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Occidental College student workers vote to join SEIU Local 721

OCCIDENTAL College student workers have voted to join the SEIU union Local 721, allowing over 1,000 undergraduate workers – baristas, tutors, translators, lifeguards, and...

END THATCHERITE EXPERIMENT – scrap all anti-union laws says FBU

IT’S TIME to end the Thatcherite experiment and scrap all the anti-union laws, the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) demanded after PM Sunak called the...

South Bank Uni strike vote expected this week! – no confidence...

Staff at London South Bank University have no confidence in the vice-chancellor and senior leadership team, the University and College Union (UCU) has announced,...

‘We’re here to stop the genocide!’ say UCL occupiers

AROUND 50 students have occupied the entrance on the forecourt of University College London (UCL) since last Friday in protest at Israeli genocide in...

Millions participate in Venezuela’s 2024 National Popular Consultation

On Sunday, the 2024 National Popular Consultation concluded with a massive participation of citizens throughout Venezuela. Carried out through over 15,000 polling centres, this democratic process...

UCU action to begin against Goldsmiths plan to bulldoze through brutal...

GOLDSMITHS University UCU (University and College Union) members, who have overwhelmingly voted to strike against the sacking of more than one-in-six academic staff at...

TUC must call a general strike to defend Palestinians and support...

THERE is no doubt that the recent massive demonstrations where hundreds of thousands of UK youth marched, with many chanting for a State of...

Huddersfield University UCU fighting large scale sackings

THE University and College Union (UCU) yesterday slammed the University of Huddersfield for large-scale redundancy proposals that could see staff lose their jobs by...

Sunak wants to abolish university degrees that don’t churn out ‘high...

YESTERDAY, Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak announced the latest attack on higher education with proposals to ‘limit the access’ to university degrees in England...

Thousands rise up against the shooting of 16-year-old Ralph Paul Yarl

Thousands of protesters took to the streets again on Tuesday to demand justice for a black teenager, who was shot twice by a white man...

NEU Harrogate conference welcomes 98% strike vote – condemns 9% cut...

THE NATIONAL Education Union (NEU) consultative ballot on the government’s pay offer has been rejected by an overwhelming 98% of members in England on...


THE RAGE of youth and workers in Greece over last Tuesday’s horrific rail crash is now threatening to overthrow the right-wing government of Prime...

2,000 students & teachers march in Athens

THOUSANDS of determined drama and arts schools’ students along with primary and secondary teachers marched through the Athens city centre last Wednesday in a...

Greek seafarers strike action

GREEK seafarers went on a 48-hour strike on Wednesday and Thursday, demanding the signing of a new national collective agreement with pay rises of...

US workers join unions at Amazon-Starbucks & museums – as 63%...

Workers at a combined Starbucks and Amazon store in Times Square filed a petition for union recognition last Friday, saying they’re being required to...

US unions sit-in, strike and recruit!

Amazon workers at JFK8, the company’s Staten Island warehouse that voted to unionise earlier this year, held a sit-in, strike on Monday after a...

Equity Phoenix victory after Leeds demonstration

FOLLOWING performers’ union Equity’s demonstration outside the Phoenix Dance Theatre in Leeds on Monday morning to demand that the contemporary dance company reverse their decision to lay...

Freed hunger striker Miqdad Qawasmi speaks out!

Eman Badr’s smile never leaves her face ever since her 25-year-old son Miqdad was released from Israeli prison following a 113-day, life-threatening hunger strike...

‘No cover-ups, no concealments’ – demand bereaved families fighting for justice

BEREAVED families, were joined by speakers from academia, sports, journalism and the arts at an event last Friday for a ‘Hillsborough Law Now’ event...

Sunak’s £6,000 grants ‘are too little too late’ – as pubs...

‘WE HAVE responded, I think generously today, the grants that we have outlined, up to £6,000 are comparable to the grants that we provided...

Tories have blood on their hands over Channel drownings

TWENTY-SEVEN people, including a pregnant woman and three children, were drowned attempting to cross the Channel in an inflatable boat on Wednesday – the...

Israeli persecution of Palestinian human rights groups condemned in Australia!

The Australian government is being urged to condemn Israel’s ‘dangerous attack’ on six prominent Palestinian human rights groups after Israeli authorities declared them terrorist...

