A mass demonstration against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has been called for October 5th in London!


A just-issued Coalition statement from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament states that: ‘In October, we will mark a year since the start of Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

‘We need the largest possible mobilisation to demonstrate our solidarity, demand an end to the genocide, and to call on the British government to stop arming Israel.

‘To enable this, we previously announced a national demonstration in London on 12th October. However, following representations, including from members of the Jewish Bloc – representing the thousands of Jewish people who have taken part in every single march over the past year, we have decided to change the date to 5th October to avoid a clash with Yom Kippur.

‘We are immensely proud of the breadth and diversity of our movement against genocide and for Palestinian rights. We are young and old, from a wide array of racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, women, LGBTQ+.

‘We reject all attempts to smear our peaceful protests. We march because we stand against the racist logic that some lives are less precious than others and in defiance of the racist ideology that maintains that between the river and the sea, one people – Jewish Israelis – have rights, while another people – Palestinians – have no rights at all. We stand for the universal principles of freedom and justice.

‘Join us on 5 October when we march in London to call for an end to the genocide in Gaza and to 76 years of colonisation, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.’

Meanwhile, the TUC has already announced that they are calling an action in support of Palestine, and Congress voted for that action in the closing minutes of the TUC Congress.

In this resolution, Congress resolved: ‘To support the call for a UK-wide workplace Day of Action in support of an immediate ceasefire.’

The mover was the UCU, University and College Union.

Its resolution resolved: 1. ‘To condemn the bombing of Lebanon and attacks on Iranian territory;

2.To oppose any attempts to escalate this war and demand a ceasefire now;

3. To support the call for a UK-wide workplace Day of Action in support of an immediate ceasefire.’

The resolution was moved by the UCU and it was carried unanimously. The TUC is now duty bound to call a general strike on Saturday October 5th, the date that the Coalition has declared for action.

Further, it must extend the general strike action until the Labour government declares for an indefinite ceasefire in Palestine, stops arming Israel and actively assists the Palestinian people to liberate themselves from the Zionist gangsters and establish their state ‘from the river to the sea’.

The calling of a general strike to begin on Saturday October 5th must be the beginning not only of the liberation of the Palestinian people from the Zionist gangsters, it must also mark the beginning of a socialist offensive to expropriate the capitalist world’s bosses and bankers and consign them to the ‘dustbin of history’.

What is required is not just the founding of the Palestinian state and the liberation of the Palestinians, but the victory of the worldwide socialist revolution.

Everybody knows that capitalism is poised on the brink of another massive crash that will consign hundreds of millions of people to extreme poverty.

What is required is not just the victory of the Palestinian revolution, but the victory of the World Socialist Revolution to consign capitalism to the ‘dustbin of history’ and bring in the socialist future whose motto will be ‘from each according to their ability to each according to their need’ – a modest demand in relation to the massive productive forces that humanity has developed and are currently used solely in the interests of the ruling classes.

Capitalism is poised on the brink of an economic and political disaster that has not been seen since the hungry 1930s. What is required is a worldwide Socialist Republic where the super exploitation of the working class by a handful of bosses and bankers is replaced by a worldwide socialist economy based on satisfying all of the needs of the people.

We must go forward to the founding of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

We must also go forward to the World Socialist Republic where planned production is organised not to provide profits for the super rich but to satisfy the needs of the working class and the youth.

Forward to the State of Palestine. Forward to the victory of the World Socialist Revolution!