Wrack Condemns Backstabber Khan


FIRE Brigades Union general secretary Matt Wrack yesterday responded to London mayor Sadiq Khan’s decision to backstab Corbyn and urge Labour voters to ditch him as leader and vote for Owen Smith in the party’s leadership contest.

Asked to comment on the BBC, Wrack said: ‘I’m a little bit disappointed but it’s probably no great surprise. Sadiq comes from that part of the Labour Party that was in government under Blair and Brown.

‘It is disappointing, nevertheless. Jeremy Corbyn gave full support to Sadiq in his campaign for mayor, as did a number of unions including my own. Sadiq hasn’t consulted us or Labour Party members across London about this latest statement.

‘I think a lot of people will be quite let down by that.’

On Khan’s allegations about Corbyn and the EU Referendum vote, Wrack said: ‘I read the article this morning and thought that was the most silliest part of it. Alan Johnson led that campaign for Labour. He lost heavily in his own constituency as did a whole number of Labour MPs who are criticising Jeremy Corbyn over this issue. Whereas Jeremy Corbyn won in his own backyard.

‘I think Jeremy Corbyn’s approach reflected the views of a great many of ordinary voters. That’s how you engage with people by actually acknowledging the concerns that they have.’

Pressed over the FBU leadership’s support for Corbyn Wrack said: ‘Many of our members, over many years, are quite cynical of politicians who often sound the same, look the same, spout the same policies.

‘Jeremy Corbyn is different. He’s been consistent. When our pensions were under attack, Jeremy Corbyn stood by us. Others did not. When our pay has been under attack Jeremy Corbyn stood by us. Others did not do so.

‘When jobs are slashed in the fire service Jeremy Corbyn has stood up for us. Others have not done so. We wait to see if Sadiq Khan, for example, will honour his pledges to end the cuts in the fire service and see some investment in the fire service, and other public services.’