State witch-hunt on labour


THE witchhunt against the Labour Party and its leader Corbyn is being stepped up with the news that The Equalities and Human Rights Commission is considering launching a formal investigation into alleged anti-Semitism in the party.

‘The Labour Party may have unlawfully discriminated against Jewish people’, the UK state’s human rights watchdog says.

The Labour Party responded: ‘We completely reject any suggestion the party has acted unlawfully and will be co-operating fully with the EHRC.’

Once the EHRC’s formal letter is received by Labour, the party will have 14 days to respond to the concerns raised.

Depending on the response, the commission can take enforcement action ranging from a voluntary agreement with the party to a full-blown investigation.

If a formal investigation was launched, the EHRC would request interviews with key figures in the party and have the power to demand access to correspondence, emails and other information to determine how Labour dealt with allegations of anti-Semitic discrimination.

The action comes in response to complaints from a number of organisations and individuals, including the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.

An Equality and Human Rights Commission spokesperson said: ‘Having received a number of complaints regarding anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, we believe Labour may have unlawfully discriminated against people because of their ethnicity and religious beliefs.

‘Our concerns are sufficient for us to consider using our statutory enforcement powers.

‘As set out in our enforcement policy, we are now engaging with the Labour Party to give them an opportunity to respond.’

If the watchdog concludes Labour has a case to answer, it could launch an inquiry under section 20 of the Equalities Act which would examine whether the party’s internal processes were compliant with the law.

A Labour Party spokesman said: ‘Labour is fully committed to the support, defence and celebration of the Jewish community and its organisations.’

The vast majority of Labour Party members and workers regard the move as part of a witchhunt of the Labour Party by the UK ruling class that wants to divide Labour before a general election which it is convinced it will lose if Labour is not split!