Cameron’s Permanent War On Workers


‘TODAY the biggest challenge we face is economic,’ Cameron told his audience of City of London bosses on Monday night at the Lord Mayor’s no expense spared banquet.

He added, unveiling the crisis of British imperialism, ‘Of course, Britain has recovered from recessions and financial crashes before. But this time there is a difference. In the past, there was an assumption that the West would still emerge as the strongest in the world. Whether it was the 1930s or the 1970s, it was clear we were still the ones with the biggest industrial base, still the ones with the ideas, with the scale of market, with the climate for enterprise, the money and the skills to trump them all.’

His nightmare is: ‘As the number of university places surges in India, as China creates more patents than any other country in the world . . . and as Brazil becomes the world’s first sustainable biofuels economy, people ask the question, will they be the winners and we be the losers?

‘I believe we need to say a very firm “no”.’

The leader of British imperialism fears that its hour has come and that what it faces in the future is role reversal with countries like Brazil, India and China – which it once oppressed!

He further cautions: ‘But we should be under no illusion; success is far from guaranteed.

‘So how do we succeed?’

His fundamental answer is to make war on the working class, the middle class and the poor and drive them and their living standards back a century or more to a time time when Britain was ‘great’, and workers were old at 40 years of age.

He said it is a ‘pretence that the answer is spending and borrowing more on an ever bigger State in an attempt to somehow insulate ourselves from the global competition.

‘And at the other extreme, there’s embracing globalisation so enthusiastically and unquestioningly that we actually lose sight of our true national interest.’

Britain is to retreat to its island fortress, and practice permanent austerity politics, while keeping one foot in the EU.

Cameron said: ‘We can’t simply try and rebuild the same type of economy that we had before the crash. We can’t just go back to how things used to be.’ The message is that there is to be no new boom for the working class and the middle class.

He added: ‘Let’s be clear. The single biggest threat to the cost of living in this country is if our budget deficit and debts get out of control again.

‘If interest rates and mortgage rates start to soar, the increase in cost of living will far outweigh the impact of any increase in government spending or indeed reduction in taxation.

‘This government is not prepared to let that happen.

‘We have a plan – and we are carefully implementing that plan.

‘Already we have cut the deficit by a third. And we are sticking to the task. But that doesn’t just mean making difficult decisions on public spending.

‘It also means something more profound. It means building a leaner, more efficient state. We need to do more with less. Not just now, but permanently.’

Cameron continued from his permanent war against the working class to condemn free school meals saying: ‘64 per cent of children on free school meals don’t get five good GCSEs with English and Maths.’

Presumably, if the school did not provide a free meal, a meal which parents cannot afford to buy for their children, they would pass all their GCSEs proving that starvation works.

He stated: ‘But an economy for everyone means more than great education.’ It turns out that this means the abolition of the Welfare State.

He says . . . ‘It also means reforming the welfare system. Put simply, no country can succeed in the long-term if capable people are paid to stay idle and out of work.

‘We went into the last recession with four million people of working age on out-of-work benefits.

‘We know the most progressive way to tackle poverty is through work.’

The future under Cameron and his sidekick IDS is zero-hours contracts, work till you drop, and starve with your JSA cancelled. Britain is to be great again by bringing back the 19th century.

The only remedy for this ‘new order’ is a socialist revolution to get rid of capitalism and its vicious ruling class, and bring in socialism, that is production to satisfy people’s needs, not to make super-profits for the rich.