Tag: strike
Keep Tories Out – Forward To Socialism!
THE UK capitalist economy is staggering along the bottom with a three month ‘growth’ to show, from January to March, of 0.2 per cent. The...
Piraeus port blockaded!
ATHENS – Thousands of Greek seafarers supported by other workers as well as students blockaded, from early on Wednesday morning, the ships and ferries...
‘WE ARE DEFENDING OUR JOBS!’ – PCS pickets the High Court
‘GORDON BROWN hear us say – our contracts are here to stay! shouted eighty Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) members and officials outside...
NAHT and NUT boycott of SATs to go ahead
Following a successful ballot of both unions’ leadership members, the NUT and NAHT executives have decided that the boycott of this year’s SATs will...
Greece Can’t Pay – Workers Won’t Pay!
ACCORDING to Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office, Greece has a much bigger budget deficit than that reported by the Greek government last year....
E-Act breaks no-redundancy pledge to education unions
A STRIKE by all three teacher unions, the ATL, NASUWT and NUT, took place yesterday at Crest Boys’ Academy in Neasden and the school...
Unemployment and inflation rising, as British capitalism crumbles!
THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 43,000 to 2.5 million during the three months to February, the highest figure since...
Bankrupt airlines need to be nationalised!
YESTERDAY BALPA, the pilots’ union, sounded the alarm at the crisis of the major airlines. This has been immeasurably sharpened by the eruption and continuing...
Palestinian Prisoners Day protests in the West Bank and Gaza
THE Israeli army announced Saturday that the West Bank will be sealed off from midnight until Tuesday, ahead of Israeli Independence Day. A statement from...
Teachers vote to fight SATs!
Head teachers have voted overwhelmingly to boycott SATs tests, which unions condemned as ‘focusing on failure’. Teaching unions are also deeply opposed to the league...
Brown Remains The Bankers’ Man!
GORDON Brown was putting on a show of humbleness last night when he admitted on TV that he was not perfect but had made...
Set The Strike Dates Now! Demand Cabin Crew
‘We want the next strike dates set now,’ a female British Airways cabin crew member at Heathrow told News Line yesterday. She was responding ...
Build the WRP!
AT SATURDAY’S march to defend the Welfare State, workers from across the country were clear that action will have to be taken to defend...
NHS NOT FOR SALE! – defend the Welfare State
‘NHS NOT FOR SALE – Keep Our NHS Public!’ declared the banner which led the Defend the Welfare State march on Saturday, alongside that...
Defend the Welfare State! Keep the Tories out! Forward to a...
THOUSANDS of workers, students and youth will be marching today to defend the ‘Welfare State’ from the attacks of the current Labour government, and...
Political Revolution In Kyrgyzstan
THE Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, spoke by phone Thursday with the new interim leader in Kyrgyzstan whose ‘peoples government’ has been placed in...
Vote WRP, forward to the socialist revolution!
PM Brown yesterday announced that the general election will be held on 6 May and told voters Labour will take the ‘big decisions’ that...
Only 400 Attend Rajapakse’s Jaffna Rally
PRESIDENT Mahinda Rajapakse was displeased with the tiny crowd that was assembled to ‘greet the leader’ at his election rally in Jaffna on Wednesday,...
Smash The Anti-Union Laws!
THE RMT has called off its Network Rail strike action of signal workers after the judiciary declared it to be illegal, using the ruling...
RMT STRIKE BANNED! –Ruling class justice at work
THE High Court yesterday followed up its decision to ban strike action at British Airways at Christmas by banning strike action at Network Rail...
‘TAKE OUT A WRIT AGAINST FORD’ –demand 500 ex-Visteon workers
500 sacked Visteon workers demonstrated outside the Unite London headquarters on Wednesday to demand the union immediately takes out a writ against Ford motor...
Scrap the regional fire control centres!
THE House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee report on the government’s plan, to replace 46 Fire Control centres with nine new...
