Tag: election
Drop the charges against Gambian journalists
CHARGES against two journalists detained after they applied for permission to hold a peaceful protest over the executions of nine death row inmates must...
Balls Is Booed, Congress Votes For General Strike Resolution
LABOUR shadow chancellor Balls was booed at the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday when he made it clear that a Labour government would carry...
German bosses want Greece to be a giant Economic Zone –as...
THE President of the German bosses association ASSON has called for Greece to be turned into a huge ‘Special Economic Zone’. Hans-Peter Keitel, President...
Obama Dumps Two-State Solution!
PROPONENTS of the two-state solution to Palestine, that is the creation of two separate states, Israel and Palestine through peaceful negotiations, with East Jerusalem...
‘The situation… provides a historic opportunity to break free from the...
SYRIAN deputy Premier Qadri Jamil, and Syrian Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haydar have spoken on Damascus TV following their meeting...
IRELAND’S BANKS ARE REFUSING TO LEND –as Greece is urged to...
EUROGROUP President Jean-Claude Juncker is in Athens for talks with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on whether the debt-laden country has the will to...
GREEK bank workers at the ATE Bank (Agrarian bank) decided last Monday in a mass meeting to continue their national strike against the sell...
Disgusting Libdems Squeal Betrayal!
THE LibDems, who sealed the coalition by stabbing millions of youth in the back by agreeing to tuition fees of up to £9,000 a...
Romney condemned by Solidarity and the Palestinians!
REPUBLICAN presidential nominee Romney won endorsement from former Polish president and former Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, only to see the Solidarity...
Mursi Acts To Try To Halt Strike Wave
EGYPT’S President Mursi has intervened to settle strikes across the textile sector and at the giant Cleopatra Ceramics in Ain Sokhna, where striking workers...
‘THE PALESTINIAN CAUSE CANNOT BE DIVIDED’ – Hamas refutes Gaza independence...
SENIOR Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar on Sunday denied media reports that the Islamist resistance group is considering declaring the Gaza Strip a separate entity...
Austerity Forever Pledges Cameron
IN an interview given to the Daily Telegraph, the Tory prime minister, David Cameron, declared that ‘austerity’ will be forever as far as he...
Murdoch-Thatcher Wapping Deal
Rupert Murdoch sought assurances from prime minister Thatcher in the 1980s about policing of print union strikes, the Leveson Inquiry has been told. In a...
Samaras Puts Up ‘Greece For Sale’ Sign
GREEK Prime Minister elect Antonis Samaras has declared a massive privatisation plan for the entire transport and energy sectors as well as dozens of...
Mexican trade unions confronted by armed police
WORKERS attempting to hold a free and democratic unionisation vote at a Mexican silver mine owned by Canadian mining company Excellon Resources were confronted...
Angry ARM turns on BMA leaders
BMA leaders narrowly escaped censure for their lack of leadership during the struggle against the Health and Social Care Bill yesterday, when 44% of...
LEON TROTSKY’S ‘WHITHER FRANCE?’ TODAY Part 3: A Programme of Action...
THE election results from May 6th in Greece and France show that the working class will use every opportunity to fight against paying for...
Egyptian Revolution Set To Leap Forward
THE Egyptian revolution moved into a decisive stage yesterday with the announcement by the election committee overseeing the recent final run-off for president that...
LEON TROTSKY’S ‘WHITHER FRANCE’ TODAY Part 2: Neither ‘austerity’ nor ‘growth’...
AFTER governments across Europe either took over debt-laden banks, or the debts of the banks, in 2008 they demanded ‘austerity measures’ to repay the...
Narrow New Democracy Win – A Minor Breathing Space For Bosses!
IN CONDITIONS of polarisation, the conservative New Democracy party won Sunday’s crucial and vastly internationally significant Greek general election gaining 29.6 per cent of...
World crisis of capitalism dominates
The world crisis of capitalism is asserting itself with a vengeance, defying every attempt by governments and the world financial system to bring it...
