Tag: banks
‘A generalised attack on working people’ – RMT leader Lynch
THE RMT rail union announced yesterday that it is to put a new offer from Network Rail to members in an electronic referendum with...
No economic solution to capitalist crisis as BIS warns financial markets...
THE BANK for International Settlements (BIS) – dubbed the bank for central banks – issued a dire warning in its latest quarterly review that...
Union leaders address UCU strike rally
UCU MEMBERS were out on strike on Wednesday with historic numbers this week over stagnant pay, miserable working conditions and casualisation of academic work. In...
China ready to forge closer links with Russia – ...
CHINESE President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China is ready to work with Russia to forge a closer partnership in energy cooperation. Energy cooperation...
Answer Tory plans to use military as strike breakers with a...
With nurses and thousands of NHS workers planning to take national strike action next month over their demands for pay increases to protect them...
SAFTU condemns interest rates hike as postal workers strike for 15%...
The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) on Friday condemned the South African Reserve Bank (SARB)’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) hiking of the...
STRIKING postal workers fighting Royal Mail’s diktat yesterday called for a general strike. On a lively picket line outside Camden Delivery Office, London NW1, Communication...
Answer Royal Mail’s war on trade unions with a general strike
THE POSTAL workers union, CWU, is now in a headlong collision with a Royal Mail management openly moving to destroy the union as an...
53rd Anniversary of News Line – 82nd Anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination
FIRST speaker at the News Line Anniversary Rally on Saturday was Bill Rogers, ASLEF Chingford Branch Chairman, who said: ‘This rally is being held...
OVER 100 workers, students and youth attended the News Line Anniversary Rally at the Wheatsheaf Community Hall in Vauxhall, south west London on Saturday...
Hunt’s Autumn budget – brings in the open dictatorship of...
YESTERDAY, Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Autumn budget – the second budget from the government in under two months. The first was the disastrous...
Unions Warn – Increase Pay To Fill The 132,000 NHS Vacancies!
UNIONS representing more than a million staff working across the NHS met with Health Secretary Steve Barclay on Tuesday to discuss the growing workforce crisis...
Answer Hunt’s ‘eye-watering’ austerity cuts to restore the confidence of ...
THE UNITE trade union kicked off a campaign yesterday morning to call on Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak and chancellor Jeremy Hunt to ‘use...
UK capitalism is in its death agony – Now is the...
THE UK economy is heading for a recession and a slump as the latest official figures show. It shrank between July and September by...
Midwives Launch Action Ballot
THE Royal College of Midwives (RCM) yesterday launched only its second ballot on industrial action in England and its first in Wales in its...
Capitalism diving into recession and hyperinflation – time to put it...
YESTERDAY morning, Tory ministers had to submit to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) their plans to impose the cuts demanded by Chancellor Jeremy...
Marchers call for Tories to be brought down on ‘Britain is...
Over 10,000 workers and youth joined the ‘Britain is Broken’ march through London on Saturday, called by the People’s Assembly, with big delegations from...
UK capitalism is in its death agony – It is time...
THE Bank of England yesterday raised interest rates by the most in 33 years from 2.25% to 3%, and accompanied its action with a...
Bank Raised Rates To 3% Predicts 2-Year Slump & Double Unemployment
THE Bank of England has warned the UK is facing its longest recession since records began, as it raised interest rates by the most...
TORIES’ PUBLIC ORDER BILL: – Bonfire of rights to appease the...
LIBERTY campaigners, alongside Greenpeace UK staff and volunteers and representatives from other civil rights groups demonstrated outside Parliament on Tuesday as the Tories’ Public...
Capitalist State Is Preparing For Seven-Day Blackouts In UK!
THE UK CAPITALIST STATE is currently engaged in a war on two fronts. The first is to aid the right wing Ukrainian regime with hundreds...
Not a general election but a general strike now!
TODAY’S lobby of Parliament called by the TUC represents a complete avoidance of the real fight to the finish between the working class and...
SA government says that ‘austerity is a necessary pain for the...
IN THE much-anticipated medium term budget policy statement (MTBPS), the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, will, like his counterparts at the South African Reserve...
