Tag: banks
Labour to match the Tories cut for cut!
‘BUT my argument starts by recognising that tough times will continue,’ said Labour leader Miliband yesterday on his policy for dealing with the crisis. He...
World crisis driving forward the European socialist revolution!
THE BOURGEOIS financial markets opened yesterday to the unprecedented news that Germany has sold 3.9 billion euros of debt at a negative rate of...
Nigerian General Strike!
Nigeria’s main trade unions, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trades Union Congress (TUC), have declared mass backing for an indefinite general strike and...
Nigerian workers revolution has begun – it must expropriate the oil...
NIGERIA’S bourgeois government has pledged to the IMF and World Bank that it will push ahead and end oil fuel subsidies regardless of the...
Tory-led coalition singles out young families for special treatment
THE Tory-led coalition has got working class and middle class families with young children in its sights for savage cuts as it seeks to...
Greek bankers call for autocratic solutions!
GREECE will either lower its standard of living, or it will exit the euro and turn decades back.’ This was the message from the...
IRAN threatened on Tuesday to take action if the US Navy moves an aircraft carrier back into the Gulf. This is Tehran’s most aggressive...
St Paul’s occupiers support Chase Farm NHS occupation
Anti-capitalist occupiers camped outside St Paul’s Cathedral yesterday made it crystal clear that not only are they determined to stay indefinitely but will also...
Only Revolution Can Solve The Housing Crisis
THE Tory/LibDem coalition cuts to housing benefit come into effect today with devastating consequences for all unemployed or low paid workers who rely on...
2012–The year for organising the working class to take power
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2012 to all our readers and to the working class...
Time for the working class to bury British capitalism
Sir Gus O’Donnell, the most senior civil servant in the country, has broken cover with the public admission that the crisis of the capitalist...
Build Millions Of Council Homes To House The Homeless
HOMELESS people die thirty years before the national average, says the latest research from Sheffield University commissioned by Crisis, the national charity for single...
Stop the pensions sell-out! Sack Barber and Prentis! Call a general...
THE Trade union bureaucracy, led by TUC leader Barber and Unison leader Prentis, have shown clearly, with their position that the trade unions have...
Banking ‘reforms’ won’t stop them collapsing
Yesterday in parliament the Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, announced that the coalition government intended to accept ‘in full’ the proposals on reforming the banks...
Eurozone Collapsing!
Tory prime minister Cameron’s decision to veto an EU-wide treaty change over eurozone financial rules was ‘largely political’, Business Secretary Vince Cable said yesterday. He...
Build the Fourth International – the world party of the socialist...
ON Thursday, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, issued the starkest warning yet that the debt crisis gripping the eurozone...
Chuck out the coalition to deal with growing mass unemployment
UK unemployment has increased to 2.64m, a rise of 128,000 in the three months to October, the highest level since 1994, with 1,027,000 youth...
Occupy St Pauls Defiance Grows
No matter how cold it gets through rain or snow, the anti-capitalist occupiers outside St Paul’s Cathedral are more determined than ever to stick...
Tory-Led Coalition Breaking Apart – Bring It Down!
WHILE the Prime Minister is being hailed by the anti-EU section of the Tory Party as standing up for the UK like a...
Thieves fall out in the European Union!
YESTERDAY the Tory prime minister, David Cameron, wielded the British veto over the Franco-German proposals to try and prop up the collapsing euro through...
Clinton declares war on Putin and on Russia
THE Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US Secretary of State, Clinton, of giving the Russian right wing – many of them...
Production and wages falling while ‘pay-day’ loan sharks boom as Christmas...
THE UK’s industrial output fell 0.7% in October, its fastest fall for six months. It is now 1.7% lower than the same month in...
Standard and Poor puts a pistol to the head of the...
GERMAN Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble has said Standard & Poor’s (S&P) threat to downgrade all eurozone countries, and saddle them with ruinous interest charges...
‘WE WILL NOT BE EVICTED!’ – insist St Paul’s occupiers
‘We will not be evicted!’ was the clear message from the occupiers outside St Paul’s as they defy new attempts by the Corporation of...
Bourgeoisie Trembles At The Approaching Catastrophe!
THE governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, made it clear this week that the banking system faces total collapse due to ‘systemic...
Two Million Strike To Defend Pensions!
MORE than 4,000 striking council workers, NHS staff, teachers, lecturers, civil servants and students marched through Norwich on Wednesday, during the national strike in...
King warns the ruling class to tackle the causes of the...
ADDRESSING a press conference yesterday afternoon, the governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, said that ‘Tackling the symptoms of the crisis without...
KING CRISIS WARNING –prepare for Eurozone break-up
Bank of England Governor Mervyn King yesterday urged banks to brace themselves for a eurozone collapse. Introducing the latest financial stability report, King said: ‘Faced...
Forward to an indefinite general strike to bring down the coalition
OVER two million public sector workers walked out yesterday. The message was that the coalition’s savage cuts programme, that was intensified in Osborne’s Autumn...
Osborne’s class war on workers and poor
Chancellor Osborne’s message to the working class in his Autumn Statement was that the crisis is worsening fast, and you will have...
Crisis hit Osborne pledges ruthless class war on workers, pensioners and...
CHANCELLOR Osborne began his Autumn Statement yesterday ‘We will do whatever it takes to protect Britain from this debt storm . ....
Osborne to slash £5bn from welfare – answer with general strike
In today’s Autumn statement on the economy, the Tory chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, will announce that he intends to ‘kick start’ British...
‘TODAY the greatest crisis ever of the capitalist system is driving forward revolution in every country, as the workers of the world decide that...
Turn The November 30Th Strike Into An Indefinite General Strike
THERE can be only one demand for next week’s one-day strike by public sector workers and that must be for the TUC to call...
A proposal for a coordinated West Coast port shutdown was passed with unanimous consensus by vote of the Occupy Oakland General Assembly last Friday. The...
US on brink of bankruptcy – forward to socialist revolution
The once mighty US economy is set to take another irrevocable step to bankruptcy tomorrow with the news that the ‘super’ congressional committee charged...
THE UK economy is ‘in a bad place, with confidence evaporating’, the head of the UK’s biggest employers’ organisation has warned. John Cridland, director general...
Havoc In The Eurozone!
THE noose strangling the entire capitalist economy of Europe tightened round the neck of Germany yesterday with the news that the powerful Asian investment...
Northern Rock sold at a loss as dictatorships rule in EU!
NORTHERN Rock (NR) plc is being sold to Virgin Money by the coalition government for £747m. After Northern Rock was nationalised in 2008 it...
NO JOBS FOR NEWLY QUALIFIED MIDWIVES – as Tory coalition refuses...
A survey of 803 students and newly qualified midwives by the RCM found that more than a half (52 per cent) of students ‘strongly...
Britannia sinking beneath the waves of the capitalist crisis!
THE bourgeois media is currently working overtime publicising the ‘bad news’ about the British capitalist economy. Everybody now knows that youth unemployment (the 16-24 age...
Maude signals plan to ban strikes
The Tory cabinet office minister, Francis Maude, made a fantastical offer to the TUC and leaders of the public sector unions last Friday when...
Italy on the edge of the abyss – the UK is...
THE European Union is being broken on the rocks of the deepening crisis of the world capitalist order. The leaders of France and Germany are...
Cameron’s ‘Chain Gangs’ For The Unemployed
THE PCS civil servants trade union yesterday rightly condemned the coalition government’s plans to force the long-term unemployed, and unemployed youth, to do manual...
in a notice to members, the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) explains why the government’s pensions offer is bad news for all members. The...