Tag: tory party
MONDAY saw the conclusion of one of the two legal processes challenging Basildon Council’s planned eviction of the Dale Farm community. ‘The case, which halted...
Defend state education, stop privatisation!
TODAY'S joint strike by two unions at Middlesex University must be the start of action to defend jobs and the very existence of a...
Conference Votes For Chase Farm Occupation!
A NORTH East London Council of Action conference of over 150 workers, pensioners and youth on Saturday voted unanimously for an occupation of...
Miliband will do everything that is necessary to defend capitalism
YESTERDAY the main trade union leaders were full of praise for Miliband’s conference speech. This was no doubt an expression of relief that he...
Miliband Won’t Reverse Tory Policies!
IN THE middle of the greatest ever capitalist crisis, Labour leader Miliband, while the ruling class is attacking and robbing the working class...
MOVING the Public Services composite motion at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool on Monday, Unison General Secretary, Dave Prentis said: ‘Conference, today we...
RCN to ballot for strike action
THE announcement that the ruling body of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) will meet on Friday to decide on balloting their members on...
Labour ready for an emergency coalition
ON the eve of the Labour Party conference, Ed Miliband has sought to win the support of the middle classes, and also drive a...
Miliband won’t restore £3,000 fees cap – Balls volunteers for a...
LABOUR Party leader Ed Miliband pledged yesterday to cut tuition fees from £9,000 to £6,000 a year if returned to government, as the party’s...
HOSPITAL closures across the country were threatened yesterday, after it was revealed that PFI hospital buildings costing a total of £11.4 billion will cost...
Cancel Pfi Contracts To Defend The NHS
THAT NHS hospitals cannot pay back the huge multi-million Private Finance Initiative (PFI) ‘debt’ to the banks is well known. The coalition government and its...
Miliband launches attack on unions and the Labour Party
LABOUR leader Miliband is planning to allow non-Labour Party members to be registered as supporters, and to vote in leadership elections, in the affiliated...
OVER four million public sector workers are set to strike over pensions this November, after trade union leaders announced at the TUC congress yesterday...
Unemployment and inflation surges as Cameron threatens immigrants’ benefits
THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 80,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to July, official figures have shown....
Miliband’s refusal ‘to back his natural supporters is a slap in...
LABOUR Party leader Ed Miliband was heckled during his speech at the Trade Union Congress (TUC) conference on Tuesday. Miliband angered delegates as he condemned...
Force leaders who won’t fight to resign – organise a general...
THE third reading of the Health and Social Care Bill was approved by MPs by 65 votes on Wednesday evening, with just four LibDem...
ASLEF members call for joint action with RMT and Unite to...
TWO Hundred Bombardier workers and their supporters descended on parliament on Wednesday to urge the Tory coalition ‘to save British train manufacturing’. The government has...
Tax Cuts For The Rich – The Scrap Heap For The...
TWENTY five right wing ruling class economists have worked out the way to revive the dying capitalist economy, and it is, while continuing the...
Bombardier Workers Lobby Parliament
TWO hundred Bombardier workers and their supporters descended on parliament yesterday to urge the Tory coalition ‘to save British train manufacturing’. The government has already...
Coalition lies on NHS privatisation exposed – trade unions must act
THE oft repeated claim by Tory prime minister Cameron that the coalition will not privatise the National Health Service has finally been exposed for...
Counter-revolution in the classroom
A report issued yesterday outlining proposals to establish in Manchester an army-run ‘free school’, has given yet another sinister twist to the campaign by...
March ban aimed at trade unions, youth and students
THE news that the Tory Home Secretary, Theresa May, has issued a blanket ban on all marches and rallies in five London boroughs represents...
Smash The Health Bill
Public sector union Unison and the TUC have called a candle-lit vigil outside parliament at 9.30pm on September 7th, as the Health and Social...
From Low Wage To No Wage Economy – Tories Plan Chain...
CRISPIN Blunt, the justice minister, announced yesterday that instructions were being issued to the courts to the effect that unemployed offenders sentenced to the...
Tuc Must Act Over Cameron’s War!
ON MONDAY the bourgeois press proclaimed the rag-bag of mercenaries and brigands who make up the so-called ‘rebels’ had crushed the forces loyal to...
Tories to make hundreds of thousands homeless – only socialism can...
THE policy of the Tory-led coalition to slash housing benefit for the unemployed and low income families will result in hundreds of thousands being...
Doctors Hit By £200,000 Pension Changes
Changes to public sector pensions could mean doctors paying over £200,000 more over the course of their careers for a worse deal on retirement,...
Education cuts and £9,000 fees destroying the future for youth
AFTER record A-Level results, hundreds of thousands of students will be refused university places this year because of the coalition’s savage cuts policy. After being...
Jobless Shock!
TRADE unions slammed the government’s mass sackings and cuts to services as being directly responsible for the shocking unemployment figures released yesterday. These showed that...
Zero Tolerance For Cameron Coalition
CAMERON and the coalition are currently conducting a ruthless campaign against youth. This is ruling class justice at its most hideous, red in tooth...
Oxford Youth Workers Take Strike Action!
Prime minister Cameron’s ‘zero tolerance’ attack on youth comes as government cuts are decimating youth services. Unite the union announced at the weekend that youth...
Crisis splitting Tories, police chiefs, and military
THE Tory leadership publicly lambasted what it termed the police chiefs’ ‘wrong tactics’ for dealing with the youth uprising, during the special sitting of...
NO PAY CUTS! Southampton strike continues
PUBLIC services staff in Southampton have rejected a revised pay proposal by the Tory city council and voted to continue their programme of rolling...
Osborne seeking showdown with unions
ON Thursday the Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, made an emergency statement to parliament on the international economic crisis that is engulfing British capitalism to...
The Ys Calls ‘Jobs For Youth’ Lobby Of Tuc!
THE Young Socialists yesterday called a mass lobby of the TUC Annual Congress for Monday September 12, beginning at 8.00am. The conference is being held...
Cameron’s all-powerful police state is to fight the working class
THE beginning of PM Cameron’s speech to the recalled House of Commons was an attempt to divorce the youth uprising that is taking place...
NATO massacres Libyan civilians to loot the country’s oil
THE bloody massacre of 85 Libyan men, women and children by NATO in the town of Zlitan exposes once and for all that when...
16,000 Police Enforcers Hit London’s Streets
A VAST force of police was mobilised for last night’s action against the masses of youth who have been showing just how much they...
The TUC Congress next month is meeting at an historic juncture of worldwide economic and political crisis. Millions of workers are having their wages frozen...
Since bankrupt capitalism offers workers a ‘bleak old age’– get rid...
LORD McFall, who has been examining private sector pension schemes, has concluded in his Workplace Retirement Income Commission review, that workers on private pensions...
HEALTHCARE FOR THE RICH! – being provided by the Tory coalition
Labour has accused the government of cutting NHS spending in England in poorer areas and moving funds towards richer parts of the country, citing...
Murdoch May Be Recalled
MPs on the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sports Committee are writing to James Murdoch, ex-News of the World editor Colin Myler and...
UK Grinds To A Halt!
THE UK economy ground to a halt in the three months to June 30, with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up just 0.2 per...
James Murdoch May Have Lied
JAMES Murdoch came under further pressure yesterday as two Labour MPs suggested he may have lied to the House of Commons Culture, Media and...
Cameron shows his contempt for parliament
TORY leader Cameron was allowed to bluff his way through yesterday’s debate, on his special statement on the Murdoch-Coulson scandal, held after it caused...