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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Labour stands by crumbling capitalism to the end

ON Monday Chancellor Darling opened his pre-budget report with a piece of cheerful idiocy, saying that he was ‘confident that the UK, as an...

Brown and Darling saving the bosses by savaging the workers

AS is his way, the Prime Minister addressed the CBI bosses organisation yesterday, just hours before his Chancellor was due to declare to the...

Brown Trying To Buy Time For Capitalism

LAST week a Tory MP had to apologise to the House of Commons because he had said that the government should ‘let the recession...

Capitalism is a broken system – nationalise the banks and the car industry

British Banks have been recapitalised by the working class, who were not consulted by the government before the Prime Minister took the decision...

Obama’s War Being Stepped Up

THE government of Pakistan yesterday summoned the US ambassador to Islamabad to protest at yet another US drone missile attack on Pakistani civilians. ...

Nationalise The Motor Car Industry

US and European car employers yesterday warned that ‘their’ industry faced wipeout, ‘victims’ of the slump in the motor car industry and the financial...

Obama allies with Clinton and McCain, and ignores the unions

US WORKERS will be asking themselves what the recent presidential election campaign was all about when Obama was fighting for change and saying that...

Take action to defend jobs. Occupy and organise a general strike!

FACED with the crash of the pound and the enormous 182,000 leap in the number of unemployed in the three months to October, the...

Al-Sadr Calls To End US Occupation Of Iraq

THE White House has finally endorsed the text of the US-Iraq unequal treaty that will allow the US to keep 150,000 troops in Iraq...

The GMB understands the need for redundancies

JCB has announced 400 more redundancies, blaming a ‘significant’ reduction in incoming orders. The redundancies are made up of 297 shop floor jobs and 101...

Nationalise the major industries to defend jobs

GERMANY, the world’s biggest exporter of commodities, and the strong man of the EU, has begun to slump with government figures showing that its...


The Bank of England governor Mervyn King yesterday admitted that the UK entered a recession in the middle of 2008. Stunned by the...

Nationalise car industry and the banks to defend all jobs

GLOBAL action to save the motor industry from crisis, and above all to stave off bankruptcy at General Motors, has been urged by Unite...

Defend Council Housing – Bring Down The Brown Government

FOR SOME time Labour has been promoting the theme that the very idea of a job for life is reactionary, and has been glorifying...

British Military Opposes Any Petraeus Surge In Afghanistan

GENERAL Petraeus is now the commander of all NATO forces in Afghanistan, and has declared that he intends to organise a NATO ‘surge’ in...

Jobs And War Crisis Piles Up For Obama

YESTERDAY afternoon Barack Obama was in discussion with his economic advisers and with his allies as the crisis of US imperialism intensified on the...

Obama selects his bourgeois team to save US capitalism

BARACK OBAMA has just been elected by an explosion of popular support and anger that has united the working class and brought the majority...

BARACK OBAMA: ‘Change has come to America!’

BARACK Obama, the Democratic Party candidate, was elected the 44th President of the United States of America on Tuesday, with an overwhelming vote giving...

Johnson’s new attack to break up the NHS

LABOUR’S Health Secretary Alan Johnson announced plans yesterday to allow well-off patients to make so-called ‘co-payments’ for drugs and extra treatments, while still receiving...

Defend every job, bring down the Brown government, forward to socialism

LLOYDS stated yesterday that its takeover of HBOS would save it at least £1.5bn a year, more than it had been expecting, which all...

Brown Loves Bankers But Attacks Single Parents

AT the same time as the Brown government continues to spend hundreds of billions to ‘preserve’ the bankers and the capitalist system, his government...

Oligarchs Go Bust As World Crisis Hits Home

Russia’s super-rich oligarchs, who made their fortunes by stealing or purchasing for a pittance chunks of the Soviet nationalised and planned economy under the...


THE International Committee of the Red Cross has issued a damning report that millions of Iraqis’ lives are threatened by foul water and diseases...

