Tag: banks
EU crisis sharpening to breaking point!
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is attending the meeting of the EU Finance Ministers in Poland to convey the alarm of the...
Unemployment and inflation surges as Cameron threatens immigrants’ benefits
THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 80,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to July, official figures have shown....
Miliband’s refusal ‘to back his natural supporters is a slap in...
LABOUR Party leader Ed Miliband was heckled during his speech at the Trade Union Congress (TUC) conference on Tuesday. Miliband angered delegates as he condemned...
Delegates Support Chase Farm Occupation
TRADE union delegates at the TUC Congress in London on Monday supported the call from the North East London Council of Action to occupy...
US ‘job creation’ will come from Medicaid and Medicare cuts
LAST Thursday night US President Barak Obama addressed a joint session of the US Congress where he outlined his new initiative that would, he...
Tax Cuts For The Rich – The Scrap Heap For The...
TWENTY five right wing ruling class economists have worked out the way to revive the dying capitalist economy, and it is, while continuing the...
Banking Crisis Heading For The Precipice!
THE INABILITY of the US economy to recover from its jobs slump, alongside the colossal indebtedness of the EU banks – German, Italian, French...
Coalition lies on NHS privatisation exposed – trade unions must act
THE oft repeated claim by Tory prime minister Cameron that the coalition will not privatise the National Health Service has finally been exposed for...
Counter-revolution in the classroom
A report issued yesterday outlining proposals to establish in Manchester an army-run ‘free school’, has given yet another sinister twist to the campaign by...
World economy on brink of collapse
THE capitalist economy of Europe took a decisive step over the brink into the abyss of collapse with the news that the euro debt...
From Low Wage To No Wage Economy – Tories Plan Chain...
CRISPIN Blunt, the justice minister, announced yesterday that instructions were being issued to the courts to the effect that unemployed offenders sentenced to the...
Tories to make hundreds of thousands homeless – only socialism can...
THE policy of the Tory-led coalition to slash housing benefit for the unemployed and low income families will result in hundreds of thousands being...
Victory To Gadaffi – Defeat The Nato Gangsters!
ON Saturday, Colonel Gadaffi stated that the counter-revolutionary groups that had tried to rise up in a number of areas in Tripoli had been...
Zero Tolerance For Cameron Coalition
CAMERON and the coalition are currently conducting a ruthless campaign against youth. This is ruling class justice at its most hideous, red in tooth...
Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement after both Republicans and Democrats last Thursday announced their...
Fears Of Eu Debt Meltdown
CITY regulator, the Financial Services Authority (FSA), has stepped up scrutiny of UK banks’ exposures to foreign government debt after fears of a European...
Sharp turn for worse! – B of E governor King on...
‘SINCE we last met, the mood in markets has taken a sharp turn for the worse,’ Bank of England Governor Mervyn King admitted yesterday,...
Big pensions for bosses, poverty for workers
A new report by the Incomes Data Services and the High Pay Commission has thrown the spotlight on the issue of pensions, and the...
$40 billion to be invested in Iran’s oil and gas fields
IRAN’S Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi has announced that 40bn dollars will be invested in the country’s joint oil and gas fields. Explaining his...
Only one solution to the death agony of capitalism: bury...
EVEN sections of the bourgeois media, and the bourgeoisie that it represents, were yesterday able to describe the appearance of the current world...
RBS TO SACK 2,000 –as economic crisis bites
Panic gripped investors in the world’s stock markets yesterday as bank shares were hit hard. Share prices on the London stock market slumped...
The TUC Congress next month is meeting at an historic juncture of worldwide economic and political crisis. Millions of workers are having their wages frozen...
Italy Hits The Rocks!
Italian finance minister Giulio Tremonti was yesterday in talks with Jean-Claude Juncker, chair of the Eurogroup of finance ministers from the 17 eurozone countries,...
US debt deal increases economic crisis and puts the US on...
