Tag: strike
400,000 strike against Labour pay cuts
Over 400,000 teachers, college lecturers and public and civil servants held a magnificent one-day national strike on Thursday, with a militant turnout on marches...
Organise a general strike! Bring down Brown government! Go...
THE leaders of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), the University and College Union (UCU) and the...
LOW PAY NO WAY! – 400,000 workers out on strike!
OVER 20,000 striking teachers, college lecturers and civil servants from every London borough marched through the centre of the capital yesterday, with marches and...
After April 24: Defeat pay cuts with an extended general strike!
TENS of thousands of teachers, college lecturers and civil servants are striking today against government-imposed pay cuts. As a result of the action by the...
‘COMPENSATE LOW PAID NOW’ – Prentis warns Brown
‘The abolition of the 10p tax rate has dealt a body blow to millions of low paid workers,’ UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis said...
The BoE and Brown gamble with workers wages jobs, homes...
THE Bank of England yesterday launched its government-backed scheme to allow the major banks to swap their dodgy mortgages for UK Treasury Bonds, in...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘The revolution will make...
Essays on Working-Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN 7. Internal Forces of the Russian Revolution (Appeared in the New York daily paper...
Darling Robs The Poor To Prop Up The Bankers
CHANCELLOR Darling yesterday admitted that the Labour government, cold-bloodedly, in the last budget, abolished the 10p tax rate for the lower paid, knowing that...
50,000 School Youth March In Paris
For the second time in a week 50,000 school youth demonstrated in Paris on Thursday against the cutting of teaching posts in colleges and...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘Revolutionary anniversaries are days...
Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction 5. Revolutionary anniversaries REVOLUTIONARY anniversaries are not only days for reminiscence, they are days for...
Seven Mothers Are On Hunger Strike!
Seven mothers on hunger strike in the family unit in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre (IRC), near Bedford, yesterday managed to get a message...
Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction by MOISSAYE J OLGIN THIS is an essay of triumph. Written on January 20, 1905,...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘The revolutionary masses are...
Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction by MOISSAYE J OLGIN THIS is an essay of triumph. Written on January 20, 1905,...
Brown prepared to impose ‘unpopular measures’
PRIME MINISTER Brown said yesterday that he will not be diverted from taking ‘unpopular’ decisions to ensure Britain gets through the global credit crunch....
UNISON TO BALLOT – over 3-year NHS wage-cutting deal
DELEGATES at the UNISON Health Conference in Manchester yesterday voted to ballot over the government’s staged three-year pay deal. The UNISON leaders had previously accepted...
US Longshoremen show the way with strike action on May Day...
DOCKWORKERS of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union have decided to stop work for eight hours in all US West Coast ports on May...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘No better conditions could...
Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction by MOISSAYE J OLGIN THE essay, ‘The Proletariat and the Revolution’, was published at the close of...
One Day General Strike On April 24Th!
OVER 100,000 Members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), will be on strike at the same time as the NUT teachers and...
Over 100,000 Members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), working across 10 government departments and agencies will be on strike at the...
Massive Food Price Rises Driving Forward World Revolution
FOOD riots and major strike actions are erupting all over the capitalist world, driven forward by a doubling of food prices in many countries,...
San Francisco Nurses Fight For Patient Care
A strike by 4,000 Registered Nurses (RNs) at ten San Francisco Bay Area, California, Sutter facilities has concluded with nurses walking together back into...
Fierce Clashes Between Mahdi Army And US Forces
Fierce clashes between Mahdi Army fighters and US forces in the Iraqi capital’s Sadr City district killed at least 20 people on Sunday, amid...
Indefinite united strike action needed by public sector workers
MEMBERS of the 270,000-strong National Union of Teachers (NUT), Britain’s largest teaching union are to take strike action on April 24 over pay. They...
Teachers Vote For National Strike
‘NUT members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the campaign to stop cuts in the real pay of teachers,’ Steve Sinnott, General Secretary of...
Bosses fear ‘worst financial crisis since the Second World War’
A JOINT report from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC) yesterday revealed the fears in business circles that the ‘credit...
Labour is selling off school playing fields
SCHOOLS Secretary Ed Balls and his predecessor Alan Johnson have given the go-head to the sell-off of 19 school playing fields over the past...
Iraqi resistance forces Maliki to back down
AS Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s 72-hour amnesty deadline for militia fighters in Basra to hand over their weapons ran out yesterday, this leader of...
Class issues in Zimbabwe’s elections
AS IS to be expected the imperialists, with Britain in the lead, are engaging in an economic blockade, black propaganda, etc to get rid...
HANDS OFF OUR HOMES! – Aylesbury and Heygate tenants to march
TENANTS on demolition-threatened Aylesbury and Heygate council estates in Southwark, south-east London, are to march through the estates on Saturday April 5 to defend...
Thousands of Hezbollah supporters made their way to southern Beirut on Monday in order to take part in a rally in the honour of...
Stop The Whole Public Sect0R On April 24
THE NUT conference has made it perfectly clear that teachers have had enough of the wage cutting and privatisation policies of the Brown government....
LAST Wednesday’s general strike in Greece, against the government’s reactionary Pensions Bill, marks a most critical turning point in the fast developing revolutionary situation....
N.U.T. TEACHERS VOTE FOR STRIKE ACTION – over pay, conditions and...
DELEGATES at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Manchester have called for action over pay, privatisation and teachers’ workload. During...
Class Size Clash Looms!
Teachers are heading for a conflict with the government over class sizes. The National Union of Teachers is to vote at its annual conference in...
Greece On Road To Revolution!
Workers participated in their millions last Wednesday in the biggest one-day general strike in Greece. It was called by the GSEE (Greek TUC) against the...
The Iraq war, the world crisis and the socialist revolution
MARCH 2008 sees the US and UK armed forces and governments irreparably damaged as a result of their failure to subdue the Iraqi people...
Anger grows against Royal Mail’s pensions onslaught
ROYAL MAIL managers have overwhelmingly rejected changes to their pensions in a ballot. Their union, Unite, revealed yesterday that there was an 85-per-cent vote...
NORTHERN ROCK JOBS SHOCK! – Unite pleges to fight compulsory redundancies
The Unite trade union yesterday told Northern Rock that they will oppose any plans for compulsory redundancies at the publicly owned bank. Following the announcement...
THERE were picket lines outside Jobcentres and benefit offices in London and across the country yesterday, at the start of a two-day strike by...
Soaring oil prices and the banking collapse mean class conflict on...
ON SATURDAY more than 1,000 British Airways pilots marched on BA’s Heathrow headquarters over plans by BA to use non-BA pilots, in its new...
Chagossians Demand Right To Return!
OVER 400 people attended the Chagos Islands Community Association rally in central London on Saturday evening, to demand the Chagossians’ right to return to...
80,000 Civil Servants Out!
Up to 80,000 members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), working for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), today begin a...
Onslaught Planned On South East London Hospitals
All District General Hospitals in the South East London area are to be ‘radically overhauled’ with their Accident & Emergency facilities closed, according to...
End the Iraq and Afghan wars! Let the Chagossians return home!
ON the fifth anniversary of the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, the working class and the young people of the UK and the US,...
No Deal And We’Ll Strike – Say Caretakers
‘Not a step back’, Bert Schouwenburg, GMB National Officer, told a meeting of up to 100 caretakers, working on the Council Estates run by...