Syrian Army Has Pro-US ‘Rebels’ On The Run


THE SYRIAN army is now having great successes against the pro-US and Islamic forces that have been seeking to destroy Syria and divide it amongst themselves, including the establishment of an Al-Qaeda-dominated state in the north, bordering Iraq and Turkey.

Syrian troops have liberated urban areas in the Damascus countryside and are driving into Aleppo after recapturing a military base near to Aleppo International Airport.

The Syrian troops were supported by local militia fighters and fighters from Lebanon’s Shiite militant group Hezbollah, who are routing the ‘rebel groups’ including the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and the Al Nusra Front.

The latter have been in action in northern Syria trying to drive the Kurdish people from their homes so that they can establish a caliphate in northern Syria and parts of Iraq and Turkey.

The ‘rebels’ are now split, and much weaker than they were.

Their problem is that the US has been unable to directly invade Syria to complete the job that they began.

The American people plainly told Obama ‘No!’, raising fears that the US president would be removed from office if he ordered intervention.

Obama had to accept Russian and Iranian support which was delivered in the form of the Putin programme to destroy Syria’s chemical armament, and to work for a Geneva conference to end the war and establish peace and a non-Ba’athist government .

This has undermined the ‘rebels’ who now refuse to attend a Geneva conference unless Assad resigns in advance, something that Assad is not prepared to do since he intends to stand for the presidency in any new Syrian elections.

The rebels are now like a ship in a huge storm without an anchor, while the US is mobilising to seek to make a deal to settle the Syrian conflict via an agreement with Russia and Iran.

Putin, who rescued Obama with his plan to disarm Syria of its chemical weaponry, is in favour of a deal that would allow Assad to be replaced by a transitional regime, provided there is an election, while Iran has also made clear that it is not joined at the hip to the Syrian Ba’athists.

This is why John Kerry has flown to Geneva to try and clinch a deal with the Iranian bourgeoisie to allow Iran to have nuclear energy without nuclear weaponry, with an inspection process in place to verify that this is the case, and with a reduction in US sanctions leading to their abolition.

The Iranian and Russian governments are in favour of such an agreement, and so is the US, despite the fact that the Israeli regime is becoming hysterical at the prospect of such a deal, and wants intervention in Syria and war with Iran to wipe out what it sees as its rivals in the region.

Any such deal will have secret clauses and unwritten understandings.

It is obvious that, as part of such a deal, the Obama administration will want Iran to agree to persuade Assad that it is time that he leave the scene to allow the ‘democratic process’ to proceed, and a Syria led by a non-Ba’athist and friendly to Israel and the US to emerge.

There is now the danger that at the point where the pro-US ‘rebels’ are being routed, Russia and Iran will be brought in to play against Assad, to retire his presidency as the price for a US-Iran nuclear deal.

After all, with a rigorous inspection regime in place to ensure that Iran has no nuclear weaponry and with Syria in different hands, the US will have the opportunity to organise a very heavy blow against Iran and settle the Palestinian issue and the question of Lebanon in favour of Israel.

It is clear that the Syrian army will continue its struggle to wipe out the pro-Nato and Al-Qaeda rebels and we wish it full success with this project.

It is also clear that the defeat of world imperialism cannot be entrusted to the Russian or Chinese Stalinists or the Iranian clerics, who are intent on making deals with, not defeating, imperialism.

The issue of the hour is the building of sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International in every country to defeat capitalism and imperialism by organising the victory of the world socialist revolution.