
Daily editorials from the newspaper

Israel is preparing new Lebanese war

ISRAEL’S armed forces commander, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz, speaking to Israeli High School pupils last week, asked and answered a question rooted in the current...

US Trade Gap Widens As Banks Get Ready For Economic Storm

THE US trade gap widened in January to $44.45bn (£29.53bn) from December’s figure of $38.14bn, the US Commerce Department has reported. Much of the rise...

Coalition Will Not Be Shifted Away From NHS Privatisation

THE Coalition’s ‘blueprint’ for the privatisation of the NHS has suffered a set-back when it became clear last week that even supporters of privatisation...

Hague Beats The War Drums Against Syria

YESTERDAY saw the spectacle of Foreign Secretary Hague complaining that every Jihadist on the planet was heading for Syria, after both he and his...

Justice – Just Another Bourgeois Commodity For Sale

THE Coalition’s ‘Justice Secretary’ Chris Grayling plans to make further savage cuts in the £2bn legal aid bill in England and Wales, to...

Bedroom Tax – a savage assault on the poor and vulnerable

Nothing typifies the vicious war against the poorest and most vulnerable sections of the working class more than the introduction next month of...

No Compromise in the US – Workers must break with Democrats and establish...

US President Barack Obama has signed in a wave of steep spending cuts that will take $85bn (£56bn) from the US federal budget this...

Cameron’s goose is well and truly cooked!

THE Liberal Democrats have won the Eastleigh by-election, with the UK Independence Party pushing the Conservatives into third place, with Labour as also-rans. Mike Thornton...

Coalition Crisis Deepening By The Hour

WHATEVER the outcome of yesterday’s by-election in Eastleigh, it spells disaster for the Tory-led coalition government. Should the LibDems scrape a win over the Tories...

TUC must call a general strike to defend national agreements and stop NHS...

THE NHS trade unions have split with Unison and the RCN voting at the national NHS Staff Council on Tuesday, to support changes that...

Italy ‘Ungovernable’

THE bourgeoisie of Europe woke up on Tuesday morning to discover, to their horror, headlines proclaiming that the third largest economy in Europe had...

TUC appeal to Osborne – a conscious act of treachery

IN January the European Trades Union Confederation (ETUC) issued the call for trade unionists across the continent to rally on the eve of the...

UK loses AAA credit rating

Late last Friday, Moody’s Investors Service, one of the world’s three main credit rating agencies, downgraded the sovereign credit rating of the UK and...

Obama is encouraging Japanese nationalism and militarism

THE new Japanese Premier, Shinzo Abe, is now in Washington in talks with President Obama, who declared last year that confronting China in the...

THE BANK looks to inflation to pauperise the workers and Middle Class

THE pound fell sharply on Wednesday against both the dollar and the euro as the money markets were shaken to the core by the...


On Tuesday, NHS North West London announced that it would close A&E departments at Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Central Middlesex and Ealing Hospitals. Two million west...

After the BA battle ‘pirate Walsh’ seeks to shut down Iberia, sacking 3,800!

IAG chairman Walsh plans to axe 3,800 jobs – a fifth of the Spanish Iberia airline’s workforce – in a country where unemployment is...

A police-Fire Service merger is a Tory plan to destroy FBU and reorganise state...

THE news that has emerged that the Tory police and crime commissioner for Northamptonshire, Adam Simmonds, has been in secret talks for twelve weeks...

PFI, Foundation Trusts and £20bn of Tory cuts are preparing NHS closures & privatisation

FIGURES publicised by Labour’s shadow health secretary, Andy Burnham, have shown that one third of England’s hospitals have been completely full at some time...

Please help us – Hague appeals to Russia & China!

SPEAKING at the Royal United Services Institute on Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Hague reported that: ‘On January 16th, a terrorist group linked to Al...

St Valentine’s Day Massacre of eurozone economy

OFFICIAL figures released yesterday show that the economy of the 17 nations that comprise the eurozone suffered an overall crash of 0.6% in the...

