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‘We are starting fightback against pay-pension cuts!’

OVER 300 University and College Union (UCU) striking lecturers and student supporters rallied and marched to the Royal Exchange Building in the City of...

Covid measures reintroduced tomorrow – Javid under fire for not testing...

TORY Health Secretary Sajid Javid has said face masks will be compulsory in shops and on public transport in England from tomorrow in response...

BMA & RCEM demand urgent action to end NHS winter crisis!...

DOCTORS’ union the British Medical Association (BMA) has demanded ‘urgent action this winter to stop the National Health Service derailing entirely’. This stark warning came in a new report...

Care cost dumped on the backs of the poor – by...

‘THIS IS daylight robbery,’ Labour’s shadow health secretary, Jonathan Ashworth warned yesterday as the Health and Social Care Bill began its third reading. He was...

‘We hail the struggle of the Palestinian workers and youth’ ...

NEWS LINE Editor Jonty Leff told the News Line 52nd Anniversary Rally on Saturday: ‘We hail the struggle of the Palestinian workers and youth. ‘We...

US takeover of GP surgeries subject to Judicial Review

THE takeover of GP practices in London by US health insurance giant Centene Corporation will be subject of a judicial review in early 2022...

1,700 GPs quit in six years

THE NHS’ latest GP workforce data for England has shown a drop of more than 1,700 full-time GPs – in the last six years. And...

RMT victory in ScotRail dispute shows the way forward for working...

ON WEDNESDAY, the RMT transport union members won a massive victory in their fight against the ‘pitiful’ pay offer from ScotRail. RMT members at ScotRail,...

Thousands of GPs tell BMA rescue package is ‘useless’ – BMA...

THOUSANDS of GPs in England have told the British Medical Association (BMA) that Health Secretary Sajid Javid’s package of measures to supposedly rescue general...

Tory war against GPs must be answered by the entire working...

THE TORY government has launched a vicious war against GPs. 778 GP surgeries have closed in the last eight years alone, forcing patients to move...

GP fury at new Tory ‘name and shame’ regime

THE TORY government turned its fire onto GPs yesterday provoking an angry response from the trade unions. Under new measures announced yesterday GPs will be...

Nursing on a ‘knife-edge’ RCN warn of intensifying staffing crisis

NURSES’ unions have declared that World Patient Safety Day 2021 must be a ‘wake-up call’ to ministers to tackle – ‘urgently’ – the nursing...

‘We need properly funded GP services!’ – says BMA’s petition to...

MORE than 10,000 people have signed the BMA’s petition calling for the Westminster government to properly fund general practice and source more desperately-needed GPs. The...

Frontline workers demand ‘scrap Policing Bill’

Over 660 frontline healthcare, community, social and education workers have called for the Policing Bill to be scrapped ahead of a key debate in...

Frontline workers demand ‘scrap Policing Bill’

Over 660 frontline healthcare, community, social and education workers have called for the Policing Bill to be scrapped ahead of a key debate in...

NHS 50,000 Doctors Short!

THE NHS is 50,000 doctors short new British Medical Association (BMA) re-search released yesterday has found. The number of doctors in England has fallen even...

‘We refuse to become informants’ – Doctors, nurses and teachers...

DOCTORS, nurses and teachers have warned that the Police Bill will turn them into police informants. The Bill, to be debated in the House of...

Stop NHS cuts and privatisation – a general strike to defend...

THE CRISIS in the NHS has reached a breaking point with NHS Providers and the NHS Confederation issuing an unprecedented joint report calling for...

GP Staffing Crisis

TURNOVER in General Practice doctors has seen a steady increase over the last decade, according to researchers, who have warned policymakers that support measures...

Privateers will be handed £2bn to take NHS patients

THE TORIES are in talks with private healthcare companies to deal with the backlog of thousands of NHS patients by farming them out, at...

Heart patients hit by pandemic

THE overwhelming of NHS hospitals by Covid patients in successive waves has led to a large reduction in care for heart patients, with consequent...

Junior doctors have been ‘insulted’ by exclusion from any NHS...

JUNIOR doctors have been excluded from any NHS pay rise, and they are furious. Yesterday, their union, the British Medical Association (BMA), announced they...


THE BMA is to survey junior doctors on possible action to take following massive anger over their exclusion from the NHS ‘pay award’. The BMA...