BRING OUT BA GROUND STAFF! – demand BA cabin crew
UNITE cabin crew members at British Airways yesterday called on their union to ballot BA ground staff on strike action. They also said BA’s ‘bullying’...
Capitalist State Prefers Brown Over Cameron
LABOUR Prime Minister Brown is the choice of the capitalist state should there be a hung parliament on May 7, even if the...
CABIN CREW STRIKES CONTINUE – more action over Easter
There were even more determined pickets at Heathrow Airport by striking cabin crew yesterday, in the last day of their current round of strike...
‘WE ARE WINNING!’ – cabin crew in determined mood on day...
The British Airways cabin crew strike is gathering strength as the management fails to keep the airplanes flying through the dispute. During the Saturday of...
Resistance has Obama on the run in the Middle East
UNITED States President Barack Obama made his first trip to Afghanistan on Sunday since he took office 14 months ago. The visit was aimed...
BATTLE BUS RALLIES SUPPORT – for striking cabin crew
A battle bus toured Heathrow Airport with megaphones, flags and banners yesterday. It was rallying support from other airport workers for the 13,000 striking BA...
STAND UP AGAINST THE UNION BUSTERS! Honda convenor brings greetings to...
STRIKING British Airways cabin crew received great support from workers and other trade unionists over the weekend. Last Saturday, News Line interviewed cabin crew on...
Defeat BA’s union busting! All out in support of the cabin...
ON THE eve of the four-day strike by British Airways cabin crew, which begins today, the company’s Chief Executive Willie Walsh stepped up his...
Cabin crew resumed their determined strike against British Airways’ attempted union-busting at Heathrow, Gatwick and the other airports at midnight last night. They are taking...
RAIL STRIKE IS ON! – to defend safety
Four days of national strike action against job cuts and in defence of safety were announced by the RMT and TSSA rail unions yesterday,...
Behind Brown’s pre-election Budget
THE Budget, presented by Chancellor Alistair Darling last Wednesday, was clearly part of Brown’s re-election campaign. In three months time, after the general election,...
Up to a quarter of a million civil servants were out on strike on Wednesday, expressing their anger at the threat to thousands of...
Netanyahu in secret talks with Obama
ISRAELI Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and United States President Barack Obama held two sessions of secret talks at the White House yesterday, lasting a...
Budget Signals Countdown To The General Election
CHANCELLOR Alastair Darling yesterday delivered his Budget speech in the middle of the civil servants’ strike action, starting it by claiming that the UK...
‘THE FIGHT FOR JOBS IS ON!’ – civil servants rally outside...
Parliament Square yesterday reverberated with the slogans of hundreds of Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) workers who had joined hundreds of thousands of...
Workers strikes hit the Sarkozy regime
FIRST of all the French electorate gave the right wing Sarkozy regime a bloody nose, and now yesterday’s general strike by the public sector...
PCS-Budget Day Strike!
UP to a quarter of a million civil and public servants from across the UK will be taking part in a one day strike...
BA Continues Cancelling Flights
BRITISH Airways’ deepening crisis showed yesterday as it still cancelled flights in the aftermath of a three-day strike by cabin crew. The airline’s website shows...
Cabin Crew 100% Solid
‘HUNDREDS of planes are grounded,’ Unite said yesterday, on the third day of the strike action by its British Airways cabin crew members. Unite said...
‘WALSH IS OUT TO SMASH THE UNION’ –it must now use...
‘THIS is like the 1980s with the miners, even though this is meant to be a democracy and we’ve got the right to withdraw...
Well done BA cabin crew – Now Unite must use its...
AT Gatwick and at Heathrow on Sunday morning pickets got tremendous support from passing motorists, coaches and lorries, and fellow airport workers. The lines of...
AT Gatwick, on Sunday morning, pickets at the South Terminal roundabout got tremendous support from passing motorists, coaches and lorries, and fellow airport workers,...
‘Shameful Brown’ Wants To Sack Workers On The Cheap
‘WHAT a shameful act by a Labour prime minister as possibly his final act – opening the door to the Tories to come in...