Sas Are In Misratah!

Libyan workers and youth gather outside Buckingham Palace to demand of the Queen and Obama that their forces quit Libya
Libyan workers and youth gather outside Buckingham Palace to demand of the Queen and Obama that their forces quit Libya

WESTERN troops including British SAS troopers were supporting Libyan counter-revolutionaries in the vital port city of Misratah yesterday.

The al Jazeera TV station has shown six armed Western troops, ‘possibly British’, seen leading a group of ‘rebels’ in Dafniya, a battle area front line near Misratah, Libya’s third-largest city.

The city is under attack by forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi.

The foreign troops are expected to lead the ‘rebels’ in helicopter gunship supported attacks on Libyan army positions.

They are also expected to be preparing assaults on the Libyan capital, Tripoli, due to start his weekend, which will include using Apache gunships, and bunker-busting bombs, as well as SAS ‘death squads’.

The targets will be Libya’s leaders especially Colonel Gadaffi and his wife and children, as collateral damage.

A spokeswoman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon refused to comment on this situation yesterday.

The Ministry of Defence in London made the claim that nobody believes that British troops are on the ground in Libya.

A March 17 Security Council resolution approved a no-fly zone over Libya but forbids NATO from taking part in ground operations and regime change.

The UK, France and the US are desperate to murder Gadaffi, and fear that failure to do so will see them losing the war that they began and being driven out of the region.

South African President Jacob Zuma arrived in Tripoli on Monday in an attempt to broker a cease-fire, hours after NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen of Denmark claimed Gadaffi’s ‘reign of terror’ was coming to an end.

At the same time, eight Libyan army officers, including five generals, appeared at a Rome news conference arranged by the Italian government, saying they were part of a group of as many as 120 top military officials and soldiers who defected from the Gadaffi regime in recent days.

Libyan workers have contempt for these traitors and say that defectors cannot lead to the overthrow of their regime since the masses support it.

Lindsey German of the Stop the War Coalition told News Line: ‘Our position is clear, it just confirms that there are troops on the ground in contravention to the UN resolution and it shows that the western powers are more and more deeply involved in Libya.

‘They are also deploying this week, helicopter gunships, which will again deepen their involvement.

‘We call for the immediate end to the intervention and the withdrawal of all troops and we condemn this escalation of the war.’

WRP general secretary Frank Sweeney said yesterday: ‘The enemy of the British workers is at home, cutting jobs, wages and hospitals. We stand for the defeat of NATO in Libya and for the victory of the Libyan people and Colonel Gadaffi over the oil thieves.’