Tag: tory party
PUT AN END TO CAPITALISM! – Only way to defend jobs,...
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings on this 2013 May Day to the workers and the oppressed nations fighting imperialism throughout...
Universal Credit = war on benefits
YESTERDAY the Tory-led coalition launched its ‘pathfinder’ trial of the new Universal Credit System at a job centre in Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester. From here the government...
‘CALL A GENERAL STRIKE’ – lobby urges TUC General Council
OVER 200 Young Socialists and trade unionists lobbied the General Council of the TUC on Wednesday morning as it assembled to discuss the calling...
Miliband Lashes Out At The Unions
ON Wednesday night the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, launched a scathing attack on the leader of the largest trade union, Unite, denouncing him for...
Miliband attacks unions! – after McCluskey warns of ‘dustbin of history’
UNITE general secretary Len McCluskey has been denounced as ‘reprehensible’ and ‘divisive’ by Labour leader Ed Miliband and his shadow cabinet. McCluskey’s crime was to...
TUC must call indefinite general strike to bring down coalition now!
TODAY’S meeting of the TUC general council must get off the fence and call for an immediate all-out, indefinite general strike to bring down...
Hands off nurses! Government to blame for cuts
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) started its annual conference this week in the midst of a brutal attack on the nursing profession spearheaded...
Stop Royal Mail Privatisation!
NEXT week the postal workers union, CWU, is holding its delegate conference under conditions where the coalition government is planning the wholesale privatisation of...
‘GROSS INJUSTICE’ – PCS slams benefits cap
‘It is a gross injustice that hard-pressed households are being punished for economic problems caused by greedy bankers and politicians by having their benefits...
Coalition plans Royal Mail sell-off at knock-down price
News broke yesterday that the long expected attempt by the coalition to sell off and privatise Royal Mail is set to occur this autumn. What...
WORKERS in England’s Northern region are up to £4,264 worse off per year since the Tory-led coalition came to power. The Northern TUC 10-Point Plan...
Lobby TUC April 24 – make them call a general strike
THE News Line calls for a massive lobby of the next meeting of the TUC General Council on Wednesday 24th April, to demand the...
Thatcher funeral–a state of siege!
THATCHER’S state funeral on April 17, is to be a Tory state provocation of the working class. Her coffin is to be carried through the...
The British ruling class embraces a corpse
MARGARET Thatcher was ignored by the bourgeoisie for 23 years after she was put out of office by the Tory leadership in 1990. This...
Hundreds of Thousands Facing DLA Cuts
Yesterday saw the introduction of changes to the benefits available to the disabled that will leave hundreds of thousands facing cuts of between £20.55...
Civil Servants Out Solid
Thousands of HM Revenue and Customs members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) took part in a half-day strike yesterday, coinciding with...
Defend Welfare, Defend The NHS, Defend All Benefits, Bring Down Coalition
TORY leader Cameron has backed Chancellor George Osborne after he suggested a link between the Mick Philpott case and the Welfare State. The prime...
OVER two hundred workers, trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-North East London Council of Action Special Conference to defend our hospitals and...
The Banking Standards Commission selects three scapegoats for the capitalist...
THE farcically misnamed Banking Standards Commission (as if the banks had any standards) was created to try and prevent an even bigger banking collapse...
TUC to discuss general strike – At April 24 meeting
THERE was consternation yesterday when a leaked Unite document revealed that a union report going before the TUC General Council on April 24 is...
Call A General Strike Now!
THE demand for a general strike to bring down the government has been driven by the working class onto the immediate agenda of the...
Defend the NHS! defend the Welfare state! Bring down the...
IN his recent budget speech Chancellor Osborne stated his objective is: ‘Building a modern reformed state we can afford.’ The truth of the matter is...
THE Department of Health has published an 80-page response to the Francis report into the failings at Mid Staffs Hospital. This is called ‘Patients...
