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CBI bosses demand NHS privatisation

THE CBI boss Richard Lambert spoke up yesterday at the CBI Public Service Summit to insist that the financial belt-tightening that the Brown government...

British imperialism stretched to breaking point – forward to the socialist...

JUST a week after Prime Minister Gordon Brown assured President George W Bush, that he had fallen into line with the requirements of the...

Brown to rescue banks by slashing wages and jobs!

CHANCELLOR Darling has followed up his appearance before the bankers at the Mansion House on Wednesday night, where he pledged that wage rises would...

‘WE ARE THE BEDROCK OF THE NHS’ – declares doctors’ conference

Over 400 family doctor delegates at the British Medical Association (BMA) GPs conference on Thursday expressed their anger and voted no confidence in the...

Defend jobs, wages and rights – bring down Brown government

PRIME Minister Brown’s alliance with the right-wing Democratic Unionist Party has paid off with the passage by nine votes of his amendment to the...


COLLEGE lecturers across London staged their second strike against the government’s pay-cutting strategy on Monday, June 9th, after taking part in national strike action...

Support the Shell-HOYER tanker workers!

IN the last few weeks we have seen the road hauliers take to the streets against the massive increases in petrol and diesel prices...

FIGHT PAY CUTS! – call from public service rally

GIVE us a date for strike action and we’ll do it, the leader of the Prison Officers Association (POA) – whose members are banned...

UNISON leaders buy a little time for Brown

THE UNISON leaders who originally accepted the three year sub-inflation pay deal for NHS workers, along with the RCN, without going to ballot, yesterday...

Brown bringing private managers into NHS

THE announcement by the Brown government that it is going to bring private managers in to run NHS hospitals is a concrete example of...

Simpson Aims To Prop Up The Brown Government

AT a time when the working class is starting to roar like a lion and demand and vote by over 90 per cent majorities...

Forward to a public sector general strike to smash Brown’s wage...

GMB members working in the NHS yesterday voted by over 96% to reject the 2008 pay offer in a consultative ballot on the government’s...

Action Is Needed To Defend Royal Mail Jobs And Pensions

CWU members working in Royal Mail are facing the greatest threats to their jobs and conditions in the entire history of the postal service. With...

NHS 32,000 Beds Loss!

‘My personal view is the unions should be up in arms over the number of beds lost in the NHS,’ East Surrey UNISON official...

Unions must purge Brown cabinet!

THE defeat of the Labour Party in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election – by 7,860 votes, making a 17.6% swing to the Tories from...

Brown Savages Sick And Poor

Prime minister Brown signalled more attacks on workers, the sick, unemployed and disabled people in his speech to MPs yesterday, outlining the government’s draft...

KEEP OUR POST OFFICE OPEN! – demand angry Borough residents

MEMBERS of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) have been joined by over 50 angry pensioners and other local residents in a demonstration against the...

Blair Gang Turn On Each Other

LEADING people at the centre of the three Blair governments have published their memoirs for big cash payments, knowing full well that...

A Nest Of Opportunists!

THE class basis of the Blairite ‘Third Way’ politics is now being clearly revealed for all to see. It is a one hundred per...

IT’S PAYBACK TIME! – as Home Secretary Smith urges harass youth

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith yesterday announced a new state crackdown on working class youth and their parents. She said announcing ‘Operation Leopard’: ‘It’s exactly the...

Harassing youth and their parents – Labour’s ‘vote winner’

HOME SECRETARY Smith yesterday revealed Labour’s master plan, at a ‘We’re Not Having It’ outrage conference, held to try to claw back its lost...

Working class turns on the Blair-Brown gang

LABOUR suffered a net loss of 331 seats in local elections in England and Wales on 1 May. It also lost out to Tory...

Brown’s Policies Are Helping The Tories To Return

BROWN’S ‘bad night for Labour’ was the direct result of a self-inflicted wound – Brown’s Thatcherite policies – that cost Labour up to...

