Tag: liberal democrats
‘the Tuc Must Call More Action’
THOUSANDS of workers and students marched to Downing Street on Wednesday evening, in angry protest against the savage assault on jobs, public services and...
Reject ‘unlimited fees’, restore free state education
LORD BROWNE’S Review was published yesterday, recommending unlimited tuition fees for university, with ‘the market’ setting the level. The coalition’s Business, Innovation and Skills Secretary,...
Cable To Double Student Debt!
Business and Universities Secretary Cable has confirmed his intention to lift the cap on tuition fees, as recommended in the Browne Review. Lifting the cap...
NHS White Paper – ‘No Democratic Mandate!’ Says Unison!
The NHS white paper, which heralds the rapid privatisation of the health service, has no democratic mandate from the public, Unite said on Monday. Unite...
‘WE WILL NOT GIVE UP UNTIL WE WIN!’ –Lakhinder Saran tells...
TWO HUNDRED youth and workers took part in a rally and celebration of five years of the sacked Gate Gourmet workers’ struggle in...
Defend the Royal Mail – bring down the coalition!
The Tory-led coalition’s Business Secretary, Vince Cable, yesterday launched a demagogic attack on ‘spiv’ and ‘gambling’ bankers and their bonuses at the LibDem Conference. This...
Chagos Fury – Over Cable Betrayal!
THE Chagossian community in Crawley have reacted with fury after an offer from the coalition government and Vince Cable to allow the islanders...
Cbi Demands Huge Cuts To Save The Bosses
THE employers organisation, the CBI, yesterday demanded that the Tory coalition government go even further than it has pledged, in destroying benefits and...
Labour Split Threat
EX-HOME Secretary Alan Johnson threatened a Labour split yesterday if Labour Party members voted to have Ed Miliband as Labour Party leader. He claimed the...
TUC leaders refuse to call to bring down the coalition
DELEGATES to the TUC Conference in Manchester on Monday voted almost unanimously – with just one dissenting voice from BALPA pilots’ union leader Jim...
Ahead – ‘the Fight Of Our Lives!’
DELEGATES to the TUC Conference in Manchester yesterday voted almost unanimously for Composite Motion 10, Defending public services and for Paragraphs 3.1 and 3.13...
MPs rattled by phone hacking crisis – and lack of police...
‘Something very dark lurks in the evidence files of the Mulcaire case, and dark and mysterious forces are keeping it that way,’ Labour MP...
TUC to lobby Tory Party conference – to change Tory policy
THE TUC General Council statement issued on Saturday constitutes a betrayal of the working class and the trade unions. It seeks to divert...
Tuc To Lobby Tories!
TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber yesterday warned that the coalition’s cuts ‘not only threaten services but risk economic recovery’. He was speaking ahead of the...
DEFEND ROYAL MAIL! – against Tory-Lib Dem rush to privatisation
‘THIS IS a match-fix for privatisation,’ the leader of the Communications Workers Union (CWU) said yesterday, after the Tory-Lib Dem coalition announced it was...
The GMB trade union yesterday pledged to defend jobs and services in the wake of the results of the BBC-commissioned Experian survey. The results of...
‘Don’t fear Red Top Assassins’ – Labour MP Watson tells house...
the House of Commons Standards and Privileges committee will investigate phone hacking by newspapers. This follows fresh allegations against the ‘News of the World’ and...
Expropriate the bankers and bosses!
IT WAS asserted by economists long ago that labour is the source of all wealth, and Federick Engels – the lifelong friend and collaborator...
Coulson Crisis Deepens
Downing Street Director of Communications Andy Coulson is under renewed pressure after it was announced yesterday that MPs will hold an emergency debate in...
Trade unions need their own political representation
AMID the media frenzy surrounding the publication of former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s autobiography, A Journey, ballot papers were sent out for the Labour...
Fight for jobs, and against evictions and benefit cuts!
THOUSANDS more working-class families are going to their local Citizen Advice Bureau because of the effects of unemployment, debts, threatened loss of homes and...
Tory-Lib Dem Budget hitting the poor hardest – IFS report
WORKING class families and pensioners are being hit hardest by Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget. This is the key finding from a study by the...
Demand TUC call a General Strike!