Labour launches army provocation in the north

THE ‘Home Coming’ British Army ‘welcome home’ parade being mounted in the centre of Belfast this Sunday, in which a number of British army...

The Bank Of England Drops Its Debt Bombshell

THE world’s banks have now lost £1.8 trillion the Bank of England has reported in its Financial Stability Report. This is as a result of...

American Terrorists Launch Murderous Attack On Syria

SYRIA has protested angrily to both the US and Iraq after a terror raid by four US helicopters inside its territory killed eight Syrian...

British Capitalism At The Centre Of The Capitalist Crisis

THE worldwide capitalist crisis drove the pound down on Friday into an unprecedented collapse. The pound slumped 9.6 US cents to $1.52 at...

The Trade Unions Must Defend Every Job!

THE London and New York stock markets were in free fall yesterday, losing hundreds of points, with tens of billions of dollars and pounds...

SA hunger can only be ended by a socialist revolution

ONE in four South Africans are unemployed, and poverty is rife eighteen years after the release of Nelson Mandela and 14 years after he...

Law lords rule for US imperialism to keep the Chagossians in exile

THE House of Lords appeal court yesterday reversed the three decisions taken by seven senior judges, in previous court hearings, that the Chagos Islanders...

Brown, Keynes and revolution

AFTER actively assisting in the creation of trillions of debt, and showing its contempt for the concept of value by selling almost half of...

Labour is going to bring a co-payment system into the NHS

AS the economic crisis deepens, the drive to privatise the NHS is being stepped up on a number of fronts. One is the growing...

Labour Becomes The Anti-Immigrants Party

THE number of immigrants allowed into the UK under the current ‘points system’ will have to be reduced because of the economic crisis, and...

Iraqi Masses To March Against Deal To Extend US Mandate

US defence chief Robert Gates has been briefing US politicians on the proposal to extend the US mandate in Iraq. This expires this December...

US Steps Up Missile Attacks On Pakistan

WITH the world’s attention focussed on the capitalist crisis, the US military have unleashed a series of massive attacks on the Afghan and Pakistani...

To fight mass unemployment bring down Brown government

The number of UK unemployed rose by 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, taking the official unemployment rate to 5.7% from...

Union leaders in Brown’s top pocket

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure leapt from 4.7% in August to 5.2% in December, with the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which includes the...

No sackings, or wage ‘holidays’ for bankrupt banks and councils

YESTERDAY the Brown government was emphasising that it had no interest in running the three banks that it was ‘part-nationalising’ (rescuing) with £37bn of...

The Capitalist System Deserves To Perish

THE run on shares last Friday, particularly bank shares, devastated capitalists and capitalism. The Royal Bank of Scotland saw its shares crash by 25 per...

Northern Ireland – Massive NHS Cuts On The Agenda

MORE THAN 700 nursing posts are under threat in Northern Ireland as part of wider plans to cut almost 2,500 health service jobs over...

Get rid of bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism!

CHANCELLOR Darling flew to the US yesterday to meet with fellow finance ministers, and Federal Treasury Secretary Paulson, for the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting. Yesterday...

brown proposes to rob the workers to rescue the bankers

YESTERDAY saw the big international push get under way to try to rescue the bankers of the world from the crisis of their capitalist...

Afghan Fall Out – Gates Attacks UK Defeatists

US Defence Secretary Gates has condemned as ‘defeatist’ a comment by the British commander in Afghanistan that the war there cannot be won. Speaking...

Police Have No Regrets And No Remorse Say de Menezes Family

THE Metropolitan Police chief, Blair, has already gone, his going made inevitable by the disgraceful attitude that he took to the police murder of...

Brown’s National Economic Council ‘war cabinet’ will be making war on the workers

‘WE have agreed to make a solemn engagement as heads of state and government to support banking and financial institutions faced with the crisis,’...