Palestinians are rising up to defend their land and achieve their State of Palestine with its capital Jerusalem!


THE temperature is rising all over the Middle East as US and Israel seek to force the Palestinians to accept the dirty ‘deal of the century’ and hand over their land to Israel, at the same time as Israel and the US have begun to raid pro-Palestinian movements in Iraq.

In an interview with Russian-language Israeli television Channel 9, broadcast on Thursday, Netanyahu was asked whether Israel would operate against Iranian targets in Iraq if needed. He said: ‘We are operating – not just if needed, we are operating in many areas against a state that wants to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and instructed them to do anything necessary to thwart Iran’s plans.’

On Wednesday the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMU) sites in Iraq were attacked. Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi last week ordered all ammunition dumps belonging to the armed forces or paramilitary groups to be moved outside of cities.

He also cancelled all special flight permissions for Iraqi and foreign aircraft, meaning that sorties by the US-led coalition against Iraqi militants, must be cleared in advance by the prime minister.

On Wednesday, second-in-command of the PMU, Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, also blamed the US and Israel for recent explosions at the group’s bases in the Arab country.

‘We have evidence that shows the US has brought four Israeli drones into Iraq,’ he said, adding, the Americans ‘are using the drones to target the PMU and Iraqi bases, rather than targeting the Daesh’ terrorist group.

Meanwhile an Israeli right-wing alliance, Yamina, has unveiled a plan on the construction of more than 100,000 new settler units in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, irrespective of international outcry against the Tel Aviv regime’s land expropriation and settlement expansion policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Yamina proposed on Wednesday the building of over 110,000 new housing units for half a million Israelis.

On July 31, Israeli officials approved the construction of 6,000 new settler units in the West Bank’s Area C, where the Israeli army has full control over the management of resources, planning and construction, and strictly limits Palestinian construction or development to less than one per cent of the area.

Israeli officials have approved plans for the construction of 641 new settler units in Jerusalem al-Quds. Area C accounts for more than 60 per cent of the occupied West Bank, and would form a significant part of a future Palestine state under the so-called two-state solution.

More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds. The Palestinians are to be driven out of Palestine!

The Palestinians are now very angry and determined to spike Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ that will hand their entire homeland to Israel.

President Abbas has reflected this mass anger as is his duty! He addressed a group of Palestinians during his visit to Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah earlier this month, a video of which was uploaded to his Facebook page.

He said: ‘We shall enter Jerusalem — millions of fighters! We shall enter it! All of us, the entire Palestinian people, the entire Arab nation, the Islamic nation, and the Christian nation… They shall all enter Jerusalem,’

He was reacting to the audience who were chanting ‘To Jerusalem we march! Martyrs by the millions!’ He added: ‘No matter how many houses and how many illegal settlements they declare that they plan to build here and there – they shall all be destroyed, Allah willing. They will all go to the garbage bin of history,’ declared Abbas

He then pointed out the ancestors of the Palestinians were the people of ancient Canaan, saying, ‘This land belongs to the people who live on it. It belongs to the Canaanites, who lived here 5,000 years ago. We are the Canaanites!’

He declared ‘We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists. Our martyrs are the martyrs of the homeland.’ The workers of the world especially the UK and the US must give their full support to the Palestinian people. Our enemy is at home, their victory will be our victory!