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Voters Reject Tories And Warn Labour

THURSDAY’S by-elections saw voters completely rejecting the Tories, destroying the LibDems and giving the Labour Party a very stiff warning. UKIP gained its first elected...

Baghdad would have fallen without Iran’s Help – says Iranian ...

IRANIAN Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that if it wasn’t for ‘Iran’s support (for Iraq) and presence’ in fighting the group calling...

Privateers take £1.5bn out of the NHS since 2012!

A NEW investigation by Unite has found that since 2012 a scandalous £1.5 billion has left the NHS and gone into the pockets of...

Excessive Workloads Driving Teachers Out!

TEACHERS are facing low morale, exhaustion, frustration and distress because of the impact of unsustainable workloads, which is driving teachers out of the profession,...

Tories’ catastrophic split – time to kick them out

THE Tory party was delivered shattering blows on the eve of its conference when Tory MP Mark Reckless stepped out onto the platform of...

Defend Public Services through a general strike

ON THE day that MPs were voting on going to war once again in the Middle East, a very senior civil servant made it...

Greek Public Sector Workers Strike! – Against Mass Sackings

GREEK public sector workers staged a one-day national strike last Tuesday against the government’s workers’ ‘evaluation’ schemes which are designed to lead to mass...


LABOUR leader Ed Milliband opened his speech to the Labour Party conference yesterday by throwing his full support behind the US-led bombing raids on...

Hands off Medicare and Social Security! – Demand US workers at...

SENATOR Warren, and the Koch Sisters led the rally to protect Social Security, and Medicare organised by AFSCME members at the ‘Hands Off’ rally...

Tories Open Up The Battle Against Socialism

THE content of the ‘devolution campaign’, which has now developed into the ‘Home Rule for England campaign’ was revealed yesterday when Tory Justice Secretary...

Miliband pledges £8 minimum wage

ADDRESSING the party’s annual conference in Manchester yesterday, Labour leader Miliband pledged to increase the National Minimum Wage to £8 an hour over the...

‘RISE UP’–US workers push forward

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has spoken about the importance of the struggle of the US trade unions. ‘Today, thousands of workers embraced a union future....

Three party leaders make a ‘Vow’ that they cannot carry out!

YESTERDAY saw a LibDem, Tory and Labour Party coalition scrambling to promise anything and everything in a desperate effort to save the UK...

Privateers Clean Up While Unemployed Demonised

THE NEWS that the coalition government has very quietly slipped a clause into the contracts being handed out to private companies to run probation...

‘Stop Justice Privatisation!’

DELEGATES at the TUC Conference in Liverpool yesterday voted unanimously for Composite 14, Protect Probation and Speak up for Justice. The motion calls on the...

Bourgeoisie In A Panic Over Scotland

POLLS showing that the campaign for Scottish independence could win the referendum, due to take place in nine days time, has caused panic amongst...

Cameron and Tories in crisis

THE understanding that in times of acute capitalist crisis the ruling class can no longer rule in the old way is being borne out...

Manchester SU supports YS March

‘MANCHESTER University Students Union (SU) supports the march because we support the fight for better opportunities for today’s youth,’ said Charlie Cook, the SU...

Clacton–thumbs down for Cameron

THE first poll of the Clacton constituency, where a by-election is due, shows that ex-Tory MP Carswell, who is standing for UKIP,...

Tory Party On The Rocks!

THE Survation poll for the Mail on Sunday shows that UKIP, with turncoat Tory MP Carswell as their candidate, will win the October Clacton...

Splits and crisis dominate Europe

LAST weekend the French government collapsed as the splits within the cabinet turned into open warfare between President Holland and his finance minister, Arnaud...

Afghan crisis deepens as deadline nears

AFGHANISTAN’S finance minister has said deadlock over the disputed presidential election has cost the economy $5bn, so far. Omar Zakhilwal has said he will have...

Turkish Leaders Meet With Pkk Leader Ocalan!

