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A UK G-Bay & more armed police as Tories seek big...

NEW Guantanamo Bay-style jails-within-jails are being opened for the first time in the UK to incarcerate ‘extremists of all kinds’, while police are being...

‘Gangster capitalism has no place in 21st century!’

GMB holds fruit-picking giant Fyffes ultimately responsible for a brutal machete attack which left a young man with life-changing injuries. Misael Sanchez was slashed across...

Indignation is not enough – working class needs socialist policies

IN HIS first election speech, Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, expressed his anger and indignation over the policies of austerity ruthlessly carried out by...

Pm May Refuses To Debate!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn said in the House of Commons yesterday that workers ‘cannot trust’ PM May. He spoke before the vote...

Bring down the Tories on June 8th to save the NHS,...

ON JUNE 23 2016 the adventurers Cameron and Osborne, the then PM and Chancellor, came unstuck when they lost their EU referendum and were...


‘I HAVE just chaired a meeting of the cabinet, where we agreed that the government should call a general election, to be held on...

French elections ‘shaken’ by surge in working class support for socialist...

THIS WEEK has seen a dramatic upsurge of support amongst workers and youth in France for the outsider left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in the...

Sri Lanka doctors strike against privatisation

A STRIKE by doctors over private medical universities gripped Sri Lanka on Friday. The country-wide strike action was launched by the Government Medical Officers Association...

Livingstone Is To Appeal Against Suspension!

FORMER Labour Mayor of London Ken Livingstone has announced that he is to appeal against his two-year suspension from standing for office or representing...

After Brexit, Forward To The European Socialist Revolution!

PRIME Minister May in her letter to EU President Tusk has described the invoking of Article 50 to begin the UK’s withdrawal from the...

US credit experts warn a crash is coming

NEWS IS quietly emerging from the top of the US banking fraternity that, despite the wild euphoria that has gripped the world financial centres...

Zionist Friedman appointed US ambassador to Israel!

BY appointing David Friedman as the US ambassador to Israel, President Trump has unceremoniously stomped on any remaining illusions that he will restore genuine...

Labour Right Wing Moves To Split Lp On Behalf Of The...

WITH his tale that Unite leader McCluskey (currently up for re-election) intends to pay the union’s political cash over to the pro-Corbyn grass roots...

Bring down the crisis-ridden Tories – forward to a workers government...

GOVERNMENT plans to increase National Insurance levels for self-employed people – announced in the Budget last week – have been dropped by the Tory...

MPs must vote to quit the EU – forward to the...

THE Brexit Secretary Davis yesterday urged MPs not to ‘tie the prime minister’s hands’ and to defeat the two House of Lords amendments to...

Tory budget–tax relief for bosses, tax increases for low paid!

THE headlines in the bourgeois press yesterday howled about Tory chancellor, Philip Hammond, breaking a cast-iron Tory election manifesto pledge that there would be...

GPs are not gatekeepers, their place is in the communities

GPs have stressed that the best place for GPs to work is in their community, as opposed to working in hospital triage as first...

Tory Budget: war on NHS, education & pay

IN REFUSING to lift the 1% public sector pay cap, chancellor Philip Hammond is condemning ‘just managing’ civil servants to wage cuts of up...

Palestinian Cabinet decides on West Bank only elections

THE PALESTINIAN cabinet decided on Tuesday to hold municipal elections on May 13 only in the West Bank with the exclusion of the Gaza...

Labour to win by-elections – Tories in huge NHS crisis

VOTERS in both the Stoke-on-Trent and Copeland by-elections go to the polls today to elect new MPs for the seats held by Labour at...


PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad stressed in Damascus that Syria is owned by the Syrians and that the peace is two things. First, fighting terrorists...

Greek debt is on an ‘explosive path’ says the IMF

THE International Monetary Fund has warned that Greece’s debts are on an ‘explosive path’ in its first annual review of the country’s economy since...

Palestinian reconciliation means PA ending security collaboration with Israel– says deputy...

