulate the system and keep the masses of the world in their place – producing wealth for the ruling class to squander without a second’s thought.

The TUC is meeting on Monday 12th September in Brighton.

The RMT and the other trade unions that are involved in major struggles against the bosses must put forward a motion setting the date for a general strike to bring down the Tory government and replace its parliamentary system with Workers Councils of Action to run the country for the benefit of its workers.

For the change to be made permanent, the capitalist state must be destroyed and the power exercised by workers’ Councils of Action with workers having the right to recall and replace them.

The essence of the current crisis is that capitalism is in its death agony and must be overthrown and replaced by a worldwide Socialist Republic.

Capitalism will find a place in the museums while humanity marches forward to the Worldwide Socialist Republic whose essence will be: ‘From Each According to their Ability, to Each According to their Need.’