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Public sector decimated by Tory austerity agenda says TUC

TUC delegates at their annual Congress in Brighton on Tuesday voted unanimously to defend public services and pay. Composite Motion 06 Campaigning for public services...

CORBYN WELCOMED – while right wing refuses to serve

TRADE unions yesterday welcomed the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party leader. This was after the explosion of working class anger inside and around...

After Corbyn’s victory TUC delegates must call a general strike

THE left wing backbench MP, Jeremy Corbyn, won a stunning victory in the Labour Party leadership contest on Saturday, as the working class gave...

‘Millions of US workers wages are too damn low’ says Sanders...

A PICKETING president? Independent senator Bernie Sanders said it could be him. ‘Yeah, I might. That’s right. Why not?’ Sanders said when asked about the...

OPPOSE ABBOTT WORKPLACE CHANGES! says Australian Council of Trade Unions

THE pay packets of regional workers will take a hit and communities will suffer if new workplace changes recommended by the Productivity Commission and...

Tories Plan To Bomb Syria And Send Troops To Libya

NEWS LINE congratulates the German workers who have given a big welcome to the Syrian and other refugees who have shown such an indomitable...

‘Work with whoever is elected’ urges Harman

LABOUR MPs must ‘work with’ whoever is elected leader later this week, Harriet Harman has said pleading with Labour’s right wing not to split...

TUC leaders must call a general strike or be forced to...

THE annual conference of the TUC, due to start a week tomorrow, is the first conference of the leadership of the trade union movement...

100,000 March In Dublin Against Water Charges

HUGE numbers of anti-water-charges demonstrators marched through Dublin city last Saturday, ending with a 100,000-strong rally at the Spire on O’Connell Street, with...

Publish 7-day NHS plan – BMA challenges Cameron

THE BMA yesterday called on David Cameron to set out the detail of his plans for more seven-day NHS services. The BMA said:...

Forward to the Greek Socialist Revolution!

AFTER the failure of the major Greek political parties to form a government, Greece’s top Supreme Court judge, Vassiliki Thanou, has been appointed caretaker...

Workers Of The World Unite – Is Still The Slogan...

NET migration to the UK is at an all-time high, reaching 330,000 in the year to March 2015, that is 94,000 more than in...

The great Labour democrats launch a purge so that they can...

THE leader of one of the UK’s biggest trade unions has had his vote in the Labour leadership election rejected. His voting paper has...

PCS Leader Purged By Labour!

THE leader of one of the country’s biggest trade unions yesterday hit back at Labour after being told his vote on the party leadership...

Join The Political Revolution–Sanders Urges US Workers!

US Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders called on US trade unions to rise up and join his political revolution to defeat the Koch brothers...

Traitor Tsipras is handing over power to the right wing!

WITH his resignation as Greek prime minister on Thursday night, the leader of the ‘left’ Syriza government, Alexis Tsipras, has signalled that he and...

Greek Election Crisis!

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras announced on Thursday evening that he was resigning as Prime Minister and has called an early Greek election. Tsipras, who was...


TOP Iraqi officials ignored ample warnings of an impending attack on second city Mosul and grossly mismanaged the ensuing crisis that saw it seized...

BMA Junior Doctors reject Tory-imposed contract!

THE decision by the British Medical Association (BMA) to refuse to re-enter contract negotiations for doctors in training will be welcomed by every trade...

Australian Workers Fight Sackings!

A FEDERAL Court judge in Australia has granted an injunction preventing 97 workers at ports in Sydney and Brisbane from being sacked. The Maritime Union...

The Tory recovery is a fraud! Time to bring them down!

UK registered unemployment from April to June 2015 was at 1.85 million, up 25,000 from the previous quarter while the ONS figures showed that...

Send Blair to the War Crimes Tribunal!

EX-PM Blair could be made to stand trial for war crimes over the invasion of Iraq, Labour leadership front-runner Jeremy Corbyn has said. Corbyn correctly...

Duma Forms Guard To Beat Back Settlers!