Obama Looking For ‘Partners’

PRESIDENT OBAMA’S annual State of the Union speech was dominated by the internal situation of US capitalism, and his search for Republican partners...

Drive to bring local performance-related pay into the NHS must be defeated

THE chief executive of the Foundation Trust Network (FTN) Chris Hopson, representing more than 200 NHS trusts across England, has called for the ripping...

Horsemeat Scandal

What started off last month as news, that traces of horsemeat DNA had been discovered by the Irish Food Standards agency in some supermarket beefburgers,...

Hunt trying to assassinate the NHS!

JEREMY HUNT, who did a stint as a very pro-Murdoch Culture Secretary, was reshuffled out of that job and became Health Secretary as a...

The madness of NHS and Fire Service privatisation!

STEWART Jackson MP, a senior Member of the Committee of Public Accounts and the Tory MP for Peterborough, yesterday indicted his own government stating:...

Gove humiliated but remains in office

TORY education secretary Michael Gove suffered a humiliating defeat on Thursday when he was forced to drop his flagship proposal to replace GCSEs with the...

Francis report will be used to impose mass hospital closures

NHS staff should face prosecution if they are not open and honest about mistakes, according to the public inquiry into failings at Stafford Hospital. In...

50% rise in SA farmworkers’ wages is just the start!

THE Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU) has welcomed, as a ‘short term victory’, an increase in the minimum wage for farmworkers from R69...

Osborne’s capitulation to banks

Yesterday the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, introduced legislation on banking reforms – reforms which he is desperately trying to insist will prevent the continuing...

Council of Action takes up the challenge to defend NHS

THE News Line congratulates the North East London Council of Action for its march through Enfield on Saturday and its occupation of Chase Farm...

Occupy to stop hospital closures – trade unions must bring down the Coalition with...

IN THE UK at the moment there are dozens of District General Hospitals – some of the best in the world – set for...

Victory To Syria – Down With The US, UK And Israel

THE unprovoked air strike by Israeli forces on a scientific research centre on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus is the opening shot...

Petrol Market Working Well, Says The Oft

WITH petrol poised to rise to £7.40 a gallon, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has intervened to rub salt into the gaping wounds...

Egyptian Army Mobilises For Military Coup

GENERAL Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt’s army chief, whose force is paid for by the United States, has warned that the current political crisis ‘could...

Wild optimism at Davos

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum at the Swiss ski resort of Davos, ended last Saturday. The four days of the forum...

Blockade the oil refineries and nationalise the oil industry to slash petrol prices

THE Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) has just warned that we are rapidly heading for a petrol price of £7.40 a gallon, a catastrophe that...

Defend The NHS, The Fire Service & The Welfare State By Bringing Down The...

THE response of the Tory-LibDem government to the greatest ever crisis of the capitalist system has been to try to force the working class,...

Occupy To Stop The Closure Of Hospitals And Fire Stations

A STARK reminder of what the real face of privatisation means for the public services has been provided this week with the revelation that...

King warns Carney and Coalition – don’t open inflationary floodgates

BANK of England Governor King is going into retirement a worried man – that his successor, the Canadian banker Carney in alliance with a...

Obama’s Second Coming – Full Of Empty Words

OBAMA began his second term on Monday, after four years of office which saw GM and other motor car giants go bust, Lehman Brothers...

Imperialism opens gates of hell in North Africa

TORY prime minister David Cameron has promised that British imperialism is prepared to wage a war lasting decades throughout Africa and the Middle East...

Japan under US protection says Clinton

CHINA has condemned the latest comments made by the United States over the disputed Diaoyu Islands in which Hillary Clinton said that Japan is...

Puppet master Obama gives puppet Cameron’s strings a tweak

THE White House on Thursday issued a ‘Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom’. The record of the phone...

Only Gold Is Money, The Rest Is Paper Masquerading As Money

WEDNESDAY’S announcement by the German central bank (Bundesbank) that it was going to physically repatriate its vast gold holdings from New York and Paris...