Workers sign up for August 20th rally

Gate Gourmet locked-out workers outside Hounslow Civic Centre speaking to NUT member Bob Garnett
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers outside Hounslow Civic Centre speaking to NUT member Bob Garnett

TRADE unionists and Hounslow local people yesterday supported the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers and bought tickets for their first anniversary march and rally in Southall on Sunday 20th of August.

On Hounslow High Street, Equity member Alan Mitchell told News Line: ‘Gate Gourmet will regret its actions.

‘The fact that these workers’ tribunal outcomes are likely to be successful ups their claim for reinstatement.

‘In 2006 a situation like this is positively Victorian, I will come to the rally.’

Housewife Christine White said: ‘I used to be in the catering industry and I know how hard it is, it’s all low wages and high profit.’

At Hounslow Civic Centre NUT member and Director of Children’s Services Bob Garnett said: ‘I’ve been in the NUT since I first became a student teacher 34 years ago.

It’s absolutely crucial that the rights that workers have obtained over years of struggle are maintained and disputes like the Gate Gourmet struggle just underline how fragile those rights are and how vigilant we need to be.’

At Hounslow Bus Garage, TGWU member DS Shallom said: ‘These workers should be taken back and compensated for their loss of earnings.

‘The union must support them and pay them their hardship payments, otherwise what is it for?’

Bus driver Fazal Mirza bought his ticket for the rally and said: ‘The union leaders should get off their knees. All the unions should get together and fight against this government. I am down to work on the 20th of August but I will try to change my shift and come to the rally.’

At the end of yesterday’s campaign locked-out worker Parmjit Bains said: ‘We got support from many people today, especially trade union members. There is real concern about what Woodley (the TGWU General Secretary) did to us. Our rally is so important because we want to show to the workers and the union leaders that we are strong and we are going to win. ‘