Answer World Crisis With The World Revolution

MAY DAY MANIFESTO By the News Line Editorial Board THE NEWS LINE editorial Board sends its May Day greetings for the year 2008 to the workers...

Brown Answers Nato Call

A BATTALION of 600 British troops will be sent to Kosovo, Defence Secretary Des Browne announced yesterday, after NATO requested extra soldiers...

What Should Be Done About Gordon Brown

DAVID Miliband yesterday urged the Labour Party to rally behind Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is facing mounting opposition in the working class because...

OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘The revolution will make...

Essays on Working-Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN 7. Internal Forces of the Russian Revolution (Appeared in the New York daily paper...

DARLING KNEW! – that 10p measure would hurt low paid

Chancellor Darling admitted yesterday that ‘of course’ he knew that abolishing the 10p tax rate would affect five million low-paid workers. However, in an interview...

Darling Robs The Poor To Prop Up The Bankers

CHANCELLOR Darling yesterday admitted that the Labour government, cold-bloodedly, in the last budget, abolished the 10p tax rate for the lower paid, knowing that...

Bnp To Contest Northern Ireland Council Elections

By Irish political journalist John Coulter THE racist British National Party has confirmed it will contest the next Northern Irish council elections. Mid Ulster, Upper Bann,...

Brown prepared to impose ‘unpopular measures’

PRIME MINISTER Brown said yesterday that he will not be diverted from taking ‘unpopular’ decisions to ensure Britain gets through the global credit crunch....

‘NO REGRETS’ SAYS GOLDSMITH – over halting Fraud Office inquiry

Former Attorney General Lord Goldsmith yesterday called on the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) not to re-open its corruption probe into the 1986 so-called ‘Al-Yamamah’...


Former Deputy Prime Minister Prescott claimed £4,000 in a year expenses to purchase food, while his former boss Blair even...

Brown demands police-state detention law

AHEAD of MPs considering the Second Reading of the new Counter-Terrorism Bill in Parliament yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for extension of...

Labour is selling off school playing fields

SCHOOLS Secretary Ed Balls and his predecessor Alan Johnson have given the go-head to the sell-off of 19 school playing fields over the past...

Class issues in Zimbabwe’s elections

AS IS to be expected the imperialists, with Britain in the lead, are engaging in an economic blockade, black propaganda, etc to get rid...

Brown’s compromise encourages Catholic reaction

GORDON Brown says Labour MPs will have a free vote on three ‘controversial parts’ of his embryo research Bill, thus giving way to the...

Iraq-Afghan Wars Costs Soar

The government’s forecasts for the costs of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in this financial year have ‘increased significantly over the last three...

Time to smash Brown’s public sector reform (privatisation)

PREMIER Brown’s pre-budget comment piece in the Financial Times was written so that he could talk directly to his constituency, the bosses. He...

20 Years Since The Gibraltar Killings

By Irish political journalist JOHN COULTER THE three unarmed Provisional IRA members shot dead by the SAS in Gibraltar two decades ago were allegedly sacrificed...

Diego Garcia used for ‘extraordinary rendition’

Foreign Secretary David Miliband yesterday admitted that on two occasions, both in 2002, UK overseas territory Diego Garcia had been used for US rendition...

Close Down The US Base On Diego Garcia!

FOREIGN Secretary Miliband yesterday admitted in the House of Commons that previous government denials that the island of Diego Garcia, in the Chagos Islands...

Nationalise All The Banks To Bring In A Planned Socialist Economy!

THE Tory Party has been driven to the brink of hysteria by the fact that the capitalist world banking system is on the brink...

Take strike action to defend wages and jobs

RAPIDLY rising food, gas, electricity and petrol prices pushed up the cost of living in January, even according to the government’s rigged inflation rate...

Rice-Brown War Talks

Prime Minister Brown had war talks with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at Downing Street yesterday afternoon. The pair discussed tensions within NATO over...