Tag: usa
MAKE THE DISPUTE OFFICIAL!– call out the airport! – Locked out...
Locked out workers at British Airways caterer Gate Gourmet demanded their dispute be made official as talks between the company and the Transport and...
Blair Wants Government Control Of Judges
THE Blair government announced yesterday through its Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, that it was going to bring in legislation that will tell judges how...
Eight UN experts on Monday called for the Israeli separation Wall being constructed on Palestinian land to be dismantled. The UN experts were marking the...
US releases frozen aid to Colombia – Rights groups slam ‘blatantly...
Three days before Colombian President Uribe was scheduled to meet with President Bush on August 4th at his Crawford, Texas ranch, the State Department...
1,000 CLASH WITH POLICE IN SAMAWA – Iraqis angry over no...
At least one person was killed and sixty others were wounded yesterday when over 1,000 angry Iraqis clashed with police in Samawa, south of...
ONSLAUGHT ON BASIC RIGHTS – Human Rights Act to be ammended
Prime Minister Blair yesterday outlined new draconian measures to deport or jail people judged to be ‘glorifying terrorism’. He said ‘intensive meetings across government’ had...
TORTURE AND SECRET DETENTION – Testimony of the ‘disappeared’ in war...
America is ‘complicit in torture’ carried out in secret detention centres around the world, accuses Amnesty International in its latest report. Torture and secret detention:...
Supporting Iraq or Palestine is to be a crime!
RESPONDING immediately to Tory pressure, Prime Minister Blair yesterday launched his programme of draconian attacks on basic rights and liberties, for a reign of...
The TUC has published the Preliminary Agenda for the 137th annual Trades Union Congress, taking place from 12-15 September in Brighton. Very little action is...
Defend Iran Againstfrench And US Threats
THE French government is threatening Iran with retribution if it does not give up its nuclear energy programme. The French Prime Minister, De Villepin, one...
Suffolk Fire Crews Strike Tomorrow
Suffolk Fire Brigades Union Brigade Committee yesterday called for a national demonstration next Thursday, 11 August, in support of tomorrow and this Friday’s strike...
Stop NHS privatisation to end the bed cuts
HEALTH Secretary Hewitt warned over a month ago that if NHS trusts failed to resolve their growing debt crisis, hospital departments would be closed...
STOP SHOOT-TO-KILL – demands De Menezes family
‘Please help us in our quest for justice,’ Allessandro Pereira, cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes told a vigil in Parliament Square last Friday...
Ira End Armed Struggle!
The IRA yesterday announced the end of its armed struggle against British imperialism. The IRA statement said: ‘The leadership of Oglaigh na hEireann has formally...
IRA gives up armed struggle to join the democrats
‘All IRA units have been ordered to dump arms. ‘All Volunteers have been instructed to assist the development of purely political and democratic programmes...
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned Tuesday that, ‘without Jerusalem there will be no peace’ with Israel. ‘Peace starts in Jerusalem and ends there. Peace...
APOLOGISE! – demands GMB union after sick worker’s sacking ends in...
The GMB trade union Tuesday called upon DHL management to publicly apologise to the family of one of its employees, whom it ‘callously sacked...
The PM’s wife can speak out on rights – but the...
THE scale of the crisis that has hit capitalist Britain is now so great that it has forced the Prime Minister’s wife, Cherie...
LOW PAY NO WAY! – MPs support cleaners strike
‘OUR battle will go on until we get justice for our people,’ said the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) General Secretary Tony Woodley...
HSC bows to Brown’s ‘enforcement-lite’ demand
‘The Health and Safety Commission says it is seeking “the right balance of enforcement and advice”, in line with the “enforcement-lite” approach sought by...
Don’t Let Colombia’s Paramilitaries Off The Hook!
The British government should not support Colombia’s new paramilitary demobilisation law, which Colombian President Alvaro Uribe will promote when he meets with Tony Blair...
Russia launches a new 10-year space programme
The Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) is about to start its Kliper launch vehicle project, the head of the agency told a Moscow press conference...
Generals Demand Immunity From Prosecution
THE generals who demanded a ruling from the Labour government’s Attorney General that war with Iraq was legal before they would send their troops...