THE first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has said that Palestinian national reconciliation could not be achieved amid the continued security...

Trump Condemns Iran And Embraces Israel & Egypt!

DONALD Trump’s White House signalled a tougher stance toward Iran on Wednesday, condemning a recent missile test and declaring America was putting the Islamic...

Oakland longshoremen march against Trump!

ON the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration, many Americans wrung their hands. Some took to social media to express their discontent while others protested....

Supreme Court votes for EU again, as Labour demands a ‘meaningful...

AS EXPECTED, the Supreme Court has ruled against the government’s appeal, challenging its previous verdict that Parliament must vote on whether the government can...

May To Meet Trump On Friday – Trump To Meet The...

IT’S BEEN a lightning courtship. PM May is to meet Trump on Friday. May opposed the Brexit pre-referendum and was appointed PM by the 1922...

Take action to smash the ‘rigged’ capitalist system!

ON Saturday the Daily Telegraph disclosed to the world – ‘that moderate Labour MPs are plotting to undermine Mr Corbyn by staging resignations...

Trump To Invite Netanyahu To His Inauguration!

PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump’s advisers are planning to invite Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to the president-elect’s inauguration ceremony, so as to publicly stress just...

Israel to annexe settlement!

ISRAEL’S education minister and leader of the far right, pro-settlement Jewish Home Party, Naftali Bennett, said yesterday morning he would propose a bill by...

Anti-Russian campaign of the US and UK ruling classes leads to...

THE assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, on Monday by an ex-policeman Mevlut Altintas – who was sacked after the failure...

Liberation of Aleppo ”is history in the making” says Assad

DAMASCUS – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has offered felicitations to the Arab nation on the liberation of Aleppo city from foreign-backed militants amid an...


THE interviews given by Mikhail Gorbachev on the 25th anniversary of the Stalinist bureaucracy overthrowing the USSR show that the question of the restoration...

Italian banks are bust, as is the Italian government – the...

A COLLISION between Italy and the European Union over a bailout of Italy’s collapsed banking system is getting closer by the day. It is...

‘The Failure Of Their Battle For Aleppo Means A Total Transformation...

PRESIDENT Assad had an interview with the Syrian newspaper al-Watan last Wednesday and we are pleased to be be able to publish some extracts...

President-elect Trump launches attack on US trade unions

AN Indianapolis trade union leader has been receiving threats after US president-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter to attack him on Wednesday night. Trump twice...

EU is going up in flames! Forward to the Socialist United...

THE European Union is like a huge powder magazine that started to smoulder even before the Brexit vote in the UK on June 23rd,...

‘Return Bodies Of Slain Palestinians’

‘RETURN the bodies of slain Palestinians!’ Bethlehem students unions demanded of Israel, adding that ‘withholding bodies is a war crime.’ Three student unions from...

European banks are ‘screwed’ as ‘uncertainty’ rules

‘UNCERTAINTY’ is the word on the lips of every banker and bourgeois politician today as they grapple with a capitalist system that is unravelling...

Tory War On Workers

CHANCELLOR Hammond used his Autumn Statement in the House of Commons yesterday to warn that the Tory war on the working class and poor...

Millions of US workers fighting for $15 an hour!

AIRPORT and fast-food workers are expected to be joined on picket lines by child care workers, home care workers and graduate assistants, who are...

Chicago erupts against Trump

MORE than a week after Donald Trump’s election as next US president, protesters continue to take to the streets in the US and elsewhere...

Defend The NHS! Kick Tories Out!

THE government’s hospital closure programme could be derailed if masses of people take to the streets, said Chris Hopson, the leader of NHS England’s...

AFL-CIO ‘hope to work with President-elect Trump’

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka released the following statement on the results of the 2016 presidential election in which he declared his willingness to work...

The fight to free Palestine is inseparable from the British socialist...

IN response to a pledge by US President-elect Donald Trump to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Palestinian ambassador to the United...