‘Don’t make the student debt nightmare worse!’

‘DON’T make the £141bn student debt nightmare worse,’ the University and College Union (UCU) warned yesterday ahead of a government spending review. University staff have...

San Antonio Symphony Orchestra Strike

SAN ANTONIO Symphony Orchestra musicians have called a strike after management imposed a binding new contract on them from September 13. The Texan San Antonio...

Williamson & Jenrick Sacked

GAVIN Williamson was the first to go in Tory PM Johnson’s reshuffle yesterday as he was sacked from his post as education secretary. Then...

‘Marikana massacre demonstrated the class character of the ANC’ says South...

‘WILL VICTIMS of Marikana ever get justice under the ANC (African National Congress) government?’ asked the South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) on...

‘Child poverty is on the rise–the effects can last a lifetime’...

‘The State of Education: Poverty, the Pandemic and Recovery’ is the title of a devastating new NEU (National Education Union) survey of 10,000+ school...

‘JobKeeper’ payments removed from 1.1m Australians!

1.1 million workers in Australia will have their ‘JobKeeper’ payments removed from this week, with the Head of Treasury estimating that between 100,000 and...

No protection from unfair dismissal–for 7.5 million!

THE TUC yesterday warned that millions of workers lack basic protections if they lose their jobs in the coming months. New analysis shows that 7.5...

Overseas Operation Bill gives British State licence to kill and commit...

THE HOUSE of Lords today will be debating the Overseas Operations Bill which gives the British military a licence to kill and torture throughout...

UK’s crisis has only just begun Sunak tells parliament!

CHANCELLOR SUNAK lifted a little of the lid off of the crisis of British capitalism yesterday when he told the House of Commons, in...

Israeli occupation – a crime against humanity – 231 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS...

APARTHEID is a crime against humanity, giving rise to individual responsibility and state responsibility to bring the illegal situation to an end. In May 2020,...


AUSTRALIA’S Transport Workers’ Union (TWU) is demanding that PM Scott Morrison explains what he knew about Qantas management’s long-term decision to axe and outsource...

BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY STUDENTS BLOCKADE! – to stop the takeover of the...

THOUSANDS of people formed a human chain in the streets of the Hungarian capital Budapest on Sunday, in protest at what they say is...

PCS Fights Tate Sackings

A RALLY of over 200 PCS strikers from Tate Enterprises, employed at Tate Modern and Tate Britain galleries was held on Saturday outside the...

Wage theft in Aussie universities

‘WAGE theft is flourishing in Australian universities, with at least three elite institutions in the midst of underpayment scandals!’ says the National Education Union...

‘Release Assange From Prison Immediately!’

IN THE run-up to the resumption of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange’s US extradition trial in September, and to mark his birthday on 3rd July,...

COVID-19s BRUTAL IMPACT ON NHS says BMA leader Chaand Nagpaul

Thousands of cancer patients have not received the care they need and their conditions have worsened owing to the focus on Covid-19, the British...

Khadija Saye: Breath is Invisible

Khadija Saye 1992-2017 236 Westbourne Grove W11 2RH Until August 7th BY LUCY LAVER WITH THE reconvening of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry on Monday and the...

Bosses to get £1,000 for keeping workers on for 3 months...

FEARFUL of workers’ fury at mass unemployment when furloughing ends, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled a plan to try to persuade bosses to keep...

Young People Face ‘Surging Housing Prices, Stagnating Wages And Rising Student...

‘YOUNG PEOPLE have been ignored by the government,’ Cat Smith MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Young People said reacting to the new Institute For...

Black Lives Matter: 60,000 Rally And March In London

SIXTY THOUSAND youth and older workers joined the Black Lives Matter march in London on Saturday, from Parliament Square to the Home Office, then...

Israeli Forces Demolish Homes Across The West Bank

ISRAELI forces on Saturday night notified the families of three alleged Palestinian attackers of their intention to demolish their houses across the occupied West...

Israeli Forces Demolish Homes Across The West Bank

ISRAELI forces on Saturday night notified the families of three alleged Palestinian attackers of their intention to demolish their houses across the occupied West...


WRP parliamentary candidate for Camberwell and Peckham Joshua Ogunleye had a warm welcome for his socialist policies at the London College of Arts Camberwell...