GG– great support in Southall


LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers were out campaigning at the weekend for their mass picket next Sunday and their conference in London on Sunday January 29.

In Southall on Saturday, they got great support.

TGWU member Amarjit Mehan paid £3 for his conference credentials and said: ‘I am appalled at the treatment by the union officials, who are supposed to protect us.

‘I worked at Gate Gourmet for 12 years and was TGWU branch chairman at QCW (one of the Heathrow Gate Gourmet sites).

‘The union officers and leaders are supposed to serve their members, not the management.

‘They are our paid servants.

‘They have very badly let down their members.

‘I will come to the mass picket next Sunday and the conference.’

Amarjit added: ‘Tony Woodley (TGWU general secretary) and his henchmen are treading in the footsteps of Thatcher.

‘Everyone who believes in justice should come to the conference and discuss what is needed.

‘The TUC voted unanimously to support the Gate Gourmet workers.

‘Now is the time to deliver.

‘They should never renege on their promises.’

Locked-out worker Mrs Mohinder Virk said: ‘We’ve put up posters in all the shops and people support us.

‘They know we are in the right and fighting for what is right.

‘Tony Woodley should resign.

‘By signing the “Compromise Agreement’’, he is breaking workers’ lives.

‘If he agreed to compulsory redundancies with us, he will agree them anywhere.

‘We want to meet (TUC General Secretary) Brendan Barber. It’s not just our fight, it’s all workers’ fight.

‘The TUC has pledged to support us and it must carry it out.

‘The TGWU should stop trying to trick people and do something for its members.

‘All workers should come to our mass picket and our conference.’

Mr Harbinder Singh said: ‘There are more people flying and more aircraft, so how can the bosses justify reducing staff?

‘We are fighting for our rights and we don’t accept what the union leaders have done.

‘People should come to our mass picket next Sunday and our conference on the 29th and join this fight and make the union do what it should do.’