Crisis-Ridden Bosses And Tories Fear The Election


THE Tory Party, its media wing and the boss class as a whole are getting very worried about the election, and what is to happen afterwards – when the worldwide crisis of capitalism further deepens, and the working class of the world, especially of the UK, is faced with the impact of further extreme austerity measures, up to £70bn in cuts, and further attacks on its basic rights, especially the right to strike, to keep capitalism going.

It is this fear of the situation that emerged in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph, which spent its whole front page going into a state of euphoria over a four paragraph note that the paper had received from over 100 bosses advertising their belief that a ‘change of course will threaten jobs and deter investment’.

Their note said: ‘We run some of the leading businesses in the UK. We believe this Conservative-led government has been good for business and has pursued policies which have supported investment and job creation.

‘David Cameron and George Osborne’s flagship policy of progressively lowering Corporation Tax to 20% has been very important in showing the UK is open for business. It has been a key part of their economic plan.

‘The result is that Britain grew faster than any other major economy last year and businesses like ours have created over 1.85m new jobs.

‘We believe a change in course will threaten jobs and deter investment. This would send a negative message about Britain and put the recovery at risk.’

This weak offering is opposed to a ‘change in course’, and does not even put what weight it has openly behind a call for a Tory victory.

In fact, both parties, Conservative and Labour, are going to carry out cuts, and neither party will state just exactly what it will cut, with Labour protesting that it will indeed do everything that is necessary to save British capitalism.

Labour’s positive attitude has even led to Tory veterans such as Baker, Major, and Kenneth Clarke calling for the establishment of a national government after the election, with the party that has the most MPs, Labour or Tory, providing the premier.

The problem is that after the election, the Tories intend to proceed with the most savage cuts in the history of British capitalism, as well as bringing in new anti-union laws that will make the right to strike a subject for historians to investigate.

That this policy will bring a massive showdown with the working class is certain. This is why some are already advocating a national government.

However, the bosses are also terrified that if Labour should win then it will be unable to maintain the current course, and the working class will mount massive strikes to win back all that has been stolen from it, creating a revolutionary situation in the UK, where the working class will have to take the power to protect its living standards and its right to strike.

The WRP supports a Labour victory in the elections as a whole, because it will bring a Labour government into a head-on collision with a working class that will seize the moment to take back everything that has been taken from it, as well as preventing the privatisation of the NHS and essential services.

The WRP is standing seven candidates in the May election, in order through our intervention to build up the party and the Young Socialists, so that it will be able to give the required revolutionary leadership in the struggle for power that will erupt during and after the election.

In our election campaign, we will be urging workers and youth not only to vote for our party but to join it and the YS en masse, to organise the struggle for workers’ power and socialism.

The working class in the UK won the Welfare State in 1948, as part of the battle for socialism. It will be willing, alongside the masses of youth, to carry out a socialist revolution to prevent the ruling class from destroying it.

We urge all of our members and supporters to turn out during this election campaign to do battle in the constituencies where we are standing.

The issue is which class is to run the UK. It will be decided by the building up of the revolutionary forces and the revolutionary leadership to lead the British socialist revolution that history has placed dramatically right at the top of its agenda.