Tag: local government
Trade union action to beat ‘stagflation’
TODAY 800,000 local council workers, members of the UNISON and UNITE trade unions, begin a two-day strike against a government-imposed wage cut, an offer...
COUNCILS OUT! – 800,000 take strike action
OVER 800,000 Unite and UNISON council workers in England, Wales and the north of Ireland are taking strike action today and tomorrow, furious at...
We’Re Marching To Save Chase Farm Hospital
HUNDREDS of angry workers, patients, trade unionists and youth joined the mass picket of Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield yesterday. They all said they were...
‘FRY CRIMINALS’ – demand Orangefest leaders
Orangefest’s family fun dissolved into political Orange fury as demonstration speakers blasted homosexuals, the Irish language and even called for volunteers to execute criminals...
The Brown Government Is The Enemy Of The People
PREMIER BROWN told his monthly news briefing yesterday of the war that he is waging on the country’s youth and the 110,000 ‘problem families’...
Labour marshalling its strikebreakers
THE capitalist state has had to admit that its war on two fronts means that it cannot rely on the British army for strike...
‘March With US To Stop Chase Farm Closure!’
THE North-East London Council of Action yesterday called on everyone opposed to the threatened closure of Chase Farm Hospital’s Accident and Emergency department and...
Mass Lobby Of Southwark Town Hall
MORE than 100 people staged a mass lobby of Southwark Town Hall in south London on Wednesday night. The rain did not dampen their spirits,...
NHS CO-PAYMENTS DEFEATED – at the BMA Annual Representative Meeting
THE BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) on Wednesday morning narrowly voted against part five of motion 269, which ‘demands that the government must permit...
Doctors Angry At NHS Privatisation
DOCTORS’ anger at the drive to privatise the NHS dominated the British Medical Association’s Annual Representative Meeting in Edinburgh this week. Delegates voted overwhelmingly for...
Britain Is Ripe For Socialist Revolution
THE British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) quarterly report has just discovered a situation that every worker and every shopper has been acquainted with for...
Darzi Rejected – Bma Conference Votes For No NHS Privatisation!
DOCTORS at the Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association in Edinburgh yesterday voted to stop the privatisation of the NHS, and voted...
Museum Staff Fight ‘Derisory Pay Offer’
REVOLUTION is brewing, in the most unlikely of places, as staff walked out last Friday from the British Museum’s cultured halls to strike....
PCS & Prospect take action at the British Museum
‘Kick ancient pay out of our museum’ said placards carried by 300 British Museum staff out yesterday against what amounts to a public sector...
News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference – Forward To A Workers...
‘IT is very clear that the collapse of the capitalist system has collapsed New Labour, that is the modern Labour Party’, News...
Two hundred trade unionists and youth attended the News Line & All Trades Unions Alliance (ATUA) conference in central London, yesterday. They discussed a resolution...
Chagossians must have the right to return – the US base...
A BIG delegation of the 2,000 Chagossians who are living in Crawley, plus delegations from the FBU, GMB and POA trade unions will be...
‘GET READY TO OCCUPY CHASE FARM’ – Enfield residents declare
‘We’ve had a lively picket today,’ North East London Council of Action secretary Bill Rogers told News Line outside Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield,...
Forward to the Zimbabwe socialist revolution!
THE resolution of the United Nations Security Council condemning violence in Zimbabwe, carried with both China and Russia voting for the motion, ...
Occupy Chase Farm To Stop It Closing
Patients, staff and Enfield and district residents yesterday welcomed the mass picket of Chase Farm Hospital by the North East London Council of...
Fighting inflation means fighting capitalism
CHANCELLOR Darling said on Sunday that pay rises for people ‘from the boardroom to the shopfloor’ need to be ‘consistent’ with the 2% inflation...
Unison Vote For Sustained Strike Action
UNISON’s local government members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have voted by 55% to 45% for a programme of sustained strike action over...
