Tag: banks
Time to take action against the venture capitalists
A BIDDING war between warring groups of venture capitalist locusts has broken out over who is to asset strip Boots. Yesterday morning, the...
Build millions of council houses to solve housing crisis
PUBLIC sector workers such as firefighters, teachers, and nurses, cannot afford to buy homes in seven out of 10 UK towns, because of the...
Inflation up as Blair-Brown move to cut wages!
INFLATION in the UK is accelerating out of control. According to the latest Labour government figures which grossly underestimate the process the Consumer...
Heading For A Housing Crash!
ON MONDAY trading on the Wall Street stock market in New Century Financial shares was halted, as the second largest US sub-prime mortgage lender...
We need more doctors and nurses not less
AS a result of Tory and Labour health reforms designed to break up the NHS, we now have thousands of unemployed nurse graduates and...
Decisive Action Needed To Defend Welfare State!
THE working class is rising up to defend the Welfare State. On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of workers and members of the public took...
After China sneezes Wall Street drops like a stone
A NINE per cent fall on the small Chinese stock market, after rumours that the Stalinist bureaucracy was about to tax shares, and slightly...
Expropriate The Venture Capitalists
WE are living in the period of the death agony of the capitalist system. It is only natural then, that out of the shadows should...
Kelly plans new attacks on council tenants
RUTH Kelly, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has backed proposals to end the long-term secure tenancies of working-class families living in...
Britain’s Trade Crashing To Disaster
2006 saw Britain’s trade in goods dive to a massive deficit of £84.3 billion.This was £15.5 billion more than the £68.8 billion deficit figure...
Revisionists in alliance with Tory right-winger Ian Duncan Smith
AT a time when the crisis of the Labour government is reaching the point of explosion, the WRP and the Young Socialists are calling...
Bush’s ‘Defining Hour’ Or When The Bell Tolls For Imperialism
BUSH opened his 2007 State of the Union speech with an open admission that his regime is facing defeat both at home and abroad....
£23bn PROFIT FROM NHS – being made by PFI companies
Banks and developers will make £23 billion in profits and interest over the next 30 years by building NHS hospitals under the government’s Private...
Brown Favours Bush’s ‘New World Order’
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has spoken of the need for a ‘new world order’. He is not embarrassed that this is what President Clinton and...
Rapidly rising inflation threatens wages, jobs, and homes
THE UK inflation rate has leapt to an 11-year high of three per cent according to the government’s Consumer Prices Index (CPI) which grossly...
Rate Rise Shock – Condemned As Panic By Tuc
BIG BUSINESS, the stockmarkets and the TUC were shaken yesterday midday when the Bank of England raised its interest rates by a quarter of...
Free social care and care homes for the elderly
THE just-published ‘State of Social Care’ report from the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) was greeted as ‘a damning indictment of a...
Jobs For Youth – Smash The Cheap Labour Economy
Youth unemployment is now higher than it was in 1997, with 702,000 young people aged 16-24 jobless, according to official figures released just before...
2007 – The Year For Revolution!
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2007 to the working class and youth of the world,...
Labour Cabinet Minister Fears For Her Seat
THE Labour government’s policy to cut, close, reconfigure, and privatise the NHS has caught up with a number of senior government ministers, including leading...
Greek Students March Against Privatisation
TENS of thousands of students have been participating in a series of rallies and demonstrations all last week throughout Greece, protesting against the right-wing...
CWU must take action to stop post office closures
2,500 POST OFFICES are to be closed by 2009 and all that the CWU post office workers union is doing about this massacre is...
Police illegally held Fairford demonstrators
Civil rights organisation Liberty welcomed yesterday’s Law Lords ruling in favour of anti-war protesters who police stopped from travelling to a protest at RAF...
Hewitt Demands An NHS £250 Million Surplus!
HEALTH Secretary Hewitt, who not so long ago said that there would be no limits to privatisation in the NHS, yesterday revealed that she...
workers and middle class people are on the march throughout Britain to defend the National Health Service. The Blair/Brown government’s ‘reconfiguring’ of over one hundred...
Brown Targets The Working Class For Special Measures
BROWN’S proud boast yesterday in his pre-budget speech was that ‘In no other decade has Britain’s personal wealth – up 60 per cent –...
‘Stop Urban Post Office Closures’
A new report, The last post, released on Monday, provides new evidence of the vital social and economic role of urban sub post offices. The report,...
Dollar collapse puts bankers into a spin
THE dollar has continued to collapse against the other major capitalist currencies leaving the pound at its highest price against the dollar since Britain...
UP TO THEIR NECKS IN DEBT! – Labour and Tories have...
The Labour Party yesterday admitted it faces ‘acute cash flow problems’. It was responding to the publication of Electoral Commission figures showing that the main...
Take action to stop NHS cuts and closures
IT is now obvious that the Labour government is setting out, at breakneck speed, to privatise the NHS. It has set up private treatment centres...
Open up the NHS demands Bush and the US drug companies
NOT content with wrecking Iraq, the US administration is moving in to wreck the British NHS on behalf of the US drug companies. ...
Irish Privatisation Disaster!
FIANNA Fail has betrayed its working class supporters and Irish Government aviation policy is a complete disaster‚ said TEEU (Technical, Engineering and Electrical Trade...
Financial Services Authority Warns Of Inevitable Collapse
WITH business sure that the Bank of England is due to raise interest rates to at least five per cent, warnings are being made...
‘VICTORY IS CLOSE!’ – say locked-out Gate Gourmet workers
‘VICTORY is close now,’ locked-out Gate Gourmet worker Parmjit Bains told a meeting of more than 200 trade unionists and youth on Sunday in...
KEEP ALL DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS OPEN! – unions must take strike...
NO TO PRIVATISATION! SAVE OUR DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITALS! BLAIR AND BROWN OUT! THE Blair government is gunning for District General Hospitals – David Nicholson, the Chief Executive...
Union leaders must call action now over NHS pay or resign!
THERE is not the slightest doubt that the Labour government has declared all-out war on all NHS staff with its decision to impose a...
World Capitalist Crisis Driving World Revolution
The US economy is at the centre of the worldwide capitalist economic crisis. It is in slump, with major industries, such as the motor car...
PALESTINIAN Prime Minister Ismail Haniya spoke at a rally organised by the Hamas Movement at Al-Yarmuk playground in Gaza on 6 October ‘in support...
British capitalism, backward, parasitic, and ripe for revolution
A REPORT by business research firm Datamonitor says that people in the UK are borrowing on average almost twice that of citizens in other...
Support Palestinian General Strike
TEACHERS, hospital workers and other government workers have come out on general strike in the West Bank and Gaza Strip following the non-payment of...
Tories and Labour unite to bar Bulgars and Romanians
THE Tory Party yesterday called for restrictions on immigrant workers from Bulgaria and Romania when these countries shortly join the EU. The Tory Party immigration...
Israel To Expand Offensive!
Israel is to expand its offensive against Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon, Amir Peretz, the Israeli defence minister, has said, less than a day after its attack...
Answer the capitalist crisis with a socialist programme
THE deepening capitalist crisis has seen the breakdown of the decisive Doha Round of World Trade Organisation talks, with the United States refusing and...
Israel Must Quit The Lebanon Now
THE Israeli military have never been prepared to allow their activities in southern Lebanon to be observed, monitored, and charted by UN observers. That is...
‘No quick fix’ in the Lebanon says Downing Street
YESTERDAY saw US landing craft from a US aircraft carrier taking off US citizens and others, who had to wade through the sea to...