THE National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare says the following about Obama’s debt deal that savages the poor and leaves the rich...
IMF – British banks warning!
THE IMF warned yesterday that the British banks have a ‘very large potential to originate global shocks’. As if that was not enough they added...
Since bankrupt capitalism offers workers a ‘bleak old age’– get rid...
LORD McFall, who has been examining private sector pension schemes, has concluded in his Workplace Retirement Income Commission review, that workers on private pensions...
World capitalism hanging over the brink
WHAT bourgeois economists thought was unthinkable just a few days ago is now about to happen. In just four days time the United States is...
Stop the great pensions robbery!
2.5 million public service employees are being told how much extra the coalition government intends to force them to pay in pension contributions from...
HAGUE EXPELS THE LIBYAN DIPLOMATS –recognises Benghazi gang as government
FOREIGN Secretary Hague announced the expulsion of all Libyan diplomats from the UK yesterday. He also announced that the counter-revolutionary NTC (National Transitional Council)...
Staffing cuts causing ‘avoidable’ maternal deaths
AN independent inquiry into the unusually large number of maternal deaths in London over the past two years has confirmed that the government policy of...
EU heads for economic collapse and revolution
ON Thursday the heads of the Eurozone met in emergency session in a desperate attempt to head off Greek state bankruptcy leading to the...
Cameron shows his contempt for parliament
TORY leader Cameron was allowed to bluff his way through yesterday’s debate, on his special statement on the Murdoch-Coulson scandal, held after it caused...
End misery of bankrupt capitalism with socialist revolution
LAST Friday the European Banking Authority released the findings of this year’s Stress Test for European banks. These stress tests, introduced one year ago, are...
Close down the Murdoch press – forward to a workers government
LABOUR leader Miliband, true to form, has spoken up for new media ownership rules to limit Rupert Murdoch’s ‘dangerous’ and ‘unhealthy’ concentration of power. He...
Capitalism’s Historical Crisis Demands Socialist Revolution
THE historic crisis of world capitalism has come to a head with a vengeance, with both the once mighty US economy and the European...
Political groups participating in the Tahrir Square sit-in issued two statements Sunday underlining their demands. The statements were issued separately, but the demands are almost...
STRIKE DOWN ANTI-WORKER LAWS – Demand American trade unions
THE battles against anti-worker laws across the United States have turned to the ballot boxes and courtrooms, says the AFL-CIO union federation. As voters go...
Southern Cross collapse– true face of privatisation
On Monday Tory prime minister, David Cameron, unveiled the long awaited White Paper that will enshrine in law the ‘presumption’ that public services should...
Greek contagion hits Italy and the US
Today the leaders of the Eurozone will be meeting once again in a desperate attempt to try and stop the collapse of the euro...
LANSLEY BILL MUST BE SCRAPPED! –rallies across the country on the...
OVER 1,000 trade unionists and youth marched to parliament on Tuesday night on the 63rd birthday of the NHS, demanding: ‘Kill the Bill!’ –...
Unions must take action! Occupy Bombardier! Bring down the...
THE proposed sacking of 1,500 Bombardier workers in Derby is the beginning of the end for the train construction industry in the UK, and...
Prosecute The Bankers Responsible For The Global Financial Crisis
Delegates to the 28th International Brotherhood of Teamsters Convention in Las Vegas last week unanimously approved a resolution to prosecute chief executives and other...
Greek ‘bailout’ derailed
The Chairman of the EU group of finance ministers, Jean-Claude Junker, spelt out at the weekend exactly what the EU and IMF ‘bailout’ of...
Workers Demand A General Strike To Defend Their Pensions
750,000 public sector workers struck to defend their pensions on Thursday. 70,000 of them marched through London with banners flying, determined to see the...
70,000 MARCH IN LONDON – GENERAL STRIKE – workers tell News...
ON A DAY when 750,000 public sector workers struck to defend their pensions, 70,000 of them marched through London with banners flying, determined to...