RESIDENTS of the Palestinian village of Duma in the occupied West Bank are forming voluntary groups to guard against attacks by Israeli settlers. This is...

Ruthless Troika has Syriza in its grip

THE Greek Industry, Environment and Industry Minister Panos Skourletis stated on Tuesday that a general election could be called this autumn once the new...

Corbyn faces coup if elected

LAST week the right-wing of the Labour Party showed their desperation over the snowballing support for the Jeremy Corbyn leadership campaign by trotting out...

150 workers die each day in the USA – from injuries...

ONE hundred and fifty workers die each day in the United States as a result of injuries at work or occupational diseases. The American Federation...

Labour right wing propping up the Tories!

ACTING Labour Party leader Harriet Harman yesterday betrayed working people when she led over 100 Labour MPs in abstaining over the Welfare Bill which...

NHS under siege – TUC must act

TORY Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, announced on June 2nd that the NHS must ‘stop making excuses’ and deliver ‘its side of the bargain’ going...

No Tory Dictatorship Smash Anti-Union Laws!

THE publication of the newly proposed Tory strike-ban laws have brought a response from all trade unions. Some union leaders call for action but the...

Unite and fight this brutal assault says RMT

‘THIS Tory government is coming after the one group of people – the trade unions – who are able to stand up for ordinary...

500% Increase In Bankruptcies In Ireland In 2014!

THERE has been a 500% increase in the number of people in Ireland who declared bankruptcy in 2014. More than one person was declared bankrupt...

Labour Party heads for a split

THE announcement by the acting Labour leader, Harriet Harman, during an interview with the BBC on Sunday, that the Labour Party would be fully...

UNITE leader offers to assist Tory productivity drive

THE immediate response of the leaders of the trade unions representing public sector workers to the wage-cutting programme outlined by Osborne in this week’s...

Savage attack on disabled planned!

THE PCS union, which represents JobCentre workers, yesterday denounced as ‘appalling’ planned savage cuts to social security for sick and disabled people. It was commenting...

Greek Revolution Statement

STATEMENT BY THE REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST LEAGUE Athens, Saturday 27/6/15 For a strong class ‘NO’ vote in the referendum! No to the austerity accords! Out of EU, IMF and...

Vote ‘NO’ and organise Greek Socialist Revolution!

THE Syriza party won the last Greek general election with its declarations that once elected it would put an end to the austerity dictatorship...

‘They are planning to get rid of the whole of Ealing...

ANN FRANKLYN, 22 years a nurse and midwife at Ealing Hospital, carrying heavy bags, stopped at the occupation at 6.30pm on Friday evening. ‘Today...

Workers’ rights can only be secured by revolution

YESTERDAY the former ‘hammer’ of the teachers trade unions, Michael Gove, the new Justice Secretary who wants to abolish the Human Rights Act, was...

Hundreds of thousands march against austerity! – WHILE LEADERS LIMIT DEMANDS...

OVER 250,000 people took part in a huge anti-austerity demonstration in London on Saturday, organised by the People’s Assembly. They took part in a rally...

Massive turn-out of workers to fight Tory austerity

THE 250,000 workers and youth who marched on Saturday, along with the thousands who also marched in Glasgow and Liverpool, proved once again that...

Labour Rescues Cameron Government

PM Cameron was rescued by Labour from a humiliating defeat in the House of Commons on Europe on Tuesday night after he faced his...

Ealing meeting votes for maternity occupation

‘CLOSING Ealing Hospital maternity is a real attack on the NHS and a real attack on the people of Southall, Ealing and surrounding areas,’...

Abolish water charges! demands Dublin conference

THE right to decent work, an end to the banks’ veto on mortgage resolutions and the abolition of water charges are among the measures...

EU crisis deepens in London and Athens

THE great EU referendum crisis in the UK has sharpened after PM Cameron denied his earlier remarks that after he had negotiated a deal...

Moment of truth for Greece!

GREECE’S Syriza government delayed yesterday’s 300m euros (£216m) debt repayment to the IMF, saying that it will pay over to the Troika (the...