SUPPORT OUR STRUGGLE! – Gate Gourmet workers urge Biennial Conference

TGWU leader Tony Woodley made haste when Gate Gourmet workers tried to approach him
TGWU leader Tony Woodley made haste when Gate Gourmet workers tried to approach him

A PACKED meeting of over 100 Gate Gourmet locked out workers and delegates to the TGWU Biennial Conference in Brighton took place yesterday lunchtime.

Locked-out worker Lakhinder Saran explained to the meeting that when they came to work at 6.00am on August 10, 2005, the Gate Gourmet workers found that casual workers had been brought into the plant to take on their jobs.

‘We went to the canteen as instructed by our own union officers and we were sacked at 11.00am when we were still waiting for our union officers to tell us what to do.’

She continued: ‘The company had made a plan to sack all of us – 800 altogether.

‘When the other workers at the airport heard what had happened, they came out in support and only went back when Woodley told them to.’

Fellow locked-out worker Jaswinder Kumar reported: ‘At our employment tribunal, we learned the real face of British justice.

‘The tribunal decided for Gate Gourmet, which was run by the venture capitalist Texas Pacific.

‘Our evidence was not believed by the judge but all the evidence of the employer was accepted.

‘The judge said she didn’t believe us and said we were just stirring trouble.’

Kumar concluded: ‘We must have a fighting leadership in our union.

‘We are asking delegates to support us and urge delegates to demand a national demonstration in support of our struggle and all those who fight the venture capitalists today.’

The Gate Gourmet workers got great support from the meeting.

Region One passenger transport delegate, Betty Gallagher, said: ‘My heart goes out to you as trade unionists.

‘The union leadership has treated you as sacrificial lambs.’

Taj Sahan, from Bradford 8/9-8 branch, said: ‘I am horrified to hear the way you have been treated.

‘What needs to be done now is to write to each individual branch and ask for support.

‘I think the majority of members would support you.’

Sacked Liverpool docker, Kevin Robinson, from Region Six, said: ‘I remember when the Hillingdon workers were in struggle, we gave them support.

‘We were in struggle with the T&G because they wouldn’t make our dispute official for 28 months.

‘Our only crime was that we refused to cross a picket line.

‘On Saturday, two days ago, we challenged the union’s role in our dispute.

‘We heard that the employer offered to reinstate the workers and they informed the union full-time officer of that offer and he refused to report it to the workforce.

‘On Saturday we heard that each member who was in that struggle will get a paltry £5,000.

‘I have every sympathy with your struggle.

‘As a section of the workers, you have been left out in the cold by Woodley.’

Iggy Vaid, TGWU General Executive Council member, from Heathrow Airport, said: ‘I spoke on your behalf at the Executive meeting yesterday when the dockers came up.

‘If the union officer didn’t give the right information to the dockers, the same could apply in your case.

‘If the union didn’t give the Gate Gourmet members the right information, then they also deserve the support of the union.

‘Let’s examine whether there is a case.’

A collection raised over £100 for the locked-out workers.