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FEEDING THE HUNGRY IN THE USA! – letter carriers collect 743...

THE National Association of Letter Carriers’ (NALC) annual food drive collected 74.3 million pounds of food and was the second most successful in the...

Debt crisis requires social revolution

WHEN it comes to desperate, mindless optimism the French president, Francois Hollande, is a world leader. In a speech given in Japan over the weekend,...

‘WE WILL PROTECT OUR FIRE SERVICE’ –pledges FBU general secretary Matt...

UP TO 800 firefighters and their supporters on Saturday marched and rallied against the closure of fire stations in London. One march set off from...

Miliband adopts Osborne’s programme to smash Welfare State!

LABOUR Party leader Miliband’s speech on the party’s economic strategy showed conclusively that the Labour Party leaders are prepared to completely destroy the Welfare...

Canadian School Workers To Strike Against 5-Year Pay Freeze

CANADIAN Union of Public Employees (CUPE) school worker members in the City of Nanaimo’s Ladysmith school district, British Columbia, have voted overwhelmingly in favour...

Ed Balls ending Universal Benefit

YESTERDAY the Labour shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, announced that the Labour Party has officially abandoned the principle of universal benefits in the interests of...

OFT have never fined a single payday lender!

PUBLIC Accounts Committee chairwoman Margaret Hodge has revealed that the Office For Fair Trading (OFT) ‘have never fined a lender for exploiting individual clients’. In...

Irish Unions Faced With ‘Draconian Anti-Union Legislation!

THE Irish trade union leaders are currently deciding whether to accept state control of their public sector trade unions, including control over wages,...

Boom-time for bailiffs

APART from the bankers and speculators, there is another group looking to make huge profits at the expense of the human misery being created...

Stock Markets Crashing Worldwide!

THE sharp rises followed almost immediately by even bigger losses on the international stock markets over the past few days, point in only one...

Time To Put The Tory Libdem Coalition Out!

WHEN the leaders of the Coalition are forced to pledge publicly that it will go the distance and will not split apart, the...

Miliband’s Labour saves Cameron government

ON MONDAY evening, Labour Party leader Miliband completely betrayed the interests of the working class, the youth and the majority of the middle class...

No confidence in Gove by heads

At their annual conference the largest head teachers union, NAHT, passed a motion of no-confidence in the Tory education minister Michael Gove and the whole...

Tory split looms as King warns on new housing disaster

LORD Howe, who is credited with bringing Thatcher down, now seems to be about to perform the same service for PM David Cameron, with...

RBS ‘brutal sackings’ condemned – while ‘Turning point’ want to sack...

THE Unite trade union has condemned RBS for ‘brutal and irresponsible’ behaviour by announcing 1,400 job cuts just one day after figures were released...

UK Tax Havens Scandal

‘The UK is responsible for one in five of the world’s tax havens – that’s more than any other country,’ stated Tax Justice Policy...

Smash the Bedroom Tax with a general strike!

A GRANDMOTHER, who because of the Bedroom Tax, had to pay an extra £20 a week, has thrown herself in front of a...

Build the Fourth International all over the EU – Forward with...

THE Greek Statistics Authority (ELSTAT) has announced that unemployment reached 27% last February, while youth unemployment (15-24 years old) reached 64.2%, from 54.1% in...

CQC head demands thousands of NHS bed closures!

DAVID Prior, the new head of the NHS regulatory body the Care Quality Commission, nailed his colours firmly to the Tory mast of privatising...

EU in crisis – forward with the European socialist revolution

The crisis of European capitalism is so severe that it has driven the bourgeoisie to tear at each other’s throats in a frenzy of...

PUT AN END TO CAPITALISM! – Only way to defend jobs,...

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings on this 2013 May Day to the workers and the oppressed nations fighting imperialism throughout...

Universal Credit = war on benefits

YESTERDAY the Tory-led coalition launched its ‘pathfinder’ trial of the new Universal Credit System at a job centre in Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester. From here the government...

