‘This will end up in a general strike!’ – Ambulance pickets tell News Line

Ambulance Unison pickets getting support from passing motorists at Deptford ambulance station on the Old Kent Road in south east London

‘WE’RE striking for better working conditions, pay and the service for patients,’ Unison member Scott Tyler emergency medical technician told News Line on the Waterloo ambulance workers picket line yesterday.

He continued ‘we are overworked. The service is at capacity. The services for the community are suffering.
‘Because of that we can’t get the patients out of hospitals which means we are stuck at hospitals. It’s not our fault. I’ts not the doctors and nurses fault – we need better funding.
‘The government can’t say there’s no money and be spending millions and billions elsewhere. I’m for another general election.’
Unison sector rep Central London paramedic Markus Davis said: ‘We’re fighting for more pay. I’m on strike today, it’s actually my day off and I would have been doing overtime to support my family.
‘It’s worth the sacrifice to make a point. The government is treating the whole of the NHS, both workers and patients, with contempt. Our struggle started with pay but its highlighted wider issues.
‘If we can’t retain staff we’re going to lose a lot of experienced paramedics, nurses, and doctors which will see patients suffer. It will end up in a general strike. The anti-union laws will be a threat to the wider NHS. We all would like to get rid of this government.’
Unison member Donald Wilson, an IT worker from London Ambulance Service, declared ‘we do need a revolution.
‘The government only looks after the rich and powerful. They are put in power to look after the people but they spend money on everything else except the people. All the unions should come out in a general strike.’

  • There was a warm welcome at Friern Barnet where News Line spoke to Liam McCulloch a paramedic.

‘I’ve been a paramedic since October in London but trained in Glasgow for 3 yrs. I think that the hours we do and incidents we attend is not reflected in the pay were given. I definitely agree with a general strike, a workers government is exactly what we need.’
Tim Fisher, Station Unison rep at Deptford, spoke to News Line.
‘Our resolve is strengthening. There’s a huge increase in membership in just the last three months. We will carry on for as long as necessary.
‘Today’s strike is the largest strike in the LAS (London Ambulance Service). It includes support staff, control staff and 111 call centres.
‘The government’s response is appalling and shows complete contempt for working people and for Londoners. A general strike? Why not? All workers are facing the same attacks. They are trying to privatise large sections of the NHS and bring in a US style system.
‘That would be a disaster for this country. Its a disaster in America. There are 60 million people there with no access to healthcare’
Mags O’Connor, a nurse in the NHS came to support the ambulance workers. ‘I’m here to support my colleagues in the ambulance service in their fight for a decent pay rise.
‘I support all health service workers. They say “where there’s a will there’s a way” but with this government there is no will to resolve this properly. We have to get them out.’