Karzai Officials And Advisors ‘Implicated In Major War Crimes’
Numerous high-level officials and advisors in Afghanistan’s US-backed puppet government are implicated in major war crimes and human rights abuses that took place in...
Blair pledges ‘exclusion’ and incitement’ powers
Prime Minister Blair yesterday announced the government’s intention to introduce new laws against ‘incitement and the instigation of terrorism’, for which he had the...
‘Labour history was made in Chicago last July’ – UNITE HERE...
‘Labour history was made in Chicago last July with a merger that has paid real dividends for American workers’, says the UNITE HERE trade...
HSBC says Italy and Germany better off outside the euro
THE HSBC, one of the world’s major banks, has published a paper called ‘European Meltdown’ in the wake of the Dutch and French votes...
‘G8= the most violent criminals on earth’ says George Galloway MP
Over 15,000 people took part in the G8 Alternatives demonstration at Gleneagles yesterday afternoon. Welcoming the marchers to Auchterarder at a rally in the local...
Karzai calls for rethink, as Taleban attacks mount
THE Afghan ‘government’ has called for a rethink of the US-led fight against the Taleban, after heavy casualties to civilians caused by US air...
Bush Kicks Blair In The Crutch
IT has long been Prime Minister Blair’s contention that the strategic interests of the British ruling class demand 100 per cent support for the...
MPs yesterday raised questions about the ID card Bill which was introduced in the House of Commons by Home Secretary Charles Clarke. Clarke said he...
‘IT WAS MURDER!’ – says Sophie Hurndall after Israeli soldier guilty...
‘It should have been a murder case’, said Sophie Hurndall, the sister of Tom Hurndall yesterday. She was speaking to reporters just after her brother’s...
UNISON to call national demonstration on pensions
‘THE threat we made to the government still stands – revoke the order or there will be a strike on pensions,’ UNISON NEC member...
‘WE will take strike action, across all our sectors, to defend our pensions,’ UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis pledged at the union’s National Delegate...
Doctors’ and nurses’ leaders have written letters to Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Brown urging Britain and other G8 nations to stop poaching doctors...
World Crisis Blowing US Trade Union Leaders Apart
THE American workers are facing major problems, caused by the deepening crisis of the world capitalist system. Among these problems are the export of millions...
US unions split – as class struggle erupts in USA
The leaders of five of the largest unions in the AFL-CIO – the Teamsters, UFCW, UNITE-HERE, Laborers’, and SEIU – held a ‘Change to...
GOLD AND DOLLARS SMUGGLED OUT OF IRAQ – as insurgency escalates
The Islamic Army in Iraq last Sunday, in a videotape, claimed responsibility for an attack with an explosive device against a US foot patrol...
UK citizen must be freed – being held illegally in Iraq...
Today, the case of a British citizen detained without charge in Basra by UK Forces since 10 October 2004 will be heard in the...
BBC unions to ‘trawl for volunteers’ for the sack
‘The BBC unions agreed ‘a trawl for voluntary redundancies’ during last Wednesday’s four-hour meeting with BBC Director General Mark Thompson. Thompson would give no guarantee...
US casualties in Iraq ‘unacceptable’ – say 75 per cent of...
A US Humvee was destroyed when an explosive charge went off on Wednesday near a US forces convoy in the Al-Rustamiyah area, southeast of...
‘Withdraw UK troops from Iraq immediately’ – PCS conference decides
‘Iraqi people do not want a foreign occupation of their country,’ Paula Kennedy, Equal Opportunities Commission, Manchester Branch, told the conference of the Public...
PCS delegates demand national action
THE Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) voted unanimously yesterday to pursue its ‘ongoing trade dispute’ with the government, including taking ‘industrial action’. Moving the...
Glasgow Unemployment Crisis
Targets set by ministers for agencies trying to get Scotland’s long-term unemployed off benefits are making the problem worse, not better. That is the finding...
Rumsfeld Raves About Nuclear ‘Bunker Bombs’
THE US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has defended, at an Asia-Pacific conference of regional defence ministers and military chiefs, the US drive to develop...