Hundreds Of Thousands Being Referred To Foodbanks
HUNDREDS of thousands of welfare claimants are being denied support by the social services, and are being referred to foodbanks by Job Centre staff...
‘Resist and you’ll be sacked!’ – anti-academy heads are being told
EDUCATION Secretary Gove is ‘irrepairably damaging children’s education’ says Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL). Speaking at the...
Unions angry over pay and progression cuts!
In his budget speech Chancellor Osborne announced that there would be a one per cent annual pay rise of the public sector up to...
Impotent Osborne Lashes Out At The Workers
TORY chancellor George Osborne started his budget speech last Wednesday with a confession that British capitalism is totally impotent in the face of the...
POA call for general strike outside parliament
STRIKING civil servants clapped and cheered a call for a general strike at a rally outside parliament yesterday. A message of support and solidarity was...
Osborne to make £11.5bn spending review cuts!
ON a day during which it was announced by German bankers that Cyprus’ banks may never open again, and by the ONS that UK...
Cameron-Heseltine-Tuc Unholy Alliance
The TUC has welcomed the government’s announcement that it will adopt most of Tory former deputy prime minister Heseltine’s plans for the privatisation...
Petrol Prices Rocketing!
SOARING fuel and domestic energy prices led to the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation rate rising from 2.7% to 2.8% in February, the Office...
WITH less than three weeks to go before the start of the Tory-led coalition government’s plan to open up the entire NHS to the...
MICHAEL GOVE MUST GO! – say 600 teachers, pupils and parents
‘MICHAEL Gove has got to go!’ chanted over 600 teachers, parents and pupils as they marched along Victoria Street to the Department for Education...
Liam Fox’s ‘jihad’ against public spending
SPEAKING on BBC radio yesterday morning the LibDem business secretary, Vince Cable, described proposals being put forward by senior Tory MP Liam Fox as...
5-year spending freeze – demands Tory MP Fox
LEADING Tory MP, Liam Fox, has called for Osborne to announce a freeze on all public spending, which would cut spending by 2.5% a...
Murdoch-Farage Out To Get Cameron
FORMER Surrey Police officer Alan Tierney, 40, yesterday admitted selling information to the Sun newspaper. Tierney pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to two offences...
BUDGET DAY STRIKE VOTE! – PCS votes 61% in favour
CIVIL Servants have voted by a massive 61% majority in favour of strike action in their fight for a pay rise of £1,200, or...
Cameron’s goose is well and truly cooked!
THE Liberal Democrats have won the Eastleigh by-election, with the UK Independence Party pushing the Conservatives into third place, with Labour as also-rans. Mike Thornton...
Coalition Crisis Deepening By The Hour
WHATEVER the outcome of yesterday’s by-election in Eastleigh, it spells disaster for the Tory-led coalition government. Should the LibDems scrape a win over the Tories...
TUC must call a general strike to defend national agreements...
THE NHS trade unions have split with Unison and the RCN voting at the national NHS Staff Council on Tuesday, to support changes that...
UK loses AAA credit rating
Late last Friday, Moody’s Investors Service, one of the world’s three main credit rating agencies, downgraded the sovereign credit rating of the UK and...
On Tuesday, NHS North West London announced that it would close A&E departments at Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Central Middlesex and Ealing Hospitals. Two million west...
A police-Fire Service merger is a Tory plan to destroy FBU...
THE news that has emerged that the Tory police and crime commissioner for Northamptonshire, Adam Simmonds, has been in secret talks for twelve weeks...
Tories Planning Police-Fire Service Merger
THE Fire Brigades Union in Northamptonshire is extremely concerned at reports suggesting a possible merger of the fire and rescue service and the police,...
PFI, Foundation Trusts and £20bn of Tory cuts are preparing NHS...
FIGURES publicised by Labour’s shadow health secretary, Andy Burnham, have shown that one third of England’s hospitals have been completely full at some time...