Assad the main enemy, not IS say the US, France and the UK!


ON Tuesday morning in New York President Putin said that determining the fate of Syria should be in the hands of the Syrians, adding: ‘I have a great respect for my colleagues – for the American and for the French. But they are, as far as I know, not citizens of the Syrian Arab Republic, therefore they hardly should be involved in determining the fate of authority in another state. After all it’s the business of the Syrians.’

Of course he is completely correct. In the various speeches that have been made, both Obama and Hollande have made it perfectly clear that, as far as they are concerned, Assad is the main enemy and Baathist Syria has to be destroyed as were Baathist Iraq and nationalist Libya.

In fact in his speech to the UN General Assembly Putin remarked about the IS: ‘In fact, the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes.’

He added to the imperialist leaders: ‘It is equally irresponsible to manipulate extremist groups and use them to achieve your political goals, hoping that later you’ll find a way to get rid of them or somehow eliminate them.’

Both Obama and Hollande are insisting that Assad has to go and that IS cannot be dealt with until Assad has been disposed of. Cameron is currently travelling in the wake of these two anti-Assad fighters and has even been overshadowed by them at the Assembly.

Speaking to the Assembly, Putin urged: ‘We should finally admit that President Assad’s government forces and the Kurdish militia are the only forces really fighting terrorists in Syria. Yes, we are aware of all the problems and conflicts in the region, but we definitely have to consider the actual situation on the ground.’

He also warned that unless this was done the refugee crisis would become much bigger: ‘There are hundreds of thousands of them now and, before long, there might be millions . . . if IS is tolerated.’

None of this made any difference to the representatives of imperialism.

Hollande stated: ‘Bashar al-Assad cannot be incorporated in this process. It is impossible to make the victim and the executioner work together.’

Obama stated: ‘The United States is ready to cooperate with any country, including Russia and Iran, to find a solution to the Syrian conflict . . . But we must recognise there cannot be after so much bloodshed, so much carnage, a return to the pre-war status quo.’

There must be regime change is the position of the imperialist powers. Once this is accomplished they will no doubt prepare for a war with Iran in the knowledge that it does not have any wmds. They will also pack-off all the Islamists to the Caucasus and southern Russia to begin their mayhem there, following the pattern of operations that led to the CIA establishing Al Qaeda to fight the Red Army in Afghanistan.

There is no doubt that the Kiev coup was just the start of the imperialist offensive to batter down Russia to undo the great gains made by the 1917 Russian Revolution. This start will be strengthened by major Islamist operations in southern Russia once Assad is down and Syria is no longer a threat to Israel and other imperialist agents such as Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.

It is therefore in the interest of the Russian people, the Arab peoples, especially the people of the Lebanon and Palestine, and the working people of the world, to maintain the Assad regime in power until the Syrian people decide that this should not be the case. Russia is correct to arm and strengthen the Syrian Army in the face of this imperialist assault.

In fact this developing crisis is the clearest possible expression of the fact that no people will be able to live in security and safety until capitalism and imperialism have ben smashed and replaced by world socialism.

This is why the workers of the EU and the US must take action against their own governments to stop the war in Syria and to prevent new wars by overthrowing US and UK capitalism and replacing both with socialism!