Tag: iran
‘AAMERICA UNDERSTANDS IT MUST KEEP IRAN HAPPY’ –Rafsanjani calls for unconditional...
TEHRAN’S Friday prayer leader, Chairman of the Expediency Council, and ex-President of Iran Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, told worshippers ‘Wherever America goes, it finally...
THE ex-Iranian president and current chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council, Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, has spoken up about the crisis that the US is seeking...
Tuc Appeals To The Government For Jobs, Wages And Basic Rights
The TUC preliminary agenda covers the mounting concerns of workers over jobs, wages and conditions, public services and basic rights. The agenda opens...
US arms Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia for war with Iran
THAT the US is preparing a new great war in the Middle East and the Gulf to destroy Iran and Syria is crystal clear...
UNIONS MUST TAKE BROWN ON – says News Line-All Trades Unions...
All the public sector trade unions must unite for action to bring down the Brown government and replace it with a workers government and...
WITHIN its 1700 gmt newscast on 24 July, at the end of the day’s talks between the US and Iranian governments in Baghdad, Al-Iraqiyah...
Fatah’s Abu Ammar Brigades refuses to disarm
THE official spokesperson of the Fatah-affiliated Martyr Abu Ammar Brigades, Abu Muhammad, has affirmed the brigades’ loyalty to political leaders and Fatah decisions, but...
Oil Prices Set To Soar As Demand Outstrips Supply
THE International Energy Agency has predicted that oil demand is set to leap beyond the capacity to supply, sending oil prices soaring well...
US military targeting Iran and Hezbollah
YESTERDAY the US military was linking Iran directly to attacks on their troops, including an attack at Karbala in which five US troops were...
Chagos Islanders To Lobby 10 Downing Street
A DELEGATION of Chagos Islanders from Crawley will be delivering a letter to the new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown at 10 Downing Street this...
‘WEST PLAYING POLITICS WITH AID’ says Hamas as Bush threatens Iran...
Hamas yesterday accused the West of playing politics with Palestinian aid after the US and EU resumed assistance to the Abbas appointed emergency government...
ABBAS CLOSES PARLIAMENT – Israel and US pledge full support
Hamas yesterday condemned as an illegal ‘coup’ the formation by decree of an ‘emergency government’ by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas. Hamas said Abbas had suspended...
Hamas Insist US-Israel Are Behind Gaza Fighting
SAMI Abu-Zuhri, a Hamas leader in Gaza on Wednesday made a statement about the fighting that is taking place in Gaza between Hamas...
‘We will work with one hand and save Iraq from darkness’, said militant Iraqi Shi’ite leader Moqtada al-Sadr last weekend. He said in an...
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief inspector Mohamed El Baradei yesterday warned that the ‘brewing confrontation’ with Iran over its nuclear ambitions ‘must be...
As occupation founders oil workers come to the fore
A BRITISH soldier has been killed in southern Iraq, bringing the number of British troops who have died in Iraq to 150, with thousands...
Iran proposes ‘trilateral mechanism’ to coordinate on security in Iraq
THE first bilateral talks between the US and Iran since 1980 took place yesterday and were described by the leader of the US delegation...
Not Brown But A Workers Government And Socialism
The News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference held in east London on Sunday May 13th unanimously voted to carry into action the following Main...
US forced to talk with Iran and Russia
PRESIDENT BUSH’S officials confirmed yesterday that Iran had agreed to hold talks with the US on Iraq. The Iranian communique said: ‘Following consultations between...
REGULARISATION FOR ALL! – march and rally for migrants’ and refugees’...
On the 7th of October 2006 a coalition of migrant groups, trade unions and social justice activists marched in London demanding equal rights for...
REVOLUTIONARY MAY DAY! – News Line Editorial Board Statement
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings on this May Day to the insurgent workers of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. The Iraqi insurgency...
‘Now that the international community is finally beginning to pay attention to the existence of an estimated two million Iraqi refugees in the Middle...