GP Surgeries Under Threat

GP SURGERIES are under threat of closure or will be forced to reduce services this winter as pressure mounts, Local Medical Committees (LMCs) have...

GPs at breaking point! – While big pharma fleece the NHS

THE ROYAL College of GPs (RCGP) has sounded the alarm over the crisis in general practice, calling yesterday for an urgent emergency rescue plan. Professor...

Infection out of control – ‘Isolation exemptions will spread Covid-19’ –...

STAFF isolation exemptions are absolutely the wrong answer to the government’s failure to control spiralling infection rates, says doctors’ union the BMA. Responding to news...

Union leaders are fiddling while the NHS burns! General Strike...

THE BURNING issue of NHS workers’ pay is so explosive that the Tories left it to the very last day that Parliament sits before...

NHS pay fury at 3% pay rise – unions consider strikes

HEALTH workers, furious about the government’s offer of a below-inflation 3% pay deal are to be consulted by their unions, the BMA, RCM, RCN,...

Israel’s NSO’s Pegasus Project hacks the phones of over 50,000 people...

A DETAILED investigation carried out by Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based non-profit media organisation, the human rights group Amnesty International and world media organisations has...

PM And Chancellor Sunak Forced To Self Isolate As Labour Continues...

THE Prime Minister and Chancellor are to ‘now self-isolate as normal’ after both met with Health Secretary Sajid Javid who had tested positively for...

Scrap the Tory Health and Care Bill – it is a...

TORY PM Johnson’s new Health and Care Bill currently going through Parliament, is a fresh attack on the NHS by a Conservative Party that...

Health Bill ‘is a Privateers Charter’ says Shadow Health Secretary Ashworth

LABOUR said yesterday that it will oppose the government’s Health and Social Care Bill. ‘With more than one-in-10 people on waiting lists for treatment in...

Unions must take strike action to stop lifting of Covid-19 restrictions...

HE BRITISH Medical Association (BMA) doctors’ trade union has spelt it out that pressing ahead with lifting final Covid-19 restrictions in England on July...


ENGLAND has an ‘unforgivable’ and ‘frightening’ NHS workforce crisis that severely threatens patient safety, says the BMA doctors’ union in research published today. The BMA...

BMA launch ‘Lessons Learned’ inquiry into Pandemic

DOCTORS’ union the British Medical Association (BMA) has launched its own ‘Lessons Learned’ inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic. This is ahead of the Tory...

Doctors, NHS staff & nurses are gearing up for pay strike...

MONDAY is the anniversary of the founding of the National Health Service (July 5th 1948) and Johnson’s Tories have marked the event by refusing...

Doctors To Take Action Over 1% Pay Offer

SENIOR doctors in England will be consulted on taking industrial action if the government’s 1% pay rise offer is not improved. The British Medical Association...

Doctors are suffering ‘emotional and psychological distress–since they cannot give...

BMA research finds doctors are suffering ‘emotional’ and ‘psychological’ distress because they cannot give patients the treatment and care that they need. New research by...

NHS BACKLOG ‘Dangerously close to crippling services’ – BMA

THE NHS BACKLOG is ‘dangerously close’ to crippling our health service as waiting times hit a record high, doctors’ union the BMA has warned. Responding...

‘Workforce burnout’ is on a large scale in the NHS –...

A CRITICAL report by MPs on the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee has warned of large scale ‘workforce burnout’ in the...

RCN launch ‘Nursing Workplace Standards’ – as nursing vacancies rise to...

The RCN’s Nursing Workforce Standards have been created to explicitly set out what must happen within workplaces to ensure the delivery of safe and...

BJP defeated in regional election as India’s masses turn on Modi!

INDIA’S prime minister Narendra Modi and his right-wing BJP party suffered a massive political defeat at the hands of voters in West Bengal on...

Fifth of PPE contracts were ‘red flagged for corruption’!

A DAMNING report published yesterday entitled ‘Track and Trace’ by Transparency International has shone a light on the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) scandal, where...

Fury over US health firms takeover of GP practices Doctors in...

A PROTEST against GP practices being taken over by US health insurance giant Centene Corporation – branded as ‘the accelerating privatisation of the NHS...

Conductors on ScotRail: Strike goes ahead Sun!

RAIL UNION the RMT has confirmed that planned industrial action by ScotRail conductors will go ahead from this Sunday – in a fight for...