Labour to match the Tories cut for cut!


‘BUT my argument starts by recognising that tough times will continue,’ said Labour leader Miliband yesterday on his policy for dealing with the crisis.

He continued to show that this meant that Labour will be matching the Tories cut for cut, with the only difference being a fake argument about whose cuts are the fairer.

He blamed the government for this prospect, saying: ‘The government wanted to eliminate the deficit before the next election. That was the foundation on which their entire programme was built.

But they didn’t understand that you can only eliminate the deficit if the economy is growing. So they failed.’ This meant that the next Labour regime, if it stood by crisis-ridden capitalism, would have to carry on with the savage austerity programme.

Miliband told his audience: ‘The failure of George Osborne’s economic policy creates a different landscape for the 2015 General Election and whoever wins it. Whoever is the next Prime Minister will still have a deficit to reduce, and will not have money to spend. Whoever governs after 2015 will have to find more savings. It means that the Blair-Brown approach will not be enough. Those governments achieved great things . . . Next time we come back to power, it will be different. We will be handed a deficit. We will have to make difficult choices that all of us wish we did not have to make.’

In fact, the Blair-Brown governments were ‘fool’s gold’ governments who believed that value was just a pretence, and that they could safely sell almost a half of the country’s gold reserves for euros!

The gold that they sold is now worth up to a hundred times more than the sum of the pieces of paper that they obtained for it.

With the Miliband brothers deeply involved in the action, Labour decided that the economy could flourish on the basis of the middle class acquiring some £2 trillion of credit card debt, which placed millions of people into the clutches of the banks.

Miliband has abandoned this policy in favour of savage cuts and austerity measures, disguised with a thin fairness camouflage. Labour is now in the business of putting value back into capitalism by starving the working class and the middle class.

The working class are to be treated like idiots, and told that Labour’s savage cuts are fairer than Tory cuts!

This is tripe. Labour bailed out the RBS and other bankers, allowed them to have huge bonuses and they will do the same again, since it is the banking class and the bosses that make up the ruling class and have the power in their hands.

Again, it is a matter of record that under 13 years of Labour rule, the gap between the rich and the poor became enormous, with bosses’ servants such as Blair, emerging out of it all as multi-millionaires.

Blair and Brown served the capitalists in a period of the most stupid inflationary surge. Miliband and Balls are serving them in a period when savage cuts are the required medicine for the working class and the middle class.

Miliband continued with his fairness mask dropping: ‘It’s Labour’s responsibility to find a new approach for tough times. So we will be a different party from the one we were in the past. A changed Labour Party. The ideas which won three elections between 1997 and 2005 won’t be the ideas which will win the election in 2015.’

Miliband’s talk about dealing with vested interests is just talk. The ruling class holds the power and he knows that if he does not serve the master class he will be squashed.

In fact, Miliband will be told by the ruling class that the best way to show that he is serious about the crisis is to take on the trade unions and denounce any further strike actions as treason.

Miliband will do just that. He will do as the ruling class tells him, especially since he will be trying to save capitalism in a period where the euro, the Eurozone and the EU will be collapsing like rubble.

Miliband and Cameron are now inseparably connected by their need to save capitalism. Drastic measures will be required. In fact, the prospect is that as the crisis deepens Miliband and Co will join the coalition and impose Greek style austerity measures to save UK capitalism and the pound sterling.

More and more workers recognise that there is only one way out of the crisis and that is a socialist revolution to put an end to bankrupt capitalism and go forward to socialism – and the sooner the better.