PARIS ERUPTS AS POLICE ATTACK WORKERS ON MAY DAY and the CGT union urges workers to mobilise!


THE major French trade union the CGT has protested at the massive attack on peaceful demonstrators by riot police and and vigilantes and has called on the whole working class to mobilise.

It states that on Saturday May 1st when 25,000 demonstrators began to leave the Place de la Nation, at the end of a massive demonstration, bearing the demands of the workers and the aspiration for a more just society, they were victims of ‘unacceptable violence’ by the riot police who have been incited to make war on the workers and even mutiny by a group of generals and police officials.

The CGT states that: ‘Once again, the procession had to face several totally unjustified interventions by the police, nevertheless the demonstration continued to its end. It was at this time that a large group of provocateurs, some claiming to be yellow vests, used extreme violence against the demonstrators.

‘Homophobic, sexist, racist insults preceded acts of vandalisation of the vehicles of the organisations, and, much more serious, the hatred was expressed by an outburst of blows and throwing projectiles.

‘Our organisation, the CGT, was particularly targeted. 21 were injured, including 4 seriously, to whom we all lend our support and solidarity!

‘The world of workers will not shrink from this type of aggression. They will act in the same way as they do against the the liberal policies pursued by the current government, whose laws want to deprive us of our freedom.’

The CGT continued: ‘We call on the entire world of work to mobilise, to reject all forms of hatred that divides the women and men of our country and to strengthen, along with the trade union organisations, the struggles against the liberal policies in the service of rapacious capitalism.

‘“For a just, united and sustainable world” – it is with this slogan that more than 170,000 employees, unemployed, retirees, students, young people and citizens on May 1st, took part in one of almost 300 demonstrations organised to bring with determination their demands for employment, wages, public services, social protection, freedoms, world peace and the preservation of the planet.

‘The progress of social rights and collective guarantees is conditional on all peoples being able to live in peace and have the individual and collective freedoms essential for their development. The context of crisis in this 1st May highlights the connection between the workers of the world.

‘The demonstrations and gatherings took place in compliance with health recommendations, sometimes in the largest unit, like the unions of La Poste (CGT FAPT, CFDT, SUD PTT, FO, Unsa, CFTC) who had called together with the postal workers to mobilise for 1st May.

‘The processions have often been opened by employees of companies struggling to save their jobs, whether in industry, services, public services or culture. There were also all those who, in first or second line, ensured, without means, the maintenance of social ties and solidarity of our country, while the government preferred to save the annuities of the CAC40 (French stock exchange benchmark) to the detriment of health.

‘Everyone expressed the need to break down the social barriers imposed by this government, which is increasingly protective of the richest and imposing wage moderation, loss of rights, and restriction of freedoms on as many people as possible.’

The CGT urges: ‘This 1st May reinforces the need for workers to invest heavily in the debate on the world after. To oppose and impose a rupture with the liberticidal policies, austerity, economic and ecological breakdowns of the government, the accomplice of the employers.’

It adds: ‘The various struggles of the “spring of struggles” initiated by the CGT must continue to create the conditions for convergence, based on the experiences and realities of employees in companies and administrations, by extending to all sectors.’

The French workers are under heavy attack from a ruling class supported by the riot police forces and military units. The British, German, Spanish, Greek, Italian and French workers face the same enemy.

They must unite by building sections of the International Committee of the Fourth Inter0national throughout Europe, to mobilise the working class to consign the EU and UK bosses into the dustbin of history and replace them by establishing the Socialist United States of Europe!