OPCW aided Douma cover-up and the massive imperialist air strike that was launched by Trump, France and the UK!


A JUST-LEAKED report by the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) engineers contradicts the chemical watchdog’s official report on the April 2018 ‘chemical’ attack on Douma in Syria that was blamed on President Assad.

The claim by terrorist organisations that the Syrian armed forces were the attacker was the signal for US President Trump to organise a massive cruise missile attack on Syria, an attack that was supported by the UK and France, and brought the world to the brink of a major imperialist intervention into Syria, and World War Three.

In April 2018, as Syrian government forces recaptured the city of Douma from Islamist militants, the ‘White Helmets’, the UK sponsored pro-terrorist front, claimed there had been a chemical attack with chlorine and sarin gas that killed over 40 people.

Not waiting for UN investigators to reach the site, the US, UK and France launched airstrikes against Syrian government positions and declared President Bashar al-Assad was to blame.

The UN investigators arrived just two days after the Cruise missile assault.

In its final report on the incident, published in March 2019, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found no sarin gas, but covered up for the imperialists saying that cylinders with ‘molecular chlorine’ were dropped by the Syrian air force.

The report cited unnamed, unspecified external ‘experts’, for their conclusion.

However, we now know that there was another report, by OPCW engineers, that challenged these conclusions – and that this report was never included in the final document.

This report was leaked last week to the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, a group of independent scholars and researchers that have been highly sceptical of official pro-imperialist narratives about the Syrian conflict that are pushed by Islamist terrorist movements and the Western governments that support them.

‘We have confirmation from multiple sources that it is authentic,’ said Dr Piers Robinson, Co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies and convenor of the Working Group on Syria.

The most important finding of the leaked engineering report is that the gas cylinders used in the attack were more likely to have been placed by hand, implicating the militants, and not the Syrian government – destroying the official narrative.

‘In summary, observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from an aircraft.’

Robinson says that the OPCW is not denying the document’s authenticity either, only trying to break the link between it and the final report by the fact-finding mission.

‘The OPCW FFM final report was not signed off. No one’s name was put to it. That is very unusual for OPCW final reports,’ Robinson said.

He pointed out that instead of the internal engineering report, it included expertise by ‘obscure, unnamed, anonymous organisations’, leaving questions about who exactly is behind the watchdog’s conclusions.

Robinson said he would like to know ‘what kind of political pressure might have been brought to bear on the OCPW’ by Paris, London and Washington to suppress an internal engineering report in favour of one produced by unspecified outsiders.

The OPCW clearly submitted to the pressure of the imperialist powers. They launched a major bomb and missile attack on Syria as soon as the claims were made, just two days before UN investigators reached the site.

The actual atrocity in Douma still needs to be fully and properly investigated and the imperialists who rushed to bomb and blast Syria in support of President Trump need to be charged with war crimes at The Hague Tribunal.

‘It is hard to overstate the significance of this revelation. The war-machine has now been caught red-handed in a staged chemical weapons attack for the purposes of deceiving our democracies into what could have turned into a full-scale war amongst the great-powers,’ commented George Galloway.

Galloway is correct. However, the only way to stop the war drive of the imperialist powers is to smash them through the victory of the world socialist revolution.