Tories are being whipped into line by the international banks!
‘A SPEECH to calm the party and the country’ was how the Tory-supporting Daily Mail greeted the speech by newly installed prime minister Rishi...
The bankers are in charge as Hunt postpones fiscal statement until...
TORY Chancellor Hunt announced yesterday that the ‘fiscal statement’, which had been due to be delivered next Monday, 31st October, will now be delayed...
Nursing Staff Are Quitting NHS Pensions To Make Ends Meet!
NURSING staff are quitting their NHS pensions to make ends meet as the cost-of-living crisis bites. The number of staff opting out of the NHS...
Sunak not ‘daunted’ by job of driving through super austerity to...
Rishi Sunak delivered his first address to the nation as prime minister yesterday morning. He started by praising Liz Truss and Boris Johnson in a...
Rejected Sunak brought back as Tory leader – unions must call...
Rishi Sunak was appointed Tory Prime Minister yesterday after his opponent Penny Mordaunt withdrew from the race at the last minute. Sunak was overwhelmingly rejected...
TUC must call general strike to bring down the Tories, and...
WITH the Tories set to decide whether they want Boris Johnson or Sunak to continue with the job of completely destroying all of the...
AUSTERITY measures set to be imposed on the working class by the collapsing Tory government will be harsher than those endured for the past...
Truss Is Shattered While Johnson Is Posing As The Man To...
LIZ Truss, who not so long ago posed on the Polish border on a British tank expressing her hostility to Russia, before becoming more...
Truss Quits – TUC Must Call A General Strike To Kick...
PM TRUSS resigned yesterday afternoon after a meeting with the Chairman of the Tory MPs backbench 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady. Making her announcement, she...
The Tory Party is blowing apart! TUC must call a general...
LIZ Truss appeared outside 10 Downing Street at 1.30pm yesterday to announce that she was resigning following a meeting with the Chairman of the...
TUC calls November 2 lobby of Parliament
TUC leader Frances O’Grady welcomed delegates to the TUC Congress yesterday saying: ‘Welcome to the TUC, our parliament for working people. ‘Represented, here in the...
French refinery workers extend strike for 10% increase
FRENCH refinery workers have continued their strikes as a petrol crisis drags on across the country, with authorities threatening to resort to force to...
‘In short the worst is yet to come!’ – IMF Director...
CONSISTENCY between fiscal and monetary policy is paramount for economic and financial stability as high debts and deficits push more countries into budget crises...
Kwarteng Sacked – Truss On Borrowed Time – Working Class Must...
KWASI Kwarteng was sacked yesterday afternoon as Tory Chancellor, just weeks after he announced huge unfunded tax cuts that triggered a financial crisis by...
The Tory Party is blowing apart! TUC must call a general...
Liz Truss was only installed as Prime Minister little more than 4 weeks ago but yesterday a senior Tory minister, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly,...
Bank Of England Dumps The Pound To Make The Working Class...
THE Bank of England on Tuesday insisted that it was dumping the pound and would proceed with its decision to stop supporting the bond...
Capitalism facing the biggest crash in its history – Time to...
CABINET ministers are urging fellow Conservatives to get behind Prime Minister Liz Truss, after a week of open disagreement and back-stabbing within the Tory...
Tory Party in meltdown – force TUC to call a general...
TO DESCRIBE the forced decision by Tory Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng to abandon his plans to end the 45% top rate of income tax to...
CWU pickets demand the TUC calls a general strike – as...
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) took strike action on Friday and Saturday and explained the reasons for doing so. In a letter to all its...
Truss insists no retreat as she prepares to split Tories and...
TORY Prime Minister Liz Truss finally emerged from Downing Street yesterday to make her first public statement on the economic crisis that has brought...
TUC must be made to call a general strike to put...
THE International Monetary Fund has openly condemned the UK government over its tax cuts that handed billions to the rich, warning that the measures...
Crisis Ridden Capitalism Is Trying To Make The Working Class Pay...
UK CAPITALISM is in crisis. After the falls in sterling, and the rampant oil, gas and food inflation, the ruling class is desperate and...