‘CALL A GENERAL STRIKE’ – lobby urges TUC General Council

OVER 200 Young Socialists and trade unionists lobbied the General Council of the TUC on Wednesday morning as it assembled to discuss the calling...

TUC must call indefinite general strike to bring down coalition now!

TODAY’S meeting of the TUC general council must get off the fence and call for an immediate all-out, indefinite general strike to bring down...

Hands off nurses! Government to blame for cuts

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) started its annual conference this week in the midst of a brutal attack on the nursing profession spearheaded...

Fitch strips UK of triple-A rating

LAST Friday, Fitch ratings agency became the second of the world’s three big credit agencies to strip Britain of its top notch triple-A credit...

Unison Leadership Censured Over Pay Retreat

MOTIONS censuring the union’s leadership are being discussed at the Unison Health Care Service Group Annual Conference being held in Glasgow on 22 –...

Ireland heading for a general strike

THE Croke Park II proposals to cut the public sector pay bill, as part of an additional one billion euros of state cuts, have...

Coalition plans Royal Mail sell-off at knock-down price

News broke yesterday that the long expected attempt by the coalition to sell off and privatise Royal Mail is set to occur this autumn. What...

SHUT DOWN FAILED BANKS! – urges the IMF Director Lagarde

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde has warned that the worldwide financial crisis is deepening and more threatening than ever. In a speech at the...

Greek Seafarers Call 24-Hour Strike

The Federation of Greek Seafarers Trades Union PNO have called a 24-hour strike for 16 April on all ferries, passenger and cargo ships, against...

Lobby TUC April 24 – make them call a general strike

THE News Line calls for a massive lobby of the next meeting of the TUC General Council on Wednesday 24th April, to demand the...


LEADER of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras has warned that the Troika ‘maybe wants to abolish democracy’. Speaking at a railway...

The British ruling class embraces a corpse

MARGARET Thatcher was ignored by the bourgeoisie for 23 years after she was put out of office by the Tory leadership in 1990. This...

Defend Welfare, Defend The NHS, Defend All Benefits, Bring Down Coalition

TORY leader Cameron has backed Chancellor George Osborne after he suggested a link between the Mick Philpott case and the Welfare State. The prime...


OVER two hundred workers, trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-North East London Council of Action Special Conference to defend our hospitals and...

Greek seafarers & dockers in 24-hour national strike

GREEK seafarers along with dockers and all other ports workers staged a solid 24-hour national strike last Wednesday against two separate government Bills to...

The Banking Standards Commission selects three scapegoats for the capitalist...

THE farcically misnamed Banking Standards Commission (as if the banks had any standards) was created to try and prevent an even bigger banking collapse...

Imf Orders More Irish ‘Repossessions’

THE International Monetary Fund has delivered a brutal assessment of Ireland’s economic situation, complaining of a lack of progress by banks, and dangers of...

Call A General Strike Now!

THE demand for a general strike to bring down the government has been driven by the working class onto the immediate agenda of the...

£4bn claim against RBS – taxpayers will have to pay bill

THOUSANDS of investors have launched a joint compensation claim for more than £4.0bn against Royal Bank of Scotland, claiming the 82% state-owned bank deliberately...

American dream turns to nightmare!

HUNDREDS of US cities are going bust, either destroyed by the banking and property collapse or by the crisis of the major US industries. The...

The crisis is leaving the working class no alternative to...

A FURTHER nail was driven into the coffin of British capitalism this week with the release of figures showing that the income from overseas...

Bank Of Cyprus Occupied By Angry Workers

FURIOUS CYPRIOT workers took over the streets of Nicosia on Tuesday and occupied the Bank of Cyprus. The occupation took place on the...

Bank of Cyprus occupied!

Thousands of Bank of Cyprus employees remained in occupation of the bank’s Nicosia headquarters in defence of their jobs yesterday, after hearing that the...