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Israel Threatens To Bomb Beirut

Israel yesterday threatened to target Lebanese airports, other than Beirut’s international airport, and attack areas of Beirut where Hezbollah leaders live and where it...

Reopen Mining Industry – No To Nuclear Power

British capitalism is today facing a massive energy crisis, largely of its own making. It was after all, Thatcher and Heseltine who shut down...

Israel Reoccupies Gaza ‘Buffer Zone’

IGNORING international outcries for restraint and diplomacy, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) overnight Thursday reoccupied a belt of the northern Gaza Strip, called it...

North Korea Has The Right To Self Defence

YESTERDAY the British Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett, condemned North Korea’s testing of an intercontinental missile that when developed will have the capacity to deliver...

‘Prime Minister’ Brown shows the City he is their man

Gushing Gordon Brown began his speech at the Lord Mayor’s banquet on Wednesday night, by exhibiting his fawning subservience to the audience of bankers....


Egypt and Jordan on Sunday announced their rejection of the Israeli government’s unilateral plan to demarcate the borders of the Jewish state inside the...

Japan withdraws troops from Iraq. A blow to Bush & Blair!

PRIME Minister Junichiro Koizumi announced yesterday the withdrawal of the 600 Japanese troops from Iraq by the end of next month. These ‘non combatant’...

Nato Shall Not Pass Vow Soviet Workers

THERE could not be a greater contrast between the policies of the Ukrainian governing parties to join the EU and NATO as rapidly as...

Desperate Blair dashes to Baghdad

WITH British troops in the south of Iraq in danger of taking heavy casualties at the hands of an insurgency that has taken over...

PROVOCATION – AUT denounces threat to cut lecturers wages

University of Strathclyde Association of University Teachers (AUT) representative David Blieman yesterday described as ‘provocative’ a threat to dock lecturers’ pay if they don’t...

‘We don’t know the wickedness being done by our government’ –...

‘MY demonstration continues,’ said Brian Haw on Monday, after three Court of Appeal judges ruled in favour of the government and the chief of...

‘WE’RE SUFFERING BUT WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers

THE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers May Day campaign team got great support from fellow Transport and General Workers Union members in west London bus...

Clarke staggers on as Tories hold back from resignation call

The ex-Home Secretary Blunkett was forced to resign after interfering to get his lover’s nanny special treatment from the passport office, and then seeking...

No Impunity For Blair Says Reg Keys

OVER 100 bereaved relatives whose loved ones have been killed in the illegal war and occupation of Iraq were joined by MPs, peace campaigners...

Make the TUC take action to defend the NHS

YESTERDAY both Blair and Hewitt mocked NHS workers insulting their intelligence with the Hewitt line that this year was the best ever year for...

BARNET NHS CRISIS – faces £31m cuts in 2006-07

Hospital trade unions and patient groups are demanding that the management of Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust come clean on their plans...

Threat To Arrest Pickets

GATE GOURMET locked-out workers had their picket stopped yesterday at the main gate of the Heathrow plant by the Heathrow Airport police and the...

French revolutionary tactics show British workers the way

THE two general strikes and the massive mobilisations of trade unionists, students, lycee students, and unemployed and working class youth which brought millions onto...

TGWU again refuses GG hardship payments

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were yesterday angry that the TGWU leaders have once again refused to allow them any hardship pay. This is despite...

Labour Plans New Pensions Robbery

EX-CBI boss, Lord Turner’s plans for pensions are just the means chosen by the Blair government to make the working class pay for the...

Welsh NHS Cuts!

‘We are very concerned for our members and our communities,’ Wales UNISON head of health Dave Gallaghan told News Line yesterday. He was responding to...

Thirty Day Countdown To Attack 0N Iran

DOWNING STREET denials that there is a meeting today of top military, state and government officials to discuss the implications of a US attack...

US Falls Out With Iraqi Puppets

PRESIDENT Bush has fallen out with the major section of his puppet regime in Iraq, that is the Dawa Party and the United Iraq...


GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are campaigning all week for their march through Hounslow this Saturday. Yesterday morning a delegation of locked-out workers visited Greenford Royal...

OCCUPATION IS THE PROBLEM – troops out of Iraq, demands 50,000-strong...

50,000 workers and youth marched through London last Saturday, as part of the many demonstrations worldwide to mark the third anniversary of the war...

Picket Line Victory

GATE GOURMET locked-out workers won a victory yesterday, when they successfully carried out their picket at the Gate Gourmet plant front gate, despite a...

Imperialists Drive To Break Up Iraq

THERE can be only one gainer from a civil war in Iraq, that will lead to the breaking up of the country into three...

SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO! – but Blair rejects MP’s committee demands

The Blair government yesterday came under fire from MPs and human rights organisation Amnesty International over the so-called ‘war on terror’. In its annual human...

Treat the Council Tax as you did the Poll Tax!

THE Council Tax is set to rise by four per cent on average this year, more than double the government’s current rate of inflation...


Gate Gourmet locked-out workers are campaigning for their monthly mass picket next Sunday from 11am to 1pm at the Beacon roundabout, Beacon Road, near...

BA Pilots Ready To Strike

The British Airlines Pilots Association (Balpa) has advised its members at British Airways (BA) to set aside £25,000 each to prepare for a long...

WAR AN OPTION – Rumsfeld declares on Iran

United States defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that the military option against Iran was ‘on the table’. He said this would be...

To deal with MRSA – end NHS privatisation!

MRSA is now linked to nearly 1,000 deaths each year in NHS hospitals. There is no doubt that it is a product of the...

6 Months Of Gate Gourmet Lock-Out!

‘Next Friday will be six months since we were locked out on August 10th 2005’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Lakhinder Saran told News...

Blair Gang In Disarray After Pm Fails To Vote

YESTERDAY Prime Minister Blair was insisting that he can push through his right wing capitalist ‘reform programme’ despite suffering a double defeat at the...

STOP TEARING NHS APART! – UNISON tells Blair and Hewitt

UNISON has called on Health Secretary Hewitt to ‘stop tearing the NHS apart’. Speaking ahead of yesterday’s publication of the government’s health White Paper, the...

Gate Gourmet workers demand hardship pay

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers said yesterday that they were very happy with their conference with the News Line on Sunday. Mrs Rajamy Sharma told...

Hamas Landslide!

Jubilant Palestinian masses were yesterday celebrating the historic election victory of Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. The final results declared at 5pm yesterday saw Hamas take...

Barghouthi Calls For Partnership With Hamas

Campaigning in the Palestinian legislative elections ended at mid-night on Monday. 24 hours before about 80 per cent of eligible voters in the West...

BILLIONS WIPED OFF SHARES – after Japan stock market collapse

Billions of dollars, pounds and euros were wiped off worldwide share prices yesterday as investors took fright at the abrupt collapse and closure of...

Pfi Crisis Hits Bart’s & London

‘Direct government investment is by far the cheapest and best way to build new hospitals,’ said a UNISON spokeswoman yesterday, in response to the...

GG– great support in Southall

LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers were out campaigning at the weekend for their mass picket next Sunday and their conference in London on Sunday January...

Blair proclaims summary justice for the masses

ON TUESDAY Prime Minister Blair began his ‘genuine intellectual debate about the nature of liberty in a modern developed society such as our own.’ ...

RUSSIA WARNS AGAINST IRAN WAR –Defence Minister concerned by nuclear programme...

Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov has expressed the hope that tension in relations between Iran and the West in connection...

Bring Blair before a tribunal says General Rose

THE call by retired General, Sir Michael Rose, for the Prime Minister to be impeached by the Privy Council over the invasion of Iraq...