Labour plans to criminalise the entire working class


THE government is planning ‘behaviour orders’ for people considered to be at risk of committing a violent crime.

Class prejudice, ie racial and working class profiling is to rule, with those found to be guilty of some future crime finding themselves punished in advance by having a curfew inflicted on them, or permanent house arrest, or permanent electronic tagging.

We say permanent because once the deviant type has been discovered, the god fearing section of the public, the ruling class exploiters and their hooray henry sons, and drunken, drug ridden daughters will have to be protected for life from the deviants.

Since New Labour delights at posing as starting from the beginning of the problem, before the inherently criminal comes into the world, it is only a matter of time before its zealots discover that the best way to deal with those families that hand down the not required profile from generation to generation – is to extirpate them while still in the womb.

Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, the man who gave the go ahead for the mass slaughter of Iraqis by saying that their slaughter would be legal, said yesterday that the proposed orders will not be an infringement on individual freedoms because there must be evidence before they are issued.

He told BBC News: ‘If there’s evidence that you could commit a violent offence in the future, proper evidence of that proved in a court, then why shouldn’t you be restrained from committing that violent offence.’

Babies who throw their toys out of the pram, or howl indecipherable abuse at their parents will have to be careful that the Lord Chancellor does not hear about it, since he is liable to have them committed to a secure nursery for future criminal offenders.

What is the root of the chronic fear that is running through the ruling class and its political representation to the point where they have to criminalise millions and replace repression and repressive laws, with more repressive laws and then with even more repressive laws?

The source is the disintegration of British imperialism. It once ruled the world but today doubts whether it has the strength even to preserve the UK and the 1704 union.

It is fearful even of children in hoods.

Abroad it faces generations of war with the oppressed nations to grab their resources, all masked by the crusader cross, and the so called struggle against Islamic fanaticism.

At home it has to smash the welfare state, and lower living standards below the point where this can be borne by the population without massive resistance, to bring in a cheap labour, completely deregulated, state. It doubts whether it can do it, and has nightmares about its world coming to an end. It starts locking away and tagging children.

When it looks at how Blair has fared in his struggle to remake the world, how he has been crushed by it, and is soon to be tossed aside like a used and dirty rag, it seeks protection and revenge for its weakness by seeking to ban the working class, and criminalise its youth, tying them up like the Lilliputians tried to tie up the giant Gulliver.

Yet which is the violent class in society? Which class deserves to perish? Without a doubt it is the bourgeoisie and its political and military servants.

These are the church goers that lied their way to war in Iraq and slaughtered 650,000 Iraqi men, women and children without even blinking.

Its broken leaders Bush and Blair have declared they are for a generation of war, a war for resources. Already the US is shifting its planes, Patriot missiles, aircraft carriers, and Cruise missile launching destroyers to the Gulf for the coming war against Iran.

They intend to wade up to their necks in the blood of the oppressed nations, so that they can grab the resources of the Middle East and Central Asia.

These are the people who have organised their policemen and psychologists to examine the working class for potentially violent people!

However, they have very good reason to fear the working class. Marx long ago indentified the working class as the gravedigger of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. The gravedigger has now begun to move into action. It will bury the most violent class in the history of class society, the bourgeoisie, with a socialist revolution.