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Israel Declares The Gaza Strip A ‘Hostile Entity’

HAMAS has condemned the latest Zionist decision on Wednesday to declare the Gaza Strip a ‘hostile entity’ and to cut off vital fuel and...

Federal Reserve opts for debt mountain and to crash the $

FOLLOWING the decision of the US federal Reserve Bank to reduce its interest rate by 0.5 per cent, double the expected 0.25 per cent...

BROWN PLAYS CHINA CARD – as delegates warn they will strike...

GORDON Brown gave his first speech as prime minister to the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. He told delegates: ‘All of us must prepare for...

American revolution will replace the failed American dream

UAW car workers President Ron Gettelfinger last Thursday lifted the lid just a little on the lives of tens of millions of US workers,...

Politics And Passion At Edinburgh Film Festival

Edinburgh International Film Festival is the world’s longest running film festival, showcasing the latest and best of world cinema, with something for everyone. This...

Scientific progress should serve a nation’s welfare – says Iran’s President...

President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad in Tehran on Wednesday voiced Iran’s readiness to share its nuclear achievements with other nations within the framework and under the...

France Considers Further Sanctions Against Iran

France is considering further sanctions against ‘the members and support structures’ of the Iranian government over Iran’s nuclear programme, the French foreign ministry said...

US Collapse Shocks Afl-Cio Leaders

‘One day after George W Bush asserted that the ‘fundamentals’ of the US economy are strong, the Dow Jones stock index plummeted by 387,...

Iranian President Visits Kabul And Sco Meeting

THE strengthening of regional treaties is a key factor to prevent the promotion of a unipolar system of domination by the US, and would...

Abolish The Gangmasters!

THE scandal of the gangmasters has caused uproar in the working class, but the leaders of the trade union movement are helping to cover...

Don’t be foolhardy – Bush urges Chinese Stalinists

PRESIDENT George W Bush on Wednesday said China would be ‘foolhardy’ to push down the dollar in retaliation for the massive US pressure...


THE trade unions must take joint action with the postal workers to defend their members’ jobs and basic rights. They must go forward to bring...

How Hezbollah Beat The Israeli Army

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has revealed how his Hezbollah movement prevailed in last year’s Israeli war on Lebanon. He said: ‘We had believed...

Brown’s Britain = super-exploitation and death for workers

GORDON Brown is now infamous as the friend of the equity capitalists who, thanks to him, pay no taxes, while he insists that the...

US crisis intensifies!

THE US dollar, reflecting the crisis of the US capitalist economy, is now sinking fast against both the euro and the pound sterling. Rising...

Oil Prices Set To Soar As Demand Outstrips Supply

THE International Energy Agency has predicted that oil demand is set to leap beyond the capacity to supply, sending oil prices soaring well...

Putin tells the bosses how to run capitalism

RUSSIA’S Stalinist leader, President Putin, addressing a business forum in Leningrad on Sunday, told the assembled capitalist leaders that the IMF and the World...

US Attention Focuses On China

AT THIS moment all eyes are turned to China. The US government, and worried US trade union leaders are currently talking to the Chinese...

ESOL CLASSES ARE A BASIC RIGHT! – call for mass registration...

TWO thousand people took part in three marches that converged on Hackney Town Hall on Saturday, demanding free English language courses for everyone. The marches...

Gettelfinger Has No Answer To ‘The Race To The Bottom’

UAW President Ron Gettelfinger spoke at the Michigan State University School of Labour and Industrial Relations in East Lansing, Michigan on April 10th...

Gadaffi Refuses To Attend The Riyadh Arab Summit

COLONEL GADAFFI has given some of his reasons for refusing to attend the summit of Arab leaders at Riyadh. He said that he decided not...

State ownership brings MG Rover back from the dead!

THE state-owned Nanjing Automobile company, which bought MG Rover for a knock down price of £53 million and then transferred and reassembled 10,000 tonnes...