Brown to rescue banks by slashing wages and jobs!
CHANCELLOR Darling has followed up his appearance before the bankers at the Mansion House on Wednesday night, where he pledged that wage rises would...
Get British troops out of Afghanistan now!
PRIME Minister Gordon Brown and Defence Secretary Des Browne yesterday sent their condolences to the families of four more British troops killed in Afghanistan...
INFLATION RIPS! – unions slam calls for pay ‘restraint’
Soaring food and energy prices could push the government’s preferred consumer price index (CPI) inflation above 4% this year, the governor of the Bank...
Trade unions must act now to defend living standards!
BANK of England Governor Mervyn King sent a letter to Chancellor Alistair Darling yesterday because inflation has taken off. Under statutory obligations put in place...
FIGHT PAY CUTS! – call from public service rally
GIVE us a date for strike action and we’ll do it, the leader of the Prison Officers Association (POA) – whose members are banned...
MPs condemn Labour’s ‘surveillance society’
THE House of Commons votes on Wednesday on extending the amount of time that the police can hold a ‘terrorist suspect’ without charging them...
By JOHN COULTER Irish political journalist THE sectarian war in Ireland is over, but the war on racism has begun. That was the pledge from Sinn...
KEELE BOYCOTT! – unless 38 academic sackings are withdrawn
Keele University has one week to avoid the ignominy of becoming the first university to receive an academic boycott from the University and College...
US Prison Ships Used Diego Garcia
‘The US government must reveal information about prison ships used for “terror suspects”,’ the legal action charity, Reprieve said yesterday. In June 2005 the UN’s...
Come to the News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance conference
ON Saturday June 29, the News Line daily newspaper will be having a joint conference with the All Trades Unions Alliance, the body that...
Forward to a public sector general strike to smash Brown’s wage...
GMB members working in the NHS yesterday voted by over 96% to reject the 2008 pay offer in a consultative ballot on the government’s...
Hospital doctors and GPs on Wednesday condemned health minister Lord Darzi’s plan for London as ‘a disaster waiting to happen’ whose effect on NHS...
French revolution – spreading throughout Europe
FRANCE has been shaken for the past six months by an eruption of anger by the education trade unions and by student and school...
Defend NHS!
GPs in Harrow are up in arms against plans to close down health centres and combine GP practices into large units, turning them...
‘WE WILL NOT MOVE!’ – angry tenants lobby Southwark council
SOUTHWARK Council faced an angry lobby by more than 80 tenants and local residents from Heygate, Aylesbury and other council estates, against the plans...
Unions must purge Brown cabinet!
THE defeat of the Labour Party in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election – by 7,860 votes, making a 17.6% swing to the Tories from...
Defend Council Estates! Keep Homes Open!
SOUTH-EAST London Council of Action joined with local residents to stop the eviction of young people from homes on the Heygate Estate in Elephant...
workers, trade unionists and local people are marching through Enfield on Saturday 26th July against the closure of Chase Farm Hospital, the announcement of...
GET READY TO OCCUPY CHASE FARM! – march on July 26th
‘WE ARE calling on everyone to march with us through Enfield on Saturday, July 26th. Workers of Enfield won’t allow this government to close...
DEFEND CHASE FARM – decision day on closure is July 31
THE moment of truth is fast approaching for action to be taken to stop the closure of Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, north...
‘WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO RETURN’ – insists Chagos Islands...
OVER a hundred Chagossians attended the annual general meeting of the Chagos Islands Community Association in Crawley last Saturday afternoon and early evening. They re-affirmed...
Bush In Middle East To Organise New War Against Hezbollah
US President George W Bush has arrived in the Middle East and has vowed to bolster up the Lebanese army and to tackle Hezbollah,...
KEEP OUR POST OFFICE OPEN! – demand angry Borough residents
MEMBERS of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) have been joined by over 50 angry pensioners and other local residents in a demonstration against the...