TURKEY’S spy chief has assured the imprisoned leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) during a secret meeting last week that the...

Regional benefit cuts next!

UNISON has condemned calls by a right wing ‘think tank’ for benefit cuts for all claimants living outside of London, and for child benefits...

SECOND MINISTER QUITS – Another considering his position

A SECOND Foreign Office Minister, Mark Simmonds, has resigned from the government, 10 Downing Street said yesterday. His resignation follows that of Foreign Office Minister...

Halt NHS privatisation! – no consent from the people

LABOUR’S shadow health secretary Andy Burnham has called for NHS privatisation to be halted until after the 2015 general election. Speaking yesterday Burnham said ‘privatisation...

NHS faces privatisation – kick out the coalition now!

EVERY week without fail, doctors, medical journals, and health experts produce authoritative studies that ram home the fact that under this Tory-led coalition government...

Labour adopts coalition cuts

THE three-day meeting of Labour’s ‘policy forum’ ended on Sunday with a massive vote to commit the Labour Party to carrying on with the...

Broken Hague Stands Down While Gove Is Terminated By Cameron!

WILLIAM Hague has stood down as foreign secretary, but will stay in the cabinet as Leader of the House of Commons till the next...

Hague And Gove Have Gone!

TEACHERS unions said yesterday that the policies enforced by the now ex-Tory Education Secretary Gove, and resisted by hundreds of thousands of teachers...

US facing complete humiliation in Afghanistan!

US Secretary of State John Kerry has had to make an emergency trip to Afghanistan where the much vaunted democratic...

Massive strike action greeted by Tory coalition threats!

AS millions of public sector workers, teachers, firefighters, local government workers and many other sections took strike action yesterday, Prime Minister Cameron pledged to...

‘WAR ON LOW PAY!’ – launched at Unite conference

‘WE are launching a war against low wages’ Unite assistant general secretary Steve Turner announced yesterday on the second day of their annual conference. Unite...

Iraq Faces Country Division

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that Syria’s moderate opposition could play a role in fighting against and pushing back jihadists...

Unite gives its full backing to Labour

LEN McCluskey, addressing the Unite policy conference in Liverpool yesterday, stated that the unions and the NHS face ‘the fight of our lives’ to see...

General Strike Needed To Defend The NHS!

DR MARK Porter, Chair of the British Medical Association Council, opened their annual representatives meeting with a speech that tore into the policies of...

Bma Opposes NHS Cuts!

DOCTORS at the British Medical Association’s (BMA) Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) in Harrogate yesterday voted overwhelmingly in opposition to NHS privatisation and...

Amcu Agreement On Wage Offer!

IMPALA Platinum said on Tuesday that an agreement has been reached with the AMCU trade union on a ‘broad wage offer to end...

Safety must be mandatory! – Australian maritime workers step up action...

ON Wednesday, 18 June, Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) members will take action in Sydney to draw attention to the safety crisis in stevedoring. The...

Platinum Miners Strike Continuing

CREDIT ratings agency Fitch on Friday warned South Africa that its credit rating may be lowered following the ongoing five-month platinum strike in the...

Rate Rises Will Lead To Banking Collapse

ON Thursday night, the captains of British capitalism assembled for a sumptuous banquet at London’s Mansion House to listen to the latest economic plans...

No Academy At Hove Park School!

CAMPAIGNERS fighting to stop Hove Park School in Brighton & Hove being turned into an academy have called a march for July 5th. Hands Off...

Labour lets May & Gove off the hook!

THE LABOUR opposition let both Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove and Home Secretary Theresa May off the hook by failing to call for their...

Sack Gove, May and Cameron! TUC must call a general strike...

EDUCATION Secretary Michael Gove, who has carried forward the privatisation battle against the teaching trade unions, and driven forward the Free School-Academy agenda,...

Syrians Take To The Streets To Celebrate Assad Victory!

HUGE masses of people took to the streets just after Speaker of the People''s Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, announced that Dr. Bashar Hafez al-Assad...