Tag: south africa
Canadian Unions Battling Racial Discrimination!
‘MARCH 21 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a day to reflect on racism in our communities and redouble our...
ANC dances to tune of ‘white monopoly capital’ – NUMSA on...
THE trajectory of the 2016 Budget delivered by Pravin Gordhan continued to sing to the tune of international and local finance capital, white monopoly...
South African universities strike looms
STRIKE action is looming for the Cape Peninsula University of Technology after talks with workers over salary and service conditions deadlocked last weekend. The declaration...
All councils, student unions and trade unions must boycott Israel –...
THE Palestine Liberation Organisation has condemned the new Tory ‘guidance’ banning councils, NHS trusts and all publicly funded organisations from boycotting goods and services...
Banning Boycotts Of Israel Is A British Reward For The Occupier
MEMBERS of the PLO Executive Committee Hanan Ashrawi and Saeb Erekat on Wednesday slammed the United Kingdom’s decision to ban the boycott of Israeli...
Vavi To Launch New Sa Trade Union Federation On May 1
TRADE union leaders behind the formation of an alternative federation say they will formally launch the new structure on 1st May this year after...
South African metalworkers take action to defend pensions
THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) is preparing to take action, ‘including lunchtime pickets, placard demonstrations, marches and strikes’, to defend...
Tory Cuts & Closures –A ‘Lethal Cocktail’
‘I HAVE a very clear warning: last year was the worst for global growth since the crash and this year opens with a dangerous...
Ifj Demands Free Turkish Journalists!
The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) call on the Turkish authorities to immediately release journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül...
‘PATIENT deaths do not increase during doctor strikes,’ research has shown, as junior doctors prepare for their three days of action. The junior doctors are...
All out behind Junior Doctors strike! – demands News Line Anniversary...
ONE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY workers, students and youth attended the rally to mark the 46th Anniversary of the News Line and the 75th Anniversary of the Assassination...
Striking Sa Parliamentary Staff Demand Removal Of Parliament Secretary
STRIKING South African parliamentary staff on Friday said they would no longer negotiate with the unpopular secretary of the legislature Gengezi Mgidlana and demanded...
AMCU secures reinstatement of 579 sacked members!
THE Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) said on Thursday it had successfully secured the reinstatement of 579 of its members dismissed in...
Lecturers & Students Must Unite And Fight
‘EVERYONE, all of the country, must get organised to take rent strike action, we have shown that rent strikes work,’ Angus O’Brien, the student...
Victory To Sa Students
THOUSANDS of South African students marched to the Union Buildings in the South African capital Pretoria, where they were met by riot police...
UK Trade Unions Condemn Bahrain’s ‘Systematic Abuse’ Of Human Rights!
BAHRAIN’s ‘widespread and systematic’ abuse of human rights has been condemned by the entire trade union movement in the UK in launching a new...
THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has served notice on behalf of a growing number of unions and their...
US Federal Reserve is too scared to raise interest rates!
ON Thursday evening, the US Federal Reserve policy committee decided yet again that it did not dare to raise interest rates by a fraction...
SOUTH CAROLINA AFL-CIO SUPPORTS SANDERS –while the UERMW convention votes to...
THE South Carolina AFL-CIO executive board passed a resolution supporting US Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ candidacy for the Democratic Party presidential nomination and recommending...
STOP STEEL INDUSTRY BLOODBATH! – demand South African trade unions
STOP the jobs bloodbath in the steel industry, South African trade union leaders are demanding after meetings with the government and business failed on...
Suspend all police implicated in Marikana massacre! – demands Amnesty International
HUMAN rights group Amnesty International says President Jacob Zuma must suspend all police officers implicated in the Marikana shooting. Sunday marked exactly three years since...
Time to build a new independent, militant, anti-imperialist trade union federation...
IN THE wake of the COSATU special congress, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has declared: ‘The time has arrived to...
LONMIN SHARES CRASH – as it announces 6,000 job cuts
SHARES in UK mining giant Lonmin plunged after it announced 6,000 jobs cuts in South Africa as part of a scaling back of its...
