Tag: nursing
Ready To Occupy!
‘IT’S BABIES, the newborns coming into this world, they must be protected and they must continue to be born in Ealing Hospital,’ Southall College...
Women will give birth in A&E!
‘I WORK in A&E and I have the feeling that we will actually get women coming into A&E to have their babies and it’s...
‘We have to stop Ealing Maternity closure!’
TRADE union members working at Ealing Hospital yesterday bought their tickets for next Tuesday’s meeting and pledged to march and occupy to defend the...
‘Keep Ealing Maternity open or A&E will be next!’
‘WE ARE all very upset, my colleagues and I are being told to go and work elsewhere. We will support the meeting and the...
NHS ‘safe staffing’ suspended
THE ‘SAFE staffing levels’ for hospitals across the UK have been suspended, sending alarm bells ringing throughout the NHS. This has prompted the Royal College...
No More ‘Planned Births’ At Ealing From June 24!
A LETTER has been sent out to pregnant women and their families in Ealing announcing the closure of the maternity services on July...
‘SAVING EALING MATERNITY IS VITAL!’ – workers tell the News Line
AT EALING Hospital yesterday morning, midwives, nurses and other workers told News Line that they want trade union action to stop the closure of...
West Coast dockers contract victory – teachers strike in Seattle
LAST Friday, May 22nd, the dockworkers union of all 29 US West Coast ports voted overwhelmingly to ratify a tentative contract agreement reached in...
Stop Ealing Maternity closure–Occupy!
‘OCCUPY Ealing Maternity Department to stop its closure on 1st July,’ Ealing Hospital nurse, Claire, a Unison member, told News Line on Monday. A demonstration...
Health care assistants in crisis
HEALTHCARE assistants across the UK face are suffering from the NHS crisis of staffing levels. The Unison union’s report, Red Alert – Unsafe Staffing Levels...
NHS Execs ‘Gravy Train!’
DOCTORS’ and nurses’ representatives yesterday condemned last year’s £35m of massive pay rises for NHS trust chief executives, while NHS staff have suffered pay...
US Fight Against Low Pay Goes Global!
WORKERS in more than 230 cities in the US walked out to join mass protests against poverty level pay last Wednesday in what is...
‘Fewer Nurses Providing More Care’– Rcn
‘WHOEVER forms the next government must grow the nursing workforce,’ Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Chief Executive & General Secretary Dr Peter Carter warned...
Labour refuses to commit to stop hospital closures!
‘EALING Hospital A&E and Maternity must not close and it’s a disgrace that the Labour candidate refuses to commit to this,’ Scott Dore, Workers...
Nationalise the drug companies and end agency staffing to save NHS
THE NHS is today fighting for its life, with even more savage cuts to come after the election. The Tories are actively planning to regionalise...
Agency staff costing NHS £2.5bn a year!
A FAILURE to train enough staff in the NHS is leading to an over-reliance on agency staff, locums and overseas recruitment which is wasteful...
Defend Manchester NHS!
OVER 400 trade unionists and supporters rallied and marched in central Manchester yesterday in opposition to the Tory ‘Devo-Manc’ plan to fragment and privatise...
Reject Devo Manc To Defend The NHS!
GREATER Manchester Association of Trades Union Councils (GMATUC ) has called a mass NHS emergency protest rally for Sunday to protest against the plan...
NHS Staffing Crisis!
THE ROYAL College of Nursing have warned of a ‘woeful lack’ of trained nurses as it emerges that untrained care assistants are ‘putting patients...
Stop east London GP surgery closures!
EAST London GPs, patients and supporters on Thursday staged a protest in Limehouse against cuts in funding that threaten to bankrupt around a dozen...
Limehouse ‘Save Our Surgeries’ protest
EAST London GPs, patients and supporters yesterday staged a protest in Limehouse against cuts in funding that threaten to bankrupt around a dozen surgeries...
‘End The Bullying & Witch-Hunting Of Staff At Worcester Royal Hospital!’
A DEMONSTRATION held last Thursday March 12 outside the A&E at the Worcester Royal Hospital, demanded an end to the bullying and...
