Tag: employment
Israel Violating Gaza Border Agreement
Using the individual bombing attack in Netanya on Monday as a pretext, Israel is violating the Gaza borders agreement with the Palestinian National Authority...
Brown wants to form a Blairite government
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has confirmed to the BBC that he will run a Blairite administration if he becomes prime minister. He said that...
‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...
‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...
Southall FBU Sending Delegation
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers have been getting tremendous support for their campaign for their march through Southall demanding the reinstatement of all the...
GMB trade union yesterday said it rejects the Turner report proposal to extend the pension age. Turner recommends extending the retirement age to ‘between 67...
PEMBROKE RALLY – called by Welsh TUC
The Welsh TUC is supporting a rally at 1.30 pm tomorrow at Pembroke Dock in solidarity with the Irish Ferries workers fighting attempts...
US Torture Flights – Questions Go Unanswered
LIBERTY has written letters to the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and to British police chiefs about the US’ ‘extraordinary rendition’ programme and the use...
Airport workers support Sunday’s march
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday got great support for their march this Sunday for reinstatement for all sacked workers on their original terms...
‘Comrade Trotsky’s Report On The Red Army’
Report of Comrade Trotsky on the development of the Red Army In this speech, made in 1919, Leon Trotsky reviews the development of the Red...
‘RENEWABLE STRIKE WON CONSIDERABLE GAINS’ – but dispute remains says SUD-Rail...
We publish below the SUD-Rail strike bulletin for the first day of the French rail strike, N°8 – 24 November 2005, with thanks to...
Brown pledges all to the CBI
‘Let me start by thanking you – directors, executives, managers representing companies from all over the UK – for the contribution you are making...
‘This will be the start, they are going to pay for all their lies, all the shootings,’ Alex Pereira, the cousin of Jean Charles...
Chancellor Brown To Scrap Pensions Deal
EX-CBI bosses leader Lord Turner’s report into the future of pensions – commissioned by the Blair government – is due to be published on...
MAKE OUR DISPUTE OFFICIAL say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
A DELEGATION of Gate Gourmet locked out workers is due to meet the TGWU head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, at the union’s head...
US workers need revolutionary leadership
A CRISIS, with the most revolutionary implications for the working class, is erupting in the US, with GM, the world’s biggest motorcar producer announcing...
‘TORTURE IS TERROR’ – Guantanamo victims speak out
Survivors of torture and other ill-treatment in Guantanamo Bay spoke Saturday at the beginning of a three-day conference hosted by Amnesty International and Reprieve. For...
Gourmet locked-out workers smash Woodley-Barber ‘compromise’ deal
THE Gate Gourmet catering company was forced to admit on Saturday that the ‘sweetheart’ deal, which the leaders of the TGWU and the ...
Don’t sign the rotten ‘compromise’ deal
Locked out Gate Gourmet workers are angry that TGWU officers are putting pressure on those who have been selected by the company for compulsory...
The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign issued a statement yesterday claiming a victory in their fight for the full truth about the police...
EXACTLY 18 years after the King’s Cross fire, Britain’s rail and firefighting unions on Friday launched a joint campaign to keep in place essential...
Blair convinces nobody with his education market
YESTERDAY saw the Prime Minister seeking to reinvent himself as the champion of the people and a supporter of ‘social justice’. Speaking in...
STOP NHS CUTS! – Hewitt planning winter hospital closures
Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt is planning to shut down ‘failing’ NHS hospitals this winter in the face of a predicted £700m NHS deficit in...
Huge Support For Delphi Workers
Huge support is building up for US Delphi workers confronting a massive attack on their wages, healthcare and pensions. The former General Motors subsidiary,...
‘We won’t sign rotten deal’ say Gate Gourmet workers
YESTERDAY was the deadline for locked out Gate Gourmet workers facing compulsory redundancy to sign the ‘Compromise Agreement’, surrendering their claim for unfair dismissal...
WE WANT ALL OF OUR JOBS BACK insist Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet workers are very angry that their union, the TGWU, is still urging them to sign the Compromise Agreement deal negotiated with the...
Three More US Marines Killed
Three more US marines were killed in western Iraq on Monday, the US military confirmed yesterday. All three, from the 2nd Marine Division, were taking...
‘CLOSE DOWN CAMPSFIELD! – 12 years too long’
‘Close Down Campsfield – 12 years Too Long!’, declared campaigners yesterday. They were announcing a national demonstration outside the Immigration Removal Centre’s main gates on...
Another mass picket at Gate Gourmet
THE mass picket of over 100 Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow Airport yesterday were angry at capitalist press revelations that at least two of...
‘Continue The March To Raise The Palestinian Flag Over Jerusalem’
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last Friday pledged to continue Yasser Arafat’s struggle to establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, as thousands...
WORKING CLASS MUST TAKE POWER! – WRP General Secretary Frank Sweeney...
‘The only way to solve the problems facing the working class today is for the working class to take state power and smash...
TGWU leaders still pushing ‘compromise agreement’
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were very angry on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday when letters from the TGWU solicitor advising them...
Leon Trotsky’s CLASS AND ART
THIS speech was delivered on May 9, 1924 during discussions at the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Party Policy...
Leon Trotsky’s CLASS AND ART – PART ONE Culture under the...
THIS speech was delivered on May 9, 1924 during discussions at the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Party Policy...
French Railworkers call for ‘all-out, indefinite strike’ against privatisation
The following is a translation of the first strike bulletin published in the current dispute at French Railways (SNCF) by French railworkers’ union SUD-Rail...
Locked-out workers demand action as French unions strike against BA
GATE GOURMET workers were yesterday calling for action to win their jobs back while, at the same time, BA was opening up a second...
‘Without doubt we are experiencing tough and serious conditions’ – Palestinian...
PALESTINIAN Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei has touched on a number of foreign and domestic policy issues, such as the relations with the USA, the...
Bring down Blair regime from the left
THE Blair government suffered two body-blows yesterday. Blair’s main cabinet ally, Blunkett, was forced to resign, and the government’s 66 majority was reduced to...
Blunkett Quits The Cabinet
Announcing Blunkett’s resignation as Work and Pensions Secretary to MPs yesterday, Prime Minister Blair made it clear he had been ready to defy...
General Council must support locked out Gate Gourmet workers
ON Monday September 12 the TUC Annual Congress was lobbied by 300 of the over 700 locked out Gate Gourmet workers. The Congress then passed...
ADULT EDUCATION UNDER ATTACK– funding crisis means sackings and course closures,...
Lower than expected college funding poses a severe threat to adult education and those who provide it, warns the latest edition of public sector...
NURSES TAKE LABOUR TO COURT! –to stop the privatisation of NHS...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday began a legal challenge to government plans to privatise the NHS by abolishing the role of Primary...
Strong Picket By Gate Gourmet Workers
WELL over 100 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday near to Heathrow airport. TGWU member Manny Odedra told News Line: ‘The people the...
ISRAELI PLANES BOMBING GAZA – Mofaz rules out Palestinian state for...
ISRAEL has ruled out peace and even an interim accord with the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people, kicking the ‘peace process’...
Tuc Must Act To Win Our Struggle
GATE Gourmet workers who have been selected for compulsory redundancy angrily spoke to News Line over the weekend about letters they had received explaining...
Hands off Iran – Forward to the state of Palestine
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has voiced his ‘dismay’ over remarks by Iran’s president calling for Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’. Annan...