Tag: syria
Blair and Brown threaten the trade unions
THE message from the Blair-Brown leadership to the trade unions and their leaders is ‘face up to globalisation or cease to exist’. Even the two’s...
Gate Gourmet has to be central question for TUC Crow tells...
THE Gate Gourmet mass picket at Heathrow airport was visited yesterday by RMT general secretary Bob Crow, along with a number of RMT executive...
Gate Gourmet Locked Out Workers Reject Woodley’s Rotten Compromise
TGWU leader Tony Woodley’s speech at Southall on Monday, and his remarks to journalists both before and after the meeting, were a dereliction of...
BLOOD MONEY! – Police offer £600,000 to Menezes family
The Metropolitan Police confirmed yesterday that Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Yates arrived in Brazil on Sunday for talks with the family of young electrician...
Stop NHS privatisation to end the bed cuts
HEALTH Secretary Hewitt warned over a month ago that if NHS trusts failed to resolve their growing debt crisis, hospital departments would be closed...
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned Tuesday that, ‘without Jerusalem there will be no peace’ with Israel. ‘Peace starts in Jerusalem and ends there. Peace...
‘Significant Concerns’ For Vulnerable Detainees
Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers’ ‘Report on an unannounced inspection of Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre’ is another damning indictment of the brutal system...
Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadaffi yesterday urged African nations to stop ‘begging’. In a half-hour speech as host of the 53-nation African Union two-day summit...
‘Oppressed will rise all over the world’ – says Iranian president
Iran’s president-elect Mahmood Ahmadinejad has hailed his election win as a new Islamic revolution which he said he hoped would now spread its way...
IRISH NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION – for asylum seekers and migrant...
A NATIONAL day of action in support of asylum seekers and migrant workers is taking place in Ireland tomorrow, Saturday June 18. A rally has...
GOLD AND DOLLARS SMUGGLED OUT OF IRAQ – as insurgency escalates
The Islamic Army in Iraq last Sunday, in a videotape, claimed responsibility for an attack with an explosive device against a US foot patrol...
Russian Ambassador In Talks With Al-Sadr
The Russian ambassador to Iraq yesterday flew to Najaf and started talks with leading Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who led the uprising against US...
UK citizen must be freed – being held illegally in Iraq...
Today, the case of a British citizen detained without charge in Basra by UK Forces since 10 October 2004 will be heard in the...
Warning over High Street ‘recession’
SHOP sales in May were only 1.4 per cent up on the same month in 2005. Comparing the same products and shops, sales were...
Rumsfeld Raves About Nuclear ‘Bunker Bombs’
THE US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has defended, at an Asia-Pacific conference of regional defence ministers and military chiefs, the US drive to develop...
The Eu Crisis Is Exploding!
THE 61 per cent ‘no’ vote in Holland, on a 62 per cent electoral turnout, against the EU constitution was no surprise after the...
Security Council extends Iraq occupation mandate
THE imperialists and their Chinese and Russian stooges on the UN Security Council have extended the mandate of the US-led occupation armies in Iraq,...
US-UK’s man in Uzbekistan ‘slaughtering protesters like rabbits’
YESTERDAY the British Foreign Secretary Straw condemned the repressions by the Karimov regime in Uzbekistan. It has already killed 500 Uzbeks and is getting...
May Day manifesto! Keep the Tories out! The working class will...
THE Editorial Board of the News Line, the daily socialist paper of the WRP, sends its greetings to the workers and youth of the...
THE DECEMBER 12th election is a crisis election, in a situation where the worldwide crisis of capitalism is deepening rapidly to explosion point. Eleven...