Tamil Protests To Continue Until Permanent Ceasefire

Tamils continuing their non-stop demonstration against Sri Lankan army atrocities outside parliament yesterday
Tamils continuing their non-stop demonstration against Sri Lankan army atrocities outside parliament yesterday

‘Ceasefire Now! Stop the Genocide! Tamil Tigers – Freedom Fighters!’ shouted Tamils demonstrating in support of brave hunger striker Parameswaran Subramaniyan yesterday.

Around 1,000 were gathered at the side of Parliament Square.

Jana Pratheepan of British Tamil Students told News Line: ‘Parameswaran is still on hunger strike.

‘He is determined to carry on until we have a permanent ceasefire.

‘The demonstration is going well, people are coming up all the time.

‘We want a ceasefire. They have to stop killing our people.

‘The British government has to ask the Sri Lankan government to come to a permanent ceasefire.

‘In a 24-hour ceasefire last week they were still firing on Tamil civilians.

‘The workers of Britain need to take action. The whole world needs to take action.’

Petrol station worker Praba Subran added: ‘I’ve taken the day off to take part in the demonstration.

‘Back home, the Sri Lankan Army is killing my Tamil people.

‘Every day more than 200 people die and hundreds more are severely injured.

‘The Sri Lankan Army is using banned chemical weapons and cluster bombs.

‘The Tamil Tigers are freedom fighters not terrorists. They look after the Tamil people.

‘There is also a serious problem with lack of food and medicines. Many Tamils are starving now. There is no food and small children are dying of hunger.

‘We want the war to stop.’