Gender pay gap: Australian women effectively working for free
DUE to the ever-widening gender pay gap, Australian women were effectively working for free on International Women’s Day on Sunday, 8 March. Speaking on International...
Seven Unions Picket Cosatu House Against Numsa Expulsion!
THE leadership of seven Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) affiliates have congratulated their Gauteng branches for picketing outside Cosatu House last Friday...
Australian workers defeat Abbott government over GP tax
AUSTRALIA’S biggest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), is celebrating the defeat of the Tory Abbott government, which has had...
AS FAR as this reactionary coalition government is concerned, anybody who is sick for more than four weeks in a year is probably engaging...
Ohio nurse wins defamation victory!
AN Ohio Nurse who spoke out for rights has won a defamation verdict against the hospital which sacked her. Ann Wayt, a 38-year veteran registered...
Confidential documents handed to Chilcot showed that Bush and Blair planned...
IN LAST Thursday’s House of Commons Iraq Inquiry debate, originally scheduled to follow the publication of the Chilcot inquiry, all the contentious issues surrounding...
NHS STRIKE IN IRELAND! –while fury in England over NHS sell-out
AMBULANCE workers and other NHS staff are ‘determined’ and ‘out solid’ throughout Northern Ireland, the GMB regional officer, Michael Mulholland, said yesterday, during...
The Great Betrayal – NHS Union Leaders Surrender To Tories
NHS trade unions suspended the industrial action planned for today following proposals put forward by the government. Unison head of health and the unions’ lead...
THE Royal College of Nursing is concerned that a lack of focus on out-of-hospital care while A&Es are closing will result in an even...
STRIKE-BREAKERS!– being organised for Thursday’s NHS strike
WITH talks between the NHS trade unions and health secretary Hunt due at 2pm today, in a bid to avert Thursday’s NHS strike, efforts...
‘NHS being collapsed by coalition!’
THE very minimum number of nurses required for A&Es to function safely was published yesterday in an attempt to address the acute staff shortage...
NHS A&E Crisis
HEALTH unions responded angrily to figures released yesterday showing the worst NHS waiting times in decades. This unprecedented crisis, the unions said, is a result of...
‘We want to work for NHS!’ – say striking pathology staff
PATHOLOGY staff struck for 24 hours yesterday, at King’s, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals in a determined struggle against venture capitalist encroachment in the...
Justice for Jimmy Mubenga!
A DEMONSTRATION of over two hundred people took place on Thursday evening outside the Home Office to protest against the ‘not-guilty’ verdict for the...
3,300 STAFF & 1,500 BEDS CUT SINCE 2010! – in the...
MENTAL health services across the UK are under unprecedented strain, with a steep fall in nurse numbers and available beds at a time of...
UNIONS AGREE WELSH NHS PAY DEAL! – Monday’s Welsh strike action...
HEALTH unions have agreed a separate deal on pay for NHS workers in Wales, meaning they will not be taking part in Monday’s four-hour...
Palestine erupts!
ISRAELI police clashed with Palestinian worshippers inside Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound yesterday. Palestinian guards of the mosque said dozens of Israeli officers raided the compound,...
£5.5bn spent on agency nurses!
THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has accused the coalition government of ‘truly incompetent planning’ over NHS spending on agency nurses and staff. It...
NHS workers slam Hunt’s attack
‘IF YOU want to talk about waste in the NHS, then stop outsourcing midwives and nurses to agency staff,’ Royal College of Midwives (RCM)...
Health workers take unprecedented strike action!
HEALTH workers throughout the country came out solidly on strike on Monday against the government’s refusal to increase their pay by 1% for those...
NHS STRIKE SOLID! – Angry midwives, ambulance workers & NHS staff...
AMBULANCE staff, midwives and hospital staff walked out on strike yesterday in a solid action affecting the whole country. It was the first time midwives...
Greek Public Sector Workers Strike! – Against Mass Sackings
GREEK public sector workers staged a one-day national strike last Tuesday against the government’s workers’ ‘evaluation’ schemes which are designed to lead to mass...
Child heart surgery closures are threatened!
CONSULTATION has begun into the closures of children’s heart surgeries in England after a review last year. There was a huge public outcry against the...