ADVANCE NUMSA! – expelled South African union leader Vavi says
THE AFTERMATH of the COSATU special national conference, held in Johannesburg on the 13th and 14th of July, has split the labour movement in...
Cosatu Congress ‘a ticking time-bomb’ says NUMSA
THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is a ‘ticking bomb’ waiting to explode, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) deputy...
A SENIOR Iranian official says a final deal with the P5+1 group of countries over Tehran’s nuclear programme will be achieved should the six...
Charge Ramaphosa for Marikana massacre – says Julius Malema
ECONOMIC Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema says his party will lay criminal charges against Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, Lonmin directors and Police Minister...
SOUTH AFRICA: ‘electricity crisis worsens with every day that passes’
THE ‘Civil Society Conference on the Electricity Crisis’ took place last week in Johannesburg, South Africa and declared: ‘The electricity crisis calls for de-corporatisation...
Zuma Must Release Marikana Report
DEMANDS are growing for President Jacob Zuma to release the Marikana report, with 300 wounded and arrested miners now threatening to take him to...
Dunnes young anti-apartheid strikers honoured
A PLAQUE in honour of those who took part in the Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid strike was laid on Henry Street in Dublin on Monday,...
Abbas Attends Moscow’s Victory Parade!
PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas was among up to 30 world leaders on Saturday to attend a huge military parade in Moscow commemorating Russia’s 70th anniversary...
Canadian workers defeat the Alberta Tories!
THE ruling right-wing Tory government of Canada got a massive shock last Tuesday when the Progressive Conservative party (PC) were decisively thrashed in elections...
Numsa Forming A United Front Party
THE Central Committee of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) at its meeting on 20-24 April has published the important key...
Palestinian Prisoners’ Day worldwide action!
ON April 17th, Palestinians and their supporters across the world came together on what is designated Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, a day of international solidarity...
NUMSA condemns xenophobic attacks – calls for the unity of the...
SOUTH African President Jacob Zuma visited a refugee camp in the port city of Durban on Saturday after a fresh outbreak of anti-foreigner violence. Several...
COSATU VOTES TO EXPEL GEN SEC. VAVI! – as black masses...
ON March 30th the Central Executive Committee of the South African trade union federation, COSATU, voted to expel its democratically elected General Secretary, Zwelinzima...
Numsa To ‘Swamp’ The Streets Of Durban In A Massive May...
THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa in KwaZulu-Natal (KzN) working closely with other like-minded and class orientated COSATU affiliates, will swamp the...
World Dollar Debt Crisis!
YET another authoritative report detailing the developing world banking crisis has surfaced – a report which if shorn of its dry academic language paints...
Seven Unions Picket Cosatu House Against Numsa Expulsion!
THE leadership of seven Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) affiliates have congratulated their Gauteng branches for picketing outside Cosatu House last Friday...
Labour Must Pledge To Recognise Palestine And To Stop Arming Israel
700 BRITISH artists have signed a pledge to boycott Israel as long as it ‘continues to deny basic Palestinian rights’. The group, Artists for Palestine...
NUMSA’s international tour to investigate forming a workers’ party
THE National Union of Metalworkers of SA (NUMSA) has kicked off its year with study tours overseas to investigate the feasibility of forming a...
Cosatu Admits Mismanaging Workers’ Pension Money
THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) has admitted that the management of workers’ money through its Kopano Ke Matla investment arm was...
NUMSA defends Vavi against Stalinist slanders
THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has issued a response to the South African Communist Party (SACP) November 2014 Augmented Central...
COSATU leader Vavi attacks CP, Stalinism and ANC betrayal
COSATU leader Zwelinzima Vavi has written an open letter to the South African Communist Party (SACP) expressing his concerns over the party’s right wing...
UNI holds its World Congress in Cape Town
TANSY Hoskins, the author of Anti-Capitalist Fashion, addressed the UNI International Union World Congress world Congress in Cape Town on December...