Iraqi puppet government splits after Maliki refuses to order US withdrawal
THE political bloc of anti-occupation Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, yesterday quit the Iraqi puppet government with its six ministers quitting the cabinet. They walked out...
Iranian diplomat was tortured after kidnap by CIA agents
WHILE the 15 British sailors were being held in comfortable and well fed custody by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, there was another captive, just...
What a carry on up the Shatt al-Arab!
THE government was completely undone yesterday after the Secretary of Defence Des Browne firmly bolted the stable door well after all the military horses...
Blair and Brown are responsible for Basra soldiers deaths
THE death of ten US and UK soldiers in 24 hours in Iraq speaks for itself. The occupation is now even more unpopular than...
Very Unconvincing Military Accuses Iran
BRITISH military chiefs yesterday once again put their soldiers in the front line, this time to face the world’s media to try to explain...
Bush Rails As Pelosi Visits Damascus
US President George W Bush on Tuesday warned that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Syria sent ‘mixed signals’ that undermined US-led efforts...
Iran frees sailors – time to withdraw all British troops from...
THE decision of the Iranian leadership to unconditionally free the fifteen British sailors and marines, who trespassed into Iranian waters, and also to leave...
IRAN FREES SAILORS – as a gift to the British people
‘Although Iran has the right to prosecute them by following the model of the Prophet, the fifteen people are pardoned and their freedom given...
25 years since the Malvinas war
THE 1982 Malvinas (Falklands War) was a decisive event not just for Britain’s Foreign Policy but for its home policy. The islands off the Argentinian...
Bush moves towards intervention with ‘free hostages’ call
PRESIDENT BUSH has laid the basis for military intervention against Iran with his condemnation of Iran’s ‘inexcusable behaviour’ in arresting the 15 British sailors...
Withdraw British Troops From The Gulf And Iraq
THE whole world can now contrast, at its leisure, the treatment of Iraqi prisoners held by the US at Abu Ghraib with that of...
Gadaffi Refuses To Attend The Riyadh Arab Summit
COLONEL GADAFFI has given some of his reasons for refusing to attend the summit of Arab leaders at Riyadh. He said that he decided not...
BLAIR THREATENS IRAN – as US battlegroups move into position
PM BLAIR yesterday threatened that if the 15 Royal Navy personnel held by Iran for trespassing in Iranian waters are not released soon,...
Hands off Iran – NO British Troops in the ...
‘IT simply is not true that they went into Iranian territorial waters and I hope the Iranian government understands how fundamental an issue this...
A&E CUTS WILL COST LIVES!– ‘dying patients will be abandoned’
‘THE idea that acute district general hospitals ( DGHs) can be run safely without acute surgical cover, a proper intensive care unit (ITU) and...
A HAMAS leader Khalil Abu-Layla said on Saturday that the Palestinians are not pinning any hopes on a visit by US Secretary of State...
IRAQ – Attacks on US troops reached a peak in the...
THE US military has reported the deaths of three more troops, two in blasts and one hit by small arms fire in insurgent...
HASSAN NASRALLAH the Hezbollah leader made an important statement over Hezbollah TV last Friday. He said: ‘In our region we witness a big and serious...
In the event of war ‘Azerbaijan and Turkey should take the...
THE Azeri newspaper Zarkalo has been discussing what role Azerbaijan should take if the US launches an attack on Iran. Its conclusion is that...
British capitalism can afford wars but not benefits!
BOTH Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Brown insisted yesterday, in support of Works and Pensions minister Hutton, that single parents must look for work...
Time for a general strike to stop the war!
‘THIS is a tremendous demonstration of the anger of the British people against what Blair has done in Iraq and is threatening to do...
End The Occupation Of Iraq! End The US/UK War Alliance!
OVER 100,000 people marched in London and many thousands more marched in Glasgow on Saturday, to demand the immediate withdrawal of all British troops...
Unions Must Take Strike Action To Stop ‘Son Of Star Wars’
THE real content of the ‘war against terror’ (a tool for promoting imperialist interests and for grabbing the world’s resources) has been proven with...