‘I welcome you all on this great day’, said Ismail Haniya last Saturday, just before he was sworn in as Prime Minister of the...

IRAQ – Attacks on US troops reached a peak in the...

THE US military has reported the deaths of three more troops, two in blasts and one hit by small arms fire in insurgent...

After China sneezes Wall Street drops like a stone

A NINE per cent fall on the small Chinese stock market, after rumours that the Stalinist bureaucracy was about to tax shares, and slightly...

Speak English Or Else – Minister Tells The Poor!

UNEMPLOYED people who cannot speak English will have to show they are learning the language or lose benefits, the government has announced. This is...

Putin Alarm At US War Drive

THE fact that the deepening capitalist crisis is turning the whole planet into a US war zone has begun to seriously alarm the Russian...

US Opening Up Second Front In Africa

MILLIONS of Africans will understandably be fearful at the latest strategic initiative that US President George Bush has just announced. The president has instructed his...

Woodley calls off cabin crew strike action

At the last minute yesterday afternoon, the Transport and General Workers Union called off today’s 48-hour strike by British Airways cabin crew. The TGWU...

2007 – The Year For Revolution!

THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2007 to the working class and youth of the world,...

‘CUT THEIR BENEFITS!’ – Hutton threatens the unemployed

Work and Pensions Secretary John Hutton yesterday declared war on the unemployed, saying Labour will cut off benefits from those who reject...

Hutton to starve the unemployed into cheap labour jobs

WORK and Pensions Secretary Hutton asked a question at the start of his verbal onslaught on the unemployed yesterday morning. It was: ‘People want...

Give Employment Tribunals power to make employers take back sacked...

FOLLOWING an increase in the number of employment tribunals – after an attempt was made two years ago to make it deliberately harder for...

CHARITIES AND WAGE CUTS! – Civil Service strike likely says PCS...

In his tenth Pre Budget Report yesterday Chancellor Brown spoke about the threat to British capitalism from India and China. He said: ‘Once...

Brown Targets The Working Class For Special Measures

BROWN’S proud boast yesterday in his pre-budget speech was that ‘In no other decade has Britain’s personal wealth – up 60 per cent –...

Dollar collapse puts bankers into a spin

THE dollar has continued to collapse against the other major capitalist currencies leaving the pound at its highest price against the dollar since Britain...

Dollar fall heralds a deepening capitalist crisis and world revolution

ON FRIDAY, the exchange rate of the dollar plunged down against other major world currencies and gold rose by 1.2 per cent to $638.5...

Backward Britain – Reading shuts Physics Department

THE backwardness of British capitalism was revealed yesterday for all to see when Reading University shut down its Physics Department. As usual, the reality is...

UK Manufacturing Employment Less Than In 1841!

Confirmation that manufacturing employment levels are at their lowest since 1841 drew an angry and frustrated response from the Transport and General Workers Union. Tony...


THE commander of Iran’s Revolution Guards, Brig-Gen Rahim-Safavi, has told Iranian TV that Tehran now possesses modern missile systems, and that Iran is ready...

THE STERN REVIEW: Trust me, I’m a banker!

ON WEDNESDAY Sir Nicholas Stern presented his Review of the Economics of Climate Change, commissioned by Chancellor Gordon Brown. Stern is the Chief Economist...

Stalinist bureaucracy Shanghaied by working class

THE Chinese working class is definitely on the march. It has already compelled the Stalinist bureaucracy to start bringing in legislation forcing the western capitalist...

World Capitalist Crisis Driving World Revolution

The US economy is at the centre of the worldwide capitalist economic crisis. It is in slump, with major industries, such as the motor car...

China No! To North Korea Blockade!

China has refused to search North Korean ships, throwing US attempts to enforce a blockade and sanctions into disarray. The United States is urging China...

Chinese workers taking action against major Western companies

THE Chinese Stalinist bureaucracy and its big business friends are under attack from the Chinese working class, which is insisting that the super-exploitation of...