‘There could be a Lehmans moment!’ – World Bank warning
AS GREEK workers went to the polls yesterday, bourgeois commentators were warning of a ‘widespread contagion’ or even an ‘asteroid strike’ of an economic...
FOLLOWING Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court ruling that the just-elected parliament is illegitimate, workers are vowing that they will not allow the return to a...
‘We will save Egypt from military rule!’
CROWDS marched to Cairo’s Tahrir Square again yesterday after the April 6 movement called for a protest starting at 5.00pm (1500 GMT) ‘against the...
King Fiddling While Rome Burns!
THE GOVERNOR of the Bank of England, King, spoke to the gathered ranks of big business on Thursday evening at his Mansion House feast,...
US unions fight against the voter identification laws
THE US’ largest labour federation plans to mount an aggressive campaign against voter identification laws in a half-dozen battleground states that will be key...
‘We will negotiate with EC’ says Tsipras
THE Greek leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras in an interview with the Athens left daily Avgi on Sunday...
Political crisis in Europe
The political crisis for the European bourgeoisie deepened yesterday following the results of exit polls at the end of the first round of voting...
Greek Slump – Consumption Falls By 16.6%
THE Greek economy fell further into deep recession in the first quarter of the year, according to the Greek Statistics Authority (EL.STAT.) who announced...
Tsipras Says ‘No’ To Mass Sackings Of Civil Servants
LEFTIST SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras addressed a crowd of party supporters in Sparti, in the Peloponnese, on Thursday night. Tsipras said that his party would...
BERNANKE READY TO ACT – to print hundreds of billions more...
US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said yesterday that he is ‘ready to act’ on the US economy, hinting that the US is about...
Greek Youth Unemployment Now At 52.8%
THE Greek Statistics Authority (EL.STAT.) has announced that the official unemployment rate for last March rose to 21.9 per cent, a huge increase compared...
Greek coach drivers strike ruled illegal
A Greek single judge court on Sunday ruled ‘illegal’ a four-day national strike declared by the coach drivers’ federation of trades unions to demand...
Greek Workers Need Revolutionary Party!
TWO weeks before the Greek general election, due on June 17, Alexis Tsipras the leader of Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) last Friday...
EGYPT ERUPTS! – Millions call for the revolution to continue
HUNDREDS of thousands of Egyptian workers and youth have re-occupied Tahrir Square in disgust at the light sentencing of ex-president Mubarak and at...
Egyptian class struggle continues
While Egypt’s presidential election has dominated the headlines, the class struggle continues unabated with workers determined to defend their rights and improve living standards. Egypt’s...
Statement by the Revolutionary Marxist League –Greek Section of the International...
• No to the destruction of collective agreements! • Down with the EC-IMF austerity measures Accords! • Withdraw from the EC and NATO! •...
Blair at Inquiry on Monday
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is to appear before the Leveson Inquiry into media standards on Monday. Under-pressure Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt will give evidence...
Essex FBU strike ballot launched
Ballot papers are going out to Essex fire crews this week in a strike vote over unnecessary frontline cuts and changes imposed without agreement. The...
Greek Medicines Crisis
The Greek Chemist shops Association staged a 24-hour national strike yesterday demanding the payment by the Health Ministry of some 500 million euros owed...
Greek conservatives build ‘front against populism’
The Greek conservatives New Democracy party is building up a ‘pro-European front against populism’ with the aim of defeating the Coalition of the Radical...
Merkel Angers Greek Parties
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone call to the Greek President Karolos Papoulias last Friday, when she asked for a referendum to be held on...
British Capitalism Gets The Shakes Over Eu Crisis!
UK Chancellor George Osborne lashed out at Germany’s ‘Iron Chancellor’ Merkel before the meeting of EU finance ministers in Brussels yesterday. He attacked Merkel...
Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) General Secretary David Begg has said that the Dublin government could delay ratification of the Fiscal Compact Treaty,...
German election crisis for Merkel
The economic and political crisis in the Eurozone countries is now firmly expressing itself in Germany, the dominant capitalist nation in Europe and the...