The leaders of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have refused to condemn Labour right-winger Alan Milburn for accepting a position with the Tory-led coalition...
DEATHS WILL RESULT – from attacks on ambulance service
‘TINKERING with ambulance response targets could lead to unnecessary deaths,’ the GMB union, which represents ambulance drivers, warned yesterday. The union added that the government’s...
Cameron takes a begging bowl to India
PRIME Minister David Cameron and the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government have decamped from London to New Delhi this week to drum up business, such...
Cameron increases police powers for war on Welfare State
THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government launched its White Paper Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people, on Monday. Home Secretary Theresa...
Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’ Final Part
THE White Paper produced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government says that all NHS Trusts must become Foundation Trusts (FTs) within three years. There are...
Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’: Part Two
THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government’s White Paper on the NHS contains plans for sweeping changes. NHS Commissioning Board The sole commissioners for the NHS will...
Cable Urges Privatised Unis, A Graduate Tax, 2-Year Degree Courses And...
TWENTY FIVE per cent funding cuts will mean 33,844 jobs being destroyed in English colleges. This news comes just a week after an analysis...
Labour Pressing Ahead With Heygate Estate Demolition!
ANGER IS growing at the attack on council housing and in particular because the drive to destroy big estates like the Heygate Estate in...
‘BREATHTAKING ARROGANCE’ – PCS, GMB, Unite condemn coalitions’ attack!
‘We will use all the means at our disposal to fight,’ PCS civil service union General Secretary Mark Serwotka declared yesterday. He accused the government...
Coalition opts for new anti-union laws and dictatorship
CIVIL SERVANTS are angry that Cabinet Office minister, and head of the Star Chamber to force through government policy, Francis Maude, is going...
‘We will mobilise unions and communities!’ says PCS leader Serwotka
GMB national officer Sharon Holder yesterday called for ‘a coordinated effort organised by the TUC to defend public services and jobs.’ She was responding to...
Business Secretary Cable Tells Vauxhall Workers: You’Re On Your Own!
LAST MAY the Unite union leaders agreed for their members in the UK that they would provide savings of 106m euros over four years,...
The Tory Party to evict pensioners and criminalise the disabled!
THE Tory crusade has begun to resolve the capitalist crisis by heaping the cost of it onto the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the...
Tories seek to inspire fear as they tell unemployed ‘get on...
EX-ARMY officer Iain Duncan Smith, the Tory Work and Pensions Secretary, was yesterday planning just how to force unemployed workers to give up their...
COMMENTING on the Chancellor’s budget statement, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the major teachers’ union, said: ‘Despite the Chancellor’s opening remarks that...
POOR HAMMERED! – by Osborne budget says the IFS
CONTRARY to Tory Chancellor Osborne’s claims that his Emergency Budget is ‘fair’ and ‘progressive’, it is actually unfair and regressive, hitting the poorest hardest. That...
Osborne launches savage attack!
TORY Chancellor Osborne’s Emergency Budget included measures to smash the spending on public services and smash the social security system, with the biggest spending...
20% VAT AND SAVAGE CUTS – imposed by Tory Lib-Dem Budget
TORY Chancellor Osborne yesterday confirmed the government’s intention to savagely attack child benefits, disability benefits and housing benefits in his Emergency Budget, whilst pushing...
BY JOHN COULTER, IRISH POLITICAL JOURNALIST SINN FEIN has called for the immediate ending of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. In a major speech, one of...
Answer The ‘Shock And Awe’ Budget With A General Strike
THE Tory-Lib Dem shock and awe budget is due next Tuesday. Already workers, pensioners and youth are calling for action against this savage attack that...
Defeat Tory-Lib Dem attacks on public sector pensions!
TORY Prime Minister David Cameron and his Deputy Nick Clegg have declared war on six million workers in the public sector and their pensions. Clegg...
Savage Cuts Risk ‘death Spiral’
THE new allegedly independent fiscal watchdog has downgraded the economic growth projections for the UK economy, and also cut its debt projection as a...
Defeat Cameron’s Savage Cuts With A General Strike
PRIME Minister David Cameron promised yesterday that there are ‘painful cuts ahead’ that will last for years, and that he would be carrying out...