French Stalinists step in to help Sarkozy
OVER a million French civil servants went on strike yesterday, joining the hundreds of thousands of railworkers, busworkers and gas and electricity workers who...
Pna And Fatah Want To Disarm Fighters
ONE can now see why the Zionists and the US government were so keen to get rid of Yasser Arafat. He not only refused to...
Northern Rock crisis coming to a head
THE collapse of the US sub-prime market has produced a major banking crisis in the UK, which has seen the Northern Rock bank being...
Bush plans coming unstuck in Pakistan
PRESIDENT Musharraf swore in a new caretaker puppet government yesterday to lead crisis-hit Pakistan towards rigged elections in January, when demonstrations and all rallies...
French workers press forward as Stalinists retreat
MASS meetings of rail and transport workers were voting in France yesterday to continue their strike actions in defence of pensions. The RATP...
French workers move to bring down Sarkozy regime!
YESTERDAY, the French railworkers’ trade unions began their indefinite strike action, to defeat the attempts of the Sarkozy regime to destroy their pension agreements,...
Bankrupt Brown speaks to the City of London
GORDON Brown began his Mansion House speech to the City of London on Monday night with a ringing but empty declaration. He said: ‘I want...
Government determined to destroy District General Hospitals
THE HSJ (Health Service Journal) has done a service to the NHS, and its tens of millions of users. It has revealed just how...
Crunch Time For The British Banks
BOTH the HSBC and Barclays banks along with the Royal Bank of Scotland have suffered major share losses in the past week, as investors...
Support Chagos Islanders’ right to return!
TODAY’S picket of 10 Downing Street by the Chagos Islanders and their supporters is a vital one. They are demanding that the Prime Minister, Gordon...
Discontented generals enter into politics
THE formation of the United Kingdom National Defence Association (UKNDA) led by ex-chiefs of the general staff and politicians such as David Owen is...
Bank and government split as crisis deepens
THE decision of the governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King to name and shame the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Darling, as...
More and more repression in Brown’s Queen’s Speech
THE Queen’s Speech yesterday outlined yet more attacks in the coming parliament on workers and youth in Britain by the Brown government, alongside a...
Balls’ conscription for 16 to 18 year olds
SCHOOLS Secretary and chairman of the Fabian Society Ed Balls, has already made his mark in Britain. Before he became a minister he was part...
Mass arrests in Pakistan – general elections ‘postponed’
GENERAL Pervez Musharraf has carried out his second military coup. The first made him president, and last weekend’s, in his own words, ‘prevented the...
Lesson of De Menezes murder – break up police death squads!
AT the moment it looks as if a fierce battle is being fought between the Labour government and the opposition parties over the fate...
Answer capitalist crisis with a socialist revolution
ON Wednesday the world capitalist crisis deepened after the US Federal Reserve cut its interest rate from 4.75 per cent to 4.50...
Brown outlines new attack on teachers and state education!
‘IN the past those who had the raw material – the coal, the oil and the basic commodities, or the infrastructure – the ports...
Unison Leaders Betray Their Members!
AT the September Labour Party and TUC conferences the trade union leaders, amongst them the leaders of the UNISON trade union, made out that...
Housing crash on the way!
THE latest Bank of England figures show that the number of new mortgages being given to house buyers has fallen by 20 per cent...
Raising the white flag over Basra airfield
THE rotting reality behind Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s spin concerning the ‘reconfiguration’ of British troops in southern Iraq is the complete demoralisation of the...
US attacks Iran, Russia and China
IRAN has responded with a heroic defiance to the new economic sanctions imposed by the US ruling class that target its military defence, the...
Israel To Cut Off Gaza Power
ISRAEL’S defence minister is once again preparing to approve cuts in the supply of electricity and fuel to Gaza, to try once again to...
85 Million Brits By 2081!
IN the recent period the government, the Bank of England and the employers have been glorying in the fact that the enlargement of the...
Israelis wound hundreds in attack on Kitziot prisoners
WHILE Olmert and Bush have been, and are, posing as peacemakers with their forthcoming fraud of a peace conference, a most violent and vicious...
Throw out the deal – build a new leadership in the CWU
AFTER around eight or so weeks of secret negotiations – on-off-on talks – the CWU postal executive has capitulated to the Hayes Ward leadership,...
Shares crashing as oil nears $100 a barrel
THE US dollar is reeling against the euro. The US sub-mortgage crisis is deepening, with housing starts down by 10 per cent in September, while...
End CWU paralysis – reinstate strike actions!
KARL MARX wrote in his masterpiece ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte’ that ‘Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur,...
Unions Must Fight Savage Bbc Job Cuts
THE BBC backed up by the Brown government is set to ride roughshod over its workforce pushing through 2,700 job cuts, with up...
Turkey Poised To Invade Northern Iraq
THE Turkish army is poised to invade northern Iraq in order to respond to PKK (Kurdish Workers Party) attacks on its troops, which...
Capitalist crisis – Big bank losses and oil over $86
DESPITE having seen Northern Rock share prices crash by 60 per cent, queues of depositors outside branches taking out £2bn of their savings and...
NHS 2007: Pull your own teeth out!
EVERY day Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Health Secretary Alan Johnson churn out propaganda about ‘improving’ the National Health Service (NHS) and people’s...
Reject postal sell-out deal!
THE reply of the leaders of the CWU postal workers union, Billy Hayes and Dave Ward, to the injunction obtained by the ruthless Royal...
Gates and Rice go calling on Putin
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin threatened on Friday in talks with top US administration officials, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates,...
Put Blair and Brown in the dock over C.difficile deaths
THE blood price paid by the public for the running of the NHS as a business, with the private sector at its centre and...
Postal workers are standing up to management bullies
POSTAL workers in towns and cities all over the UK were forced out on unofficial strike yesterday morning when management sought to impose the...
Blair Demands More Police State Measures
AT A TIME when his office is on trial over the state execution of Jean Charles de Menezes, Metropolitan Police chief Sir Ian Blair...
Brown Threatens Royal Mail Funding!
AT THE CWU rally at Central Hall yesterday afternoon, CWU leader Billy Hayes presented a successful outcome of the postal workers struggle as relying...
Brown To Support US Air Strikes On Iran
YESTERDAY the bourgeois media reported that Britain’s Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who came to office pledging that the UK would cease to be Bush’s...
Take the PCS civil servants up on ‘full support’ offer
LAST THURSDAY at 2pm as the postal workers came out on their 48-hour strike, the PCS civil service union sent a special message to...
Snap General Election Farce!
LABOUR Prime Minister Brown, a cautious and bumbling, conservative politician, is due to decide this weekend whether to take a big gamble and call...
De Menezes murder not a crime says state
THE current farce that is being played out, of trying a police death squad under the health and safety laws, is not only a...
Banks declare record indebtedness as gold and Wall Street shares reach record highs
THE US banks are now having to declare their indebtedness. Citigroup has lost $6 billion in a third quarter of this year write down, as...
Pentagon launches Africa command centre
AS PAY negotiations between the American car giants General Motors (GM) and Ford, and the United Auto Workers (UAW) have reached a critical point,...
Bush & Brown move in to exploit protests in Myanmar
UNITED States President George Bush declared at the end of last week: ‘I call on all nations that